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Drox waked the paths he used to when he was younger. It had been so long since he was in this area, but he knew it like he had just traveled it. With his home gone and the pride members scattered, he did not know where to go. Before he would have wanted to follow A'lan and stay by his side for all time. But the lion he considered his heart was missing. His mind was caught up in confusion and grief and he found himself going to the place he swore he would never go again.

It was strange because the memories of he had of this part of the jungle were all tied to Majanga. He remembered thinking how terrifying the place was, how he never liked staying alone here. Now looking at it, it was just like the rest of the jungle. Majanga just had a way of magnifying his fears.

As he walked he saw the spot of his old den. However, the rocks that used to form the entrance had fallen, making it a useless place to rest now. He approached it, remembering all the different things that happened. Majanga took him in after he lost his parents. The lion became his one and only family. Now that he was older, he realized that Majanga took advantage of him. He used the fact that he was alone and scared to try and make Drox a loyal follower.

He was about to move on and continue to think about what he should do with his life, when he heard the sound of steps approaching. Quickly he moved to the bushes, not wanting to be seen by anyone. His pride no longer was here. Outsiders could be taking over the land and he really really did not want to fight anyone.

Life was unpredictable. Majanga knew that. There was never a moment in his life where he could have guessed where he would end up. As a cub, he thought he would never be anything but a slave, following the orders of others. He found himself brought to a new life, one that would have greater purpose. A life of a sith. A calling to get others to follow the sith way. Drox was the first and originally he planned on having him be the only one. But when he was betrayed, he knew that he needed numbers or he would be consumed by the jedi.

He laughed to himself as he walked in the outskirts of the jedi pride, where he had once called home. The fight with the jedi seemed so pointless now. His own teacher had taught him the importance of the jedi lands and how it rightfully belong to them. Majanga thought it was his destiny to control the jedi lands and consume the jedi order and rule over them all.

Now both lands were completely deserted, with only old runes to remember the pride by. There were still some ex-pride members hanging around, maybe hoping something would happen. He ignored any that he came across, knowing that the sith and jedi were dead. And soon he would join them, letting them truly die.

Drox's eyes narrowed when he saw who it was. Worse then an outsider, the lion that caused Drox to lose so much. It had been a long time since he had even seen Majanga. It was startling to see how old the lion was starting to look. Before the sith always seemed to tower over him, but when Drox looked at him, he just saw an average size lion.

Slowly he got up from his hiding spot. Hiding was cowardly. He was no longer the same lion that had followed Majanga. Hiding from him was just showing his weakness.

“What are you doing here?” Drox said, as he walked into view of Majanga.

“Drox?” Majanga looked carefully at the blue lion with the fiery mane. He couldn't believe that he would run into Drox ever again, let alone in the pace where he raised the young lion. This was the last spot he thought Drox would return. The lavender eyes glared at him and he knew it was Drox.

“With my home gone and the jedi departed, I have few places to go. Out of all the places I have lived, this is one of the only places I ever felt peace. It seems fitting that I end my life here.” Majanga said. “I did not expect anyone else here. The area around here seem to be mostly deserted.”

There was no sign of anyone other then Drox. He thought that maybe the seer that Drox had been so fond of would be close by, but it seems that he was alone.

There were a lot of questions Drox had for his old master. He took a deep breath, not wanting his negative emotions to take hold. That was exactly what Majanga would want in this situation. The most important though was find out what happened to Tsiana. When she disappeared, he had to be stopped from going after her. She was his student and his responsibility. He had always thought that the sith took her, but he had nothing to back it up.

“I had a student. A pale cheetah named Tsiana. I want to know if she went to the sith?” Drox picked his words carefully, not wanting to outright accuse Majanga of capturing her. He wouldn't put it past him though.

Many times Majanga imagined how his next encounter with Drox would go. When he first escaped all Majanga wanted was to see the blue lion skinned before him and used as decoration. Later though he missed having the once loyal lion around and wished that things could go back to where they were. But now, honestly all Majanga wanted to see was a twisted, hate filled Drox that he knew existed, inside Drox. Having Drox kill him now would continue the cycle with Drox filling his role.

