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Haunting Echo had always knew his familiar would get him into trouble sooner or later. When Echo had found the bird (and tried to eat him at the time) only to have Far Sight make such a fuss at him such that he'd never known before, he decided to look elsewhere for a meal. Far Sight had taken that as a proposed friendship and had followed the wolf ever since, though Echo couldn't fathom why.

And now, he was being tasked with a trial from a pack of crow-lovers, all because Far Sight wanted to join a pack that seemed to worship his feathered a**. Echo had told the bird plainly that "If you'd like to stay here, that's fine, but I'm going elsewhere." It suited him just fine, to be a loner again; to not have Far Sight's constant chattering, scaring off any prey in the area.

But the crow made a fuss louder than when Echo had first met him. Again, he thought how he should've eaten him. It was a thought that had plagued him since the crow first began to hound him. That said, he had to admit that one aspect of this trial was simple. Staying silent and ignoring his surrounding. He often times ignored the prattling of his familiar as they traveled together. He didn't even acknowledge the wolves that tried to come to interact with him.

It was as though traveling with Far Sight had prepared him this entire time for this trial. He was not tempted by the rabbit a wolf had brought, because he was used to not eating in Far Sight's talkative company. He was able to ignore any attempts for conversation, whether it be from pups or adults, because he was used to staying silent. The only true effort was in not moving; he had grown stiff from sitting in the same place for so long.

And then, Far Sight came to sit on him, chattering about how there were only a few minutes left to the trial. How he was doing so well and the crow was so excited to join the pack together! How it was going to be a great new adventure and maybe there would be some pretty lady crow Far Sight could meet. As soon as the bird made it to "Oh, there's the sign that your trial is over!" Haunting Echo leaped to his paws and shook the bird off. He growled his frustration and began to stretch irritably, only to still again when the alpha approached.

Haunting Echo sized up the Alpha. He hadn't been enthusiastic to learn the Alpha's name was Big Bad. Still... He had come this far. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to try his paw at entering a pack.

"I'll be honest here, Sir. I didn't plan on joining your pack. My companion, Far Sight, seems much more taken with you than I am. However, if this trial has proved anything, it's that I do have what it takes to qualify for your pack. If this is where I'm fated to be or rather, where my birdbrain insists I settle in, than I'm willing to give it a try, if you're willing to have me." He reflected on this for a moment, and then bowed his head submissively. He really didn't think he would be suited to a pack, but he hadn't thought he would ever be suited to having a familiar either, but he'd been able to get used to the latter. So... maybe this could work in his favor too.