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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] So Far, So Big (Phry, Aryale + Dergs)

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Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 10:39 am
"You're not gonna fit in here for much longer," Aryale mused, as though no other dragon in the clutch could have possibly been bigger than her Yaguareth by now. The green was sprawled restlessly in her wallow, feeding off the energy that her beloved chewed at now. There was a lot to think about - lessons, her father, her brother, another baby sibling on the way. But right then, all Aryale wanted to think about was the beautiful green dragon in front of her.

Oh, how lucky the others were to not know they should be jealous.

Yaguareth, for her part, was happy to soak up that attention, keeping it from wandering into stressed territory. There is nothing that can hold me - besides you, that is she answered confidently. She knew in both her hearts Aryale wouldn't hold either of them back, though.


It was much to Kleoth's dismay that she was growing so larger unlike like some of her siblings. Though she could still fit inside the barracks, she was aware of her size now and didn't wish to crowd any of her beloved brothers and sisters. The queen quietly settled outside with the inherent dignity she always possessed. Phryana had stroked her eyeridges and kissed her quietly before heading inside, intending on bathing.

She paused as she passed by Aryale, unconsciously lingering for a moment. She knew the girl had been having an extremely rough time as of late. It wasn't so long ago that she didn't care about anything that didn't affect her directly. Maybe it was Kleoth that made the difference, or maybe she just felt safe enough to let some of her guard down.

"She's gotten so big," She noted, her dark eyes wandering over Yaguareth's frame. She seemed nearly as muscular as Kleoth, just on a smaller scale.


Aryale uncrossed her legs off the side of her bed, smiling. "She has! Maybe she'll just grow forever and be the biggest green anybody on Pern has ever seen," it was nonsense, of course, but Yaguareth was special. Could everybody else see that too? "Maybe she'll catch up with Kleoth," she leaned back to motion with her head towards where the gold had tucked herself in.

As she did, Yaguareth stirred, rising up to her feet to lumber outside with interest. Only once did she pause, pressing her snout against Aryale's forehead affectionately, then nosing at Phryana as well. After that, she stepped outside. Left alone to wait - is the scenery at least pleasant to behold?


"I wouldn't doubt it," Phryana's voice was fond, and there was no doubt in her mind that those feelings were colored by her dragon. As far as Kleoth was concerned, her siblings were perfection incarnate. She would fight tooth and limb for them, and loved them so fiercely that it made her own heart ache. When the green nudged her gently, she gently cupped her snout to place a kiss on the soft hide before letting her go.

Never left behind. Kleoth chided playfully, lifting her head to regard her sister with swirling eyes of blue. I could never imagine living anywhere else. She admitted, craning her head up to stare at the stars. The warm breeze, the sound of the ocean... No one could ever ask for more. Still, I envy your smaller size at times. Yaguareth would understand her feelings, so Kleoth would let them through.


Had it been someone less familiar, Aryale may have been slightly offended at the affection shown Yaguareth. But so close to sister, it was a gesture like Kleoth would have given. Simple and easily dismissed. She smiled. "Kleoth gets more and more lovely every day. She's quite the lady."

Had she more sass or vinegar in her, there would have been more play in Yaguareth's step as she walked over to settle in the sand near her sister. I am hardly much smaller, she said, spreading her wings so Kleoth could admire them. You think much bigger than the barracks could fit, Yaguareth looked up towards the sky as well with a thoughtful thrum, nothing in her tone saying that her words were mocking. Yaguareth never would have.


Phryana's scarred lips pulled into a genuine smile of pleasure, her gaze uncharacteristically tender as she stared off into space. "She is," The young queen took her breath away and always would. Kleoth was not a delicate, soft creature, but instead radiated strength and grace. "They're an eye-catching bunch." Between their bold markings and their colorful personalities--biased she might be, but it was an enviable clutch.

The gold tilted her head to better admire her sister's broad wingspan, crooning low in her throat. Forgive me. It was not meant to be a slight. Kleoth affectionately rubbed her cheek against the green's, still rumbling with contentment. Perhaps. You realize how soon it will be until we can take to the skies ourselves? But of course Yaguareth knew. It was in their ichor, and she shifted her own wings minutely. Their training progressed well so far, and each day took them that much closer to being able to fight.


Leaning forward again, Aryale tucked her legs back underneath her. "I mean, Yaguareth was part of it. That automatically means Western has peaked in terms of clutches," she said, only half joking. There would still be many fine dragons to come, after all. Just none of them would be the spectacular being that was Hers. Did older riders feel that way too? Would she feel differently when her younger siblings were old enough to Stand? When she had kid- Aryale dismissed the line of thought there. No, none of that for her, Thank You.