“Of course I know Tsiana. I felt that you and your pride owed me for your betrayal. Taking something you hold near and deer felt like the only suitable outcome.” Majanga said, stepping closer to Drox. He wanted to see the anger in his eyes. “Believe it or not, she was actually wavering, thinking of joining us. One of the sith caught her eyes.”

“She would never.” Drox growled, his claws coming out.

Majanga smirked at him. 'Still as easy to control as ever,' he thought.

“Tsiana and Buru, her sith guard, ran away together the moment they had the chance. It was bound to happen sooner then later if they both wanted to be happy. Neither wanted to conform to the others way of life so it was a good compromise.” Majanga said.

“There was another guest in my land who might interest you. If I had the foresight of knowing what was going to happen to my pride, I would have gone out of my way to introduce you to him. He was the only one who I felt could have brought you back to my side.” Majanga said, with a knowing smile.

“There is no one that would have convinced me to join your or the sith. You are a fool if you think other wise.” Drox responded. So Tsiana was safe. That was a relief. Once he was done here with Majanga he would set out to find her, make sure she was happy in whatever situation she was in. If Majanga was telling the truth and she found happiness with a sith, then he would just have to accept that.

“A lion named Merikh showed up claiming to be your son.” Majanga responded. “I wasn't positive he was yours until I saw his eyes. The same rage filled lavender eyes that I remember when you were growing up.”

“Stop your lying. You are getting nothing out of doing so.” Drox said harshly. He turned away from Majanga, knowing that this would only end badly if he stayed around to listen to Majanga speak. He tried not to not think too much about his son. The idea was so crazy. But he couldn't help but think that there could be a possibility.

“He wanted to meet you so badly. Just wanted to make sure you would be proud of him. I told him that you were dead though, that all you would want is for him to follow your path and be my student. It did not take much to convince him. He was willing to follow every order I gave him.” Majanga continued anyways. “Before the downfall of our pride, I intended on you meeting him. To reunite you with a son you never had. And then have you fight each other. He would have done so in a heartbeat after what you are. But fate decided that the two of you weren't destine to meet. I would have loved to see that fight though. Seeing you barely clinging to life.”

Drox stopped. He could imagine Majanga doing that. Getting enjoyment from his misery. Wherever Majanga went, he only brought hatred and destruction. If this Merikh was real, Drox could only imagine how much Majanga twisted his mind to make him be a loyal follower. It was history just repeating itself. He did not want anyone else to be used like he had.

“Maybe it is time for you to die out just like your pride.” Drox retorted as he turned around to face Majanga. So much pain had to be endured just because the jedi refused to take action against Majanga. It was about time he put an end to it.

Majanga stood his ground. This was it. His time would end. He would live on through Drox and if the gods willed it, the way of the sith would continue on.

Drox swiped at Majanga's face, the claws slicing in right under his left eye. The impact pushed Majanga back but Drox wasn't done. He rushed toward Majanga, putting all his weight toward the impact and tackled Majanga to the ground with a loud thump. Majanga snarled at Drox.

“They made you weak Drox. If you had stayed with me you would have been a strong leader, ready to do what you needed to do.” Majanga said, trying to anger Drox more. Against Drox slashed his claws, more blood dripping down his face. He pinned Majanga down to the ground, pushing down hard.

He was about to end it all, when he hesitated, his paw up in the area. Majanga was looking at him with acceptance. Slowly he lowered his paw and go off of Majanga, his limbs shaking. If someone saw him, how would they react? Would they see him becoming a monster like Majanga always wanted him to be? He imagined how A'lan would have reacted. The thought made him sick.

“Drox.” Majanga weakly, but enraged. He hated the jedi more and more for what they did to Drox. “Finish me off. If you have to do it out of 'kindness' then do it. Don't leave me to die a slowly drawn out death.”

“Maybe it will give you some time to reflect on your life. I hope you are able to see the errors you've made.” Drox said, turning away from Majanga. He had his own reflecting to do. It had been a long time since he felt such anger. He had thought that he had learned to control his negative emotion, but there it was still there. “Rest well my old teacher.”

Drox left with Majanga on the ground, quietly fuming over what had happened.

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