"Tell me again how Lifa doesn't recognize her own sire?!" Seito trailed after Yangu, following the lioness and Plouton for Zodiark. They were close, frightfully close now, but they moved carefully to mind Seito's hurts. In that time, Yangu explained what the pride of Doima was like, and her peoples. Seito did not seem to believe Lifa was dence... Or that her children were too. A glance from Plouton implored as well, and Yangu sighed.

"I don't think she'd paid attention really. He looks like he could be her son, in truth. Especially Natsumi and her brother." Yangu paused when Plouton stopped to erxamine some foilage, and nosed through it, Yangu and Seito following as the black lioness hummed thoughtfully.

"I remember hearing about him. He was.... Very polite, but he got Lifa's mother pregnant with a litter. The only reason none were enslaved was because one of them is the general... Or was, before he slaughtered everyone. Lifa.... Had run away as a cub to find better and help and we all assumed her lost."

"But she reside in this Doma. It seems particularly of nore she might not even know her own mother." Plouton cautioned. Seito hummed.

"I fon't know. But her sire fled before the massacre. I don't know who else lived and died. I weas protected by the general myself." A could. "We share a parent."

"Whoooaaaa now, you share a mother?" Yangu glanced in surprise as Seito shrugged.

"I didn't have her protection. My littermate was the heir father expected and I was an unwanted girl." Seito explained. Plouton snorted.

"Typical male bigotry I suppose, my dear. Quite dreadful business. Ah!" The male squirmed out of the tunnel into a lushcove by the sea, thich plans leading to sandy shores and warm breezes, and Plouton stretched, turning to watch Yangu and Seito emerge. Seito gasped in awe as Yangu glanced around, head tilting as she took in the surrounding mountains and hills, before looking.

"Why, this borders Doma. Why would we skirty--"

"There's trails on your mountains?" Plouton blinked at Yangu, and Seito blinked, watching the lioness assess the mountain before finding a trail, jumping to a ledge.

"Doma's land rest in the valley of this mount. As a kojin I need to search everywhere to find valuables for the shrines, or shrines themselves. Why, this entire area must be unexplored if you live here. The trail must be one of those the kamiswallowed in a storm, buit I think I can find it. And your parents ive here?" Yangu looked to Plouton, and he bowed.

"Indeed, in a cavern with pupils. Both of my parents teach, but they intend to teach harmonious cooperation. To help build and better based on local values provided they are still in tune with the gods." Plouton moved to look, befiore Seito watched Yangu, jumping to join her before lookinhg out at the land, ears pricked gently as she watched. Plouton began investigating caverns as the girls waited, before Seito looked around.

"Is Doma going to take this area too?" The question came from Seito in a note of worry, and Yangu shrugged, tilting her head.

"I don't know. Rogues hold it and the trail's an ancient one. Hien might be more interested in communication, like with a pride tothe north -- the Aegnor'hini, I hear. At least, I did beforte leaving. Demon lions, but the one whom I met was friendly enough. Made a handsome couple with her mate, too." Yangu hummed, Seito blinking.

"But it's an unclaimed border."

"If we need it, we'll talk to the locals,probably. But I can't answer save Hien will be fair and just. He claims there's creatures coming whom know herbs well enough to heal,so I wouldn't worry." Yangu rumbled soothingly before Plouton moved out and jumped up, frowning lightly.

"I haven't found anybody yet." The lion said plainly.

"No mom, no Dad, no Vigdis or Voshkod... Nobody. Does your pride have areas for prisoners?" Plouton motioned. "Holding dens? If you can find a path into your lands..."

"There's a low rank, but there was niobody assigned to that when I left -- do youthink it's become so poor?"

"I do, Yangu. Which means we need use caution and approach Nacht ourselves."

"I worry, though. We don't know if the others had any luck getting to Hien to watch, or what."

"Precisely, my dear. We need a native whom can blend in." Plouton looked apologetic. "I fear while I assure myself I'm right, I need you to enter Doma and see what can be seen." Plouton responded. Uangu frowned.

"Empty pawed from a journey?" She noted. Before Plouton could answer, Seito coughed delicately, looking to Yangu as she plucked a small branch and placed it before her.

"You found lost territory now in rogue land, and I can join you as an eager new member -- which isn't a lie. But it means my eyes are fresh and can blend in. I was a slave, but I know ther princess, so maybe I can help. Keep quiet, keep waytchful, keep careful." Seito beamed, and Plouton arched abrow inamusement, a smirk playing at his lips.

"Clever girl. I can follow your scents to find the trail, as well-- but youought to go, and see what you can see. I'll not be long." Plouron bunt Yangu softly, and licked her cheek before stewpping away, moving into the caverns once more. In a flash, UYangu moved, and nosed Plouton, the male pausing before looking to Yangu.

"Will you be alright alone?" She asked. Plouton chuckled softly.

"But of course! I'm not fond of battle, but I am adequetely trained to fight and if I'm lucky, someone is yet here. What matters is, if anyone was stolen, thay are identified and watched over by you lovely ladies. Alright?"

"I suppose. Are you sure though?"

"I am." And Plouton moved, nosing Yangu to the worn and nigh-lost trail. "Go, return to the land of your birth, to your brothers and sisyters and see what can be seen and what can be learned and do aught you can to help those affected. Both of you." Plouton bowed as Yangu reluctantly jumped up. Awito moved to ensure there was room before beaming, looking to Plouton.

"Be sage!" She crooned, and the male bowed before disappearing. Yangu's ear flicked, and then Seito nosed the lioness silently, the female turning toestfd yjr nlsvk lioness as she smiled.

"We ouight get going, then, yes?" She asked. Yangu nodded, looking back once before a gentle bunt encouraged her along her way and the lioness promptly began to study the mountain gface, slowly guiding Seito along the ancient, worn and nigh-forgotten trail as they moved to return -- and join -- the pride of Doma, the branch proving the forgotten trail's territory's existance since picked up and held in Yangu's jaws. Surely, surely this was worthy of the kojin.