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Torrid Disarray had been born into her life as a vampire. She had no control over it and learned to live with it. She'd observed other vampires in the past, some that could fit into typical societies via walking under umbrellas constantly. Torrid supposed she could go to that hassle, but the idea of constantly having her magic levitate a large umbrella to insure she didn't hurt her eyes or pale colored fur was less than appealing. As a result, she tended to stick to darker areas, lurking around in the Autumn section, where her season was anyway. However, while lurking in the shadows seemed to be in the best interest of her physical health, she found herself to be restless. She wanted to kick things, to break and shatter objects to achieve a delightful sound; she wanted to cause mass chaos! And perhaps more than any of that, she wanted to surround herself in like-minded ponies.

So, she started to look around, keeping her ears alert to rumors of daredevil creatures. It was thanks to a passing traveler that came through Bone Town, a prissy stallion looking for a gang called the Pit Vipers, supposedly a band of ruffians. Exactly what Torrid was looking for! So, she tracked this dolled up stallion, all the way into the Summer lands. She had stalled at the summer border, knowing that with the summer lands, there would be a lot of sunlight. Something she wasn't too thrilled about. So, she stayed away from the summer for a while. She waited at a small community just outside of the summer borders, hoping that one of these infamous Pit Vipers would venture out of their seasonal territory. It took her the better part of five months to realize that this wasn't going to work, trying to wait them out. So, she gathered up what resources she could, packing them safely away in her saddle bags and avoiding the judgmental stares of the community ponies and that very evening, she headed into the summer territory. She headed straight to the forest on instinct. Trees meant shade and even though the sun wasn't out, she still preferred the shadows cast from the foliage than walking openly in the streets.

"Watch as the Pit Vipers live in the middle of town." She huffed to herself as she walked. "Or watch as the prissy stallion walked right through this season's territory and they're actually in the Winter group and I've been waiting around, trying to work up my nerve to explore here all this time for nothing. UGH!" Having worked herself up into an irritated frenzy, she turned on the nearest tree and slammed her front hooves into it. "Why... can't this... gang be... more... obvious?!" She shouted at the tree as she kicked it, wishing it would splinter under her hooves, so she might get some reprieve from her frustration. At least nopony had heard her outburst... or had they...?

One Little Jay