Three days had passed. Neither had said that word or even thought of it.

Cucuaranath, lazy and relaxed in everything that he'd ever done, always a dragon that was overjoyed to spend his time in the company of others, had taken to disappearing the moment the day was done. Maybe it was that he didn't wish to talk to others, or relive what they had gone through as others in the Weyrling group talked about it and prepared for their final sevenday of lessons. Some had asked him about it at lunch or dinner, why his blue seemed to slink away when he'd be right in the center of any chatting otherwise, but X'ael only shrugged and went back to shoveling food in his face.

What his dragon was feeling and didn't want to talk about was something he felt deeply as well. Darkness filled both of their dreams and no amount of sunshine from those they shared the night with helped ease it, not after the last jump from the past to the present.

Between loomed over them and neither would talk about it, afraid that the next lesson would be the last lesson that they'd ever participate in.

We should talk to them about it, maybe? He offered from where he sat on the steps to the hut, boots dug into the sand and a head across his lap. Why bother them? Was Cucuaranath's only response, tilting his head where it lay so that his headknobs pushed against X'ael's stomach, a silent request for his jaw to be scratched. His hands complied slowly, making certain not to miss any areas that might need extra oil as he did so, always in the habit of checking after the days of his blue's rapid growth.

He had to be close to stopping soon, but would he get to that full length was the question now. Only the next lesson would tell and it loomed before them with each passing day.

Between called to them and Cucuaranath's eyes went white as they always did thinking about it.