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“Where are we going Utako?” Tu asked as they walked. They had left Anvesana Caritra days ago and Tu still had no idea where they were going. Whenever he asked Utako, the lion would respond by telling him not to ruin the surprise. Surprises were fine, but the more they walked, the more certain Tu was that Utako was lost and that he was just stalling for time.

“Can't we change course and find something exciting? I want to go back home with stories of fun and adventure not 'I walked here then there and then came home.'” Tu whined. When he learned that Utako was a god, all he thought about was how epic it would be to travel with him. However Utako primarily stayed in his boring lion moral form. He hardly ever shape shifted even when Tu begged him.

Utako stopped and look down at Tu. Part of him regretted bringing the little leopard with him. He thought that Tu would understand that going on these journey's were not always action packed, that sometimes it was just quiet walking. But apparently Tu wanted adventure now.

“Okay, well I was planning on stopping by an acquaintance on our way back, but if you need some sort of entertainment we can see her now. She's a bit of a treasure hunter so she might take us on a little adventure. But I make no promises that she will actually take us on one.” Utako said. He wasn't even sure how Iyubi would react to seeing him. His last interaction with her wasn't exactly the greatest. It was becoming a bit of a habit to leave mortals annoyed with him.

“A treasure hunter?!” Tu said with a huge smile. He bounced around excitedly. “That would be something to brag about! Think if I brought something special back for mom and by siblings! They would be so proud.”

They would ask him so many questions about how he got the treasure, what perils he went to get it. It would be the perfect story!

“Alright, well lets get a move on then. She shouldn't be too far.” Utako said, before changing the direction they were going. The two of them continued their walk, with Tu filled with excitement once more, not realizing it would still be a while until they found Utako's treasure hunter.

Iyubi had a string of bad luck. First was her run-in with Utako and his cheetah daughter Katone. Others might see it as a blessing to meet a god. Before she met Utako she would have thought the same. Sure they had fun, but because of him she lost her treasure AND he never came back for her. She waited for him and everything. Then there was Venera, a fellow hyena who seemed sweet and caring only to turn out to be a conniving thief.

She hated both of them.

All the treasure she lost because of those two being selfish. If she ever saw them again she was sure she would rip one of their ears off and wear it as a warning sign to everyone else not to mess with her.

Even her luck after Utako and Venera left was bad. None of her treasure hunts seemed to yield anything spectacular. Most bones she found were cracked and fragmented.

But this outing would be successful. It had to be. After so much bad luck eventually things needed to turn around.

At least that is what she thought until she saw a familiar orange maned lion in the distance. On his back was a little feline critter. She cursed quietly and prayed that the lion wasn't who she thought he was. This was the day that was meant to be her return to good fortune.

“Tu! Hey you should be well rested now.” Utako said to the resting leopard on his back. Tu slowly opened his eyes and looked around. The sun was still out. They were away from the desert and more in a rocky area. “And I see someone in the distance. Could be my friend I was talking about.”

Slowly Tu got off of Utako and jumped to the ground. He looked in the distance to see who Utako was referring to. Then he saw a green figure and got excited.

“WE ARE FINALLY GOING TREASURE HUNTING!” Tu yelled, feeling more awake. Without asking Utako, he decided to run ahead and meet the treasure hunter. After taking a nap on Utako he was ready to go on a real adventure. He hoped that the treasure hunter would like him and he would make a new friend.

Iyubi was about to turn around and get the heck away from the lion and his companion, but then she saw the little one running toward her. It hit her that she shouldn't be the one to run. It was her turn to cause misfortune to those who would ruin her hunt. She stood her ground as the leopard got closer.

“Get away from me if you value your life.” She growled when the leopard got close.

When Tu heard her speak, he stopped and frowned. He looked back at Utako with a look of confusion. The god was still a little ways back, but was slowly catching up. Tu turned back to the hyena. “Utako said that you might be his friend. We wanted to go treasure hunting with you.” Tu explained. He hoped that Utako had the right creature. She seemed really really scary.

“Utako seems to have forgotten how our last interaction went. He took my treasure and then abandoned me.” Iyubi said threw clenched teeth. She looked at the little leopard carefully. He didn't look anything like the cheetah she had encountered. She wondered if the leopard was one he adopted.

Finally Utako caught up. He looked at Iyubi and gave her a friendly grin.

“Greetings Iyubi! Glad to see that you are doing well.” He said. Tu quickly went to Utako and hid behind him. “It's okay Tu. This is Iyubi, she's the treasure hunter I was talking about.”