I was not slighted Yaguareth assured, leaning her head into the offered nuzzle contently with a hum. Being green sized was not a bad thing, even if Aryale held fantasies of her growing larger than any other dragon. She had nothing to compensate for. She was more than ready to fly, though. The sky is not ready for us, but it will have to be when the time comes. it was true of much of their lives - they did not get to live a way that waited for them to be ready for any of it. One step closer to the fight, and we will make it quake in fear.


A brow quirked with amusement at that, but she didn't contradict. "I think some might be inclined to agree," With Western's politics, baffling to most Weyrs, such a strong-minded group was most welcome here. Back at High Reaches, those chromatic colors with ambition would have been stomped flat... and Kleoth would be expected to lead, alongside her twin and bronze brother. Phryana had no doubt the queen was capable, but frankly, Kleoth had little interest in such a thing unless it was necessary. "I never really thought about what it would mean for them to be shelled here, instead of another Weyr," Phryana gave voice to her thoughts, choosing to share them instead of hiding everything away.

Though Kleoth hadn't really thought her sister took offense, it was still reassuring to hear it confirmed. Her heartbeats quickened at such words, and despite it all, she could not help the small thrill that shot through her. Though she was composed as ever, small flickers of orange temporarily swirled through her eyes. We will. For all the hurt and suffering it dared to inflict upon our loved ones. She would rip the Red Star itself from the sky, if she could.


There was no room for ifs in Aryale's heart right then - no wondering if she'd have gone to High Reaches if Yaguareth had been shelled there, no 'what would that have meant for us'. As much as Aryale was a Western Rider - oh, how that thought made her heart pound like it did for nothing and nobody else - Yaguareth was a Western Dragon. "She could be shelled nowhere else, just as she could have had nobody else. How lucky for you to get to live here now!" as she spoke, Aryale smiled, throwing her hands up almost theatrically. The act nearly sent her rolling onto her back with enthusiasm. "I mean, it has to not be the worst of ideas if you risked it, right?"

There were still many of their siblings who while ready in instinct perhaps were not as ready in heart and Yaguareth was ready to counsel and lift all of them up to their utmost if they needed her. She'd been born ready and there was no fear or doubt in her hearts. I will fight twice as hard for those who may never flame and fly again. There was no doubt who she had in mind.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 3:41 pm
Aryale's frankness was enough to surprise her into a laugh, and Phryana shook her head slowly. "You're right," She admitted. Kleoth was a Western dragon to her very core--the mere thought of others wanting to leave still struck the young queen with a sense of disbelief. "I am lucky," Phryana smiled at the younger woman in turn. It was odd, being able to share such intimate feelings--but Aryale had Impressed too, had felt that life-altering sensation of Yaguareth coming into her life. "I never really expected to Impress." It had all been a facade, just another role to play... right up until the moment when Kleoth had come to her, calm and confident.

I know you will. Where Kleoth was ready to rise up and bolster the spirits of all, she'd never needed to do so with her green sister. Yaguareth was brave and good, a most capable leader. Though Kleoth would never begrudge her siblings for their ability to flame, she knew she would always hold them in admiration for it. I wish to be with you in spirit, able to truly fight where I cannot.



Territorial Friend


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 9:09 am
Aryale couldn't have imagined life anywhere but Western Weyr. Part of it was being born and raised there...but she'd never in her life thought about leaving. Not the way Yura apparently had. She'd had the comfort of being safe and secure in who and where she was her entire life. Even her run in with Erastan was a mere blip on the radar now. At least, she liked to think it was.

"Really? I've dreamt of a green my entire life," maybe a Gold was what some girls dreamt of even at Western, but she came from Greenriders. She'd always known the only dragon for her would be the same - and she'd been right. "You didn't entertain the thought at all even as a candidate?" Aryale wasn't privvy to Phryana's history, it was none of her business as far as she was concerned, but....

Yaguareth thrummed at Kleoth's words. You will always be truly fighting. It does not take flame to do battle. My Aryale does not flame and she will fight just as much as you will have to put your faith in Yours to flame for you.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:56 pm
"Really," Phryana agreed, her lips quirking up slightly. "I grew up as a courtesan," Her history wasn't something she was ashamed of, and since Impressing Kleoth, it felt more safe to be a bit more open, a bit more honest. "When I was thrown out, I thought I'd starve or freeze to death. I managed to convince a rider to take me back to High Reaches... and I only thought of it as a temporary shelter until I could figure out what I was going to do."

