Yangu wasn't used to being far from Doma for so long. Sure, the call of the Kojin led to roaming, but shje'd been hesitant to engage in travel, instead opting to home duties and organizing the sacred objects for the priesthood of Doma -- respect the past, respect the elderts, even hrough the plague. But now shje followed a stranger by herself, promising to end her journey to find he whom might save her pride.

Now if only her guide wasn't an insufferable flirt. Plouton was a nice enough male, and took care to be kind and gentle with the female, but he was in no way platonically interested in her. He refused to allow her to hunt, he refused to allow her to want -- she styill collected potentyial relics, but he was a complete dork insisting on providing. He'd even brought her a flower to wear behind her ear as they moved for his parents, an object Yangu wore tucked behind her eart even now. She justy wasn't used to such attention, and the lioness knew it.

Yangu hummed thoughtfully as sdhe explored today, the tyrip pausing for hunting and exploring and Yango walked throughthe grass curiously, looking about with wide eyes as she took in sights and sounds that distracted and enthralled, and the lioness' focus soon found the form of a dark pelted lioness laying in the grass un,oving. Almost immediately, the paler, brown lioness moved for the figure in worry, and pressed her nmose near the other's muzzle.

Seito didn't know why she'd thought approaching strange felines was okay. She knew hyenas could be a problem but leopards? The dark lioness had approached in curiousity, making no move to hide herself, but the others didn't like a stranger near their kill, and the lioness was attacked quickly. And Seito, seeing no reason to defend herself -- after all, she had intruded! - now lay in pain in the grass alone for hours, trying to hope she wouldn't trouble natives to the area overmuch. The lioness was half unconcious when her eyes, seeing light and motion from pain, noted something moving by her. A muzzle near hers, before someone wormed underneith the female to lift her and move, and Seito let the world slip away to dream nice dreams of the past, of her brother. She was so lost alone... She was so lost, she wanted to be found and to learn, she really did, but maybe she wouldn't...

The lioness seemed to fully wake hours later and Yangu shifted when she did, rising to press the makeshift poultice to her injuries gently. Kojin were not proper healers, but Yangu knew a little for emergencies, and it seemed now had been onesuch case, the lioness shushing her gently. Plouton had stopped by when Yangu brought the poor lioness to their space., and left when Yangu suggested finding her companions, if any. The black female whimpered and shifted again, and Yangu moved to let her layupright -- a good sign as the poultices stuck to her wounds and Yangu smiled as the females' eyes slowly fell to her.

"I... Oh... I'm sorry, was... Was I in your territory?" The black lioness asked. Seito trembled fearfully, and Yangu internally frowned at her fear, but shook her head.

"I'm travelling with a friend. Are you slright? You look so hurt..."

"Oh... That's my stupid, bothering leopards withtheir kill." Seito looked to her paws, and Yangu snorted.

"Leopards without manners then. I'd think they'd warn you off or just move. I may be hated in my home, but nobody attacks me. I keep my nose clean and do my best for my pride. You shouldn't expect to be attacked by anybody." Yngu snorted, and Seito winced, ears pinning as she did before slowly tilting her head.

"Ah! But... But it was their kill, I was omytidomg gpomg c;pse/ That's fair, right? Defending their food from a stray like me..." Seito fidgeted, and Yangu sighed.

"Like fun it is. You don't deserve an attack for just approaching. If I see those leopards, I'll knock some sense and manners into them. You're a rogue?" Yangu switched topics then, ears pricking. "And alone?"

"I... Guess... And... Yes? My pride was sundered.... Uhm... I promise not to be bother, I --"

"Huh. How do you survive alone?" Yangu asked. Seito blinked in surprise.

"I hunt small prey. I don't have help so I keep it safe, and uhm. I'm just cautious. Why are you away from your home? Homes are important."

"A nasty lioness is trying to control a dear friend in my pride. I seek a male she tutored under to stop her."

"Even if they don't like you...? You're very brave." Seito blinked, watching as Yangu moved, approaching a kill before ripping a hunk from it, and carrying it to Seito, dropping the meat. For a moment, Seito watched in confusion, before devouring it gratefully, Yangu nodding and smiling.

"My friend is the pride's King. He likes me and knows I am nit my ancestors' sins. We've all sorts whom seek peace and honor among us, and we we;cp,e outsiders. The princess, Lifa, was adopted into the pride before plague took many and she pulled us togwther until Hien returned-"

"Lifa?" Seito looked up, eyes large in awe. "Pale, blue legs with one green? Odd shoulder marking? Face notches?" Seito tried to rise, and failed, Yangu bringing another peice of the kill to her before blinking.

"Yes, that's the princess. She's had a litter, good kids -- and her sire's cropped up."

"Lifa's alive though... She was from my home pride -- a free lioness, if but because her brother could lay low the entire pride. But he disappeared and she left young... When her brother returned, he slaughtered our leaders. I believe she has another sibling, but I know her!" Seito blinked, eyes wide as Yangu blinked, head tilting. Suddenly, Seito made sense. Lifa spook little of home, but 'home' sounded dreadful when she did. Without question, Yangu sighed, and motioned.

"Then you should join me. Come to Doma, you can be free and safe and hjappythere. Hien would never turn away anyone in need, and if there's an old pridemate, then it's something better if you were friends. Bythe by. I'm Yangu."

"Meet Lifa's sire... Join.... A pride...? See her alive? I... I'd be welcome?" Seio asked. Yangu nodded, and Seito smiled faintly, tears welling in her eyes. "I'd...I'd like that. Very much. When I heal, I can work hard, too. I'm a good hunter. I dion't cause trouble, either! Er. Oh, my name is Seito." There was an awkward noise after that, and Yangu laughed.

"We';; rest a cpu[;e dayus ,pre tp ;et ypu ,end then. Seito.... And then move for help and then to Doma. Okay?"

"Yes... Thank you." Seito smiled shyly, before laying her head on her paws, feeling a need to sleep and rest as, to her mind's slow process as sleep took over, Yangu slipped away to find Plouton to update him of the new companion. FFor once, Seito felt safe.