“He should hide. If the two of you do not get out of my sight I will make you regret looking for me.” She threatened.

Yikes, Utako thought. She was madder then he thought she'd be.

“I am here to make up for my wrong doing Iyubi. Please give me the chance to redeem myself. Tu and I would like to assist you in looking for some treasure. I swear that I will do everything in my power to make up for the treasure I lost.” Utako said quickly.

Iyubi growled, but thought about the offer. Utako could fly. It would be helpful to get an aerial view. And if he tried anything she could go after the leopard. The little thing looked like he wouldn't put up a fight.

“Alright, but I get all the treasure.” Iyubi decided. Utako nodded his head.

“Wait but I want to bring something home with me Utako.” Tu whined.

“We will find something later for you to bring home.” Utako responded. He just needed Iyubi to be willing to help right now.

Tu pouted. “Alright.” He muttered.

Iyubi laughed.

“So did you just pick this one up to? Or is he one of yours?” Iyubi asked curiously.

“Just watching him. His mother is a friend of mine.” Utako explained. Iyubi raised an eyebrow wondering if they were more then friends, but decided not to question him anymore.

“Well the two of you are in luck. I was about to go into some caves and see if there is anything worth while. Utako you can scout ahead by air. I'll keep an eye on the little one.” Iyubi instructed.

Tu pushed himself into Utako. “I want to stay with Utako. He is supposed to keep me safe.” Tu looked up at Utako pleadingly. He did not want to be along with the scary hyena.

“I'm not going anywhere Tu. I promise.” Utako said quietly. “Iyubi, for now I will stick with walking. This is Tu's first time in the rogue lands and I promised his mother I would keep him safe.”

Iyubi rolled her eyes, but ultimately agreed. She then started to lead the way to the caves.

The caves were a ways off to Tu's disappointment. They had to rest for the night before actually getting to the caves. He stayed by Utako's side and kept a close eye on Iyubi. Whenever he looked at her, she would make a scary face. Utako would tell him that she was just messing around, but Tu wasn't so sure.

When they reached the caves, Tu was ready to explore. He decided that he should 'lead' the party with Utako following him and Iyubi taking the rear.

“What type of treasure are we looking for?” Tu asked as he looked around.

“Shiny things and dead things.” Iyubi responded with a grin. Tu shivered. “If we're lucky we will run into a poor creature who got lost in here and couldn't find their way out, leaving all their belonging to me.”

They went in deeper, Tu walking slower and making sure Utako was close by. Then he spotted something. He hurried over and saw a pile of some sort.

“What is that?” he asked, poking at it.

Iyubi pushed him out of the way to get a better look. Her smile widened. “Good job cub. Well persevered bones. Just what I wanted.” She said, as she carefully picked one up. The large ones she would have to leave behind, but the small ones would be perfect for jewelry. Gently she put them in her bag. Surprisingly the hunt turned out pretty well! Not her best, but at least she had something to show for her time. “Hey cub, for your work I'll let you keep this bone.”

Iyubi passed over one of the smaller bones to Tu who grimaced.

“Do I have to keep it?” Tu whispered to Utako.

“It would be impolite if you didn't.” Utako answered with a chuckle. “I'll hold on to it for you until we get back to Anvesana Caritra.”

Tu gave it to Utako.

“Thanks Iyubi. I'll treasure it forever?” Tu did his best to sound excited. He would have much rather found 'shiny' things then dead things, but at least he has something to bring back right?

“Lets get out of here and find a place to rest for the night. Tu and I still have a ways to go before we can go back home.” Utako said. With Utako leading the way, the trio left the caves. When they finally go out, it was already night time.

“I think I'll head off now.” Iyubi said, looking up at the full moon. “I want to get back and show off my findings. Plus I really can't stand the thought of being around you anymore than I have to.” Her voice had a bit of a teasing tone.

“Have a safe trip Iyubi. Thank you for letting us go on a little adventure with you.” Utako replied.

She leaned toward him to give a kiss on his cheek, however when she got close, she grabbed a strand of gold that was in his mane with her teeth. She pulled back, ripping the gold strand out.

“OW!” Utako yelled.

“That's for last time.” Iyubi said after she put the gold strand in her bag. “Now we are even.”

Utako rubbed his head with his paw. Tu just laughed at him.

“Until next time Utako.” Iyubi said before walking away.

“You know, she wasn't that bad after all!” Tu said, with a laugh.

Utako rolled his eyes and got ready for bed.

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