Silver Vein sat down and started going through some of the treasures she had collected over the last few days.

Ode to Chocolate had taken to wandering a little more. Preferring to follow scents on the wind, than to use her eyes to choose a direction. This landed her in some interesting situations.

Silver Vein perked her ears up at the sound of someone coming her way. She started attempting to tuck her treasures under her tail since she didn't know who was coming her way and if they might try to take her treasures.

"What have you got there?" Ode piped up as the coon came into view, she watched as it scrambled to hide some objects. She wore an easy grin and merry tone.

Silver gave the wolf a cheeky smiled "Would you believe me if I said nothing?"

"Not one bit." She laughed, and chose not to press the subject further by sitting. She gave her bob-tail a good wag and tossed her head a little. "Names Ode to Chocolate, or Ode for short. What's yours?"

Silver Vein was glad the wolf had let go the questions and wasn't forcing the issue of what was under her tail. Since the wolf was bigger she clearly had the power to knock Silver over if she wished and see what she was hiding. "Nice to meet you Ode to Chocolate. Ode certainly will be easier to remember. I am Silver Vein."

Ode gave the tail a slight glimpse, but still made no move to do much more. Curiosity might get the better of her at some point, but not now. "Silver Vein, that's lovely. Goes with the silver I glimpse in that lovely pelt of yours." She smiled warmly. "Do you like to hunt for treasure? Or do you happen upon it?"

Silver looked down at her tail to see if some of the pieces of silver were sticking out of her tail. She was hardly thinking of her actual pelt color with the comment. "Umm well I.." She laughed, pretty sure the jig was up. "Well yes I am, I dig for silver, gold, pretty stones." She moved her tail fairly certain ode had seen already. She had little pieces of silver, gold, and some various shiny stones.

She snickered slightly - the jig was up - as Silver's tail moved Ode's eyes lit up. "Such a lovely stash!" She admired happily. "You've got yourself quite the collection of items."

Silver smiled "Thank you I have worked very hard to collect everything, it's important to know where to look and helpful to have little paws for digging and gathering." She said proudly "So what do you do Ode?"

"Your paws must be very useful, mine are a little to big for that type of adventure." She mused and glanced towards a now lifted paw. "Hm?" Pulled from her few second staring contest with her paws she had to consider the answer. "I haven't gotten one thing or another in particular. But I do love to travel."

Silver smiled "Travel is nice, you never know what treasures are in new lands." she said in a bright happy tone.

"Well maybe if I see anything I will remember you when I do?" Ode was quite serious, even if she wore a half smile now. "What would you say to that? Or perhaps you could come with me?"

Silver Vein considered the offer "I have no place that I claim as a forever home so traveling with you would be just fine with me, if you will help me from being another wolf's snack I will gladly share the treasure I collect with you." She said holding out some of the silver and some clear shiny green stones.

"Deal Silver Vein!" The offer was one she couldn't refuse. "They are beautiful, but you keep them for now - if that was an offer, you have a better way to hold them." Or so she assumed. The whole thing reminded her of her mother's satchel - something she ought to get one day it seemed.

Silver Vein smiled brightly "That is fine perhaps we can find someone skilled at making trinkets and you can have something pretty fashioned. I don't make much more than baskets made of grass." She could find the treasures it was someone else's job to make them into pretty stuff.