And oh, how'd she'd debated even coming to Western! She couldn't be more grateful that she had, even if it had meant leaving important people behind.Because Kleoth had been here... "I started to," She admitted, "And that was why I ultimately decided to participate in the swap," Aryale actually got a grin at that. They both knew how that had ended up.

You always know how to make me feel so silly, Yaguareth. In truth, her sister's words made her feel better. She hadn't considered it that way, and who deserved to flame more than her beloved Phryana? Thank you. She said simply, nuzzling against the green.



Territorial Friend


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Jan 02, 2020 5:50 pm
Dragons certainly didn't like one cut and paste sort of person, but Aryale never really realized how different life was for someone when they weren't born in the safety and love that she had. It was always her default - why wouldn't everybody else grow up dreaming of dragons and being loved and safe?

Maybe she was just silly for it. We can make it that way, if that is what you want, They could be so fierce and strong that nobody had to be in danger. If Aryale wanted to save everybody, Yaguareth would move Between and Beyond to see her to it. Aryale sent a wave of love back to her.

"Well Western is lucky to have you - I'm sure High Reaches would have loved as fine of a Gold as Kleoth is," though her tone implied it would have been for all the wrong reasons. "And if they didn't appreciate you without her, for the better they can't change their minds because she's here now."


Yaguareth leaned into Kleoth contently, half kneading the stand with her front feet. You are not silly - you simply weren't looking at it the way you needed to. I will always be here to offer you counsel when you need it, dearest Kleoth. Just as she would any of their siblings. She would steady all of their hearts.

PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2020 4:29 pm
"I'm lucky to be here." She said simply before pausing to roll her dark eyes with exaggerated irritation. "Do you know that a man I'd been with had the gall to suggest it was a shame she'd Hatched here instead? I thought she was going to knock him over right there." She would have welcomed it, honestly. "No, I... worry that I would have appreciated her differently, if we had been there."

She worried that she would have exulted in the new power that Kleoth's hide would grant her, instead of being able to slowly discover more about what sort of person she was when she didn't have to be anything at all. Here at Western, no one put her on a pedestal simply for being. She was expected to work just as hard as any other rider. She was normal.

Never. Kleoth reassured her almost fiercely. You still would have found your way. I would never let you be used ever again. That alone was enough to reassure her... but, it was nothing they had to worry about. Even if Phryana wanted to leave, it would be far too cruel to tear Kleoth away from her home and her family.

I will hold you too that, noble Yaguareth. Though her tone was light with affection, she meant every word. Though she would carry the weight of the world on her shoulders if she were able, it was something of a relief to know she would always have a wing to hide her head under if it was needed.



Territorial Friend


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 1:53 pm
Aryale howled with laughter at Phryana's tale of the Offending Man (TM) who had spoken of Kleoth so. "I'd prefer we not get into more trouble for men who open their mouths and say things they are in no way qualified to do," she did not know Kraketh or his rider personally, but Aryale did attribute the inability to go visit her brother over the past Turn as their fault.

Yaguareth, for her part, radiated satisfaction - both because of Aryale's good humor, but also Kleoth's words. You can hold me to them any time. I will never turn you away when you need me, again, it was as true for Kleoth as it was for any of their clutchmates.

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 2:25 pm
Now a sultry sort of smile played across her lips, and Phryana allowed her eyelids to lower. "Hear, hear. I think men should be seen, not heard, don't you?" She teased, amused with the thought. After a moment, she tilted her head, knowing it was a bit late, but recalling her original intentions. "I hate to cut this short, but I really need a bath." She grimaced and held her arms out slightly, only able to imagine what she smelled like. Not that there was anything wrong with hard work, mind you, but it was still an adjustment to the former courtesan.

Kleoth dipped her head to look into her sister's eyes for a moment, gently pressing her snout to Yaguareth's. Thank you, Yaguareth. No humor now, but true gratitude. I feel much safer knowing that you will be there.



Territorial Friend


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2020 2:52 pm
Again, she laughed. "Some of them, maybe," some needed to be neither - though if that was her own feelings on the matter or Yaguareth's spite about certain individuals coloring her opinion...Aryale would sort it out later. But then Phryana had to get herself back on her task, less she end up talking away her free time over dumb boys - hardly worth it. "Oh! Of course!" Aryale leaned back on her cot, her hands sweeping in a 'shoo, shoo!' gesture to the older woman. "Go!"

Always. Yaguareth replied, leaning into Kleoth's touch contently with a hum. She'd be content to stay there for a time longer, at least.

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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