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October monthly prompt response

A large yawn escaped Snake Bite's maw, and that was when he decided his shift was over. He looked over to the other wolf he had been manning the watch point with, and said a brief goodbye before slowly stalking away.

He wasn't a scout - not really - but in order to hide his identity as one of The Crows' four gossips, he needed to fulfill brief, infrequent shifts as a scout. Because of this, it seemed as if no one knew his true role, which always felt like a bit of an accomplishment. It wasn't much, but it was something, and Snake Bite liked to take wins, even if they were small.

While he slowly wound his way back to the dens to perform his actual duties of mingling with the pack members, he realized he had forgotten to get something for the celebration of life feast that was upcoming. As the weather grew colder, their food stores were more and more likely to go bad. So, Big Bad had decided to have a feast, inviting their two allies - the Sand Raiders and the Iron Hides - to join in on eating their kills before winter truly set in.

It was going to be a joyous time, and as there were quite a few young pups around, it felt like a great time to celebrate. Big Bad himself had even fathered a few (absolutely adorable) puppies, so there was a lot of happiness and hope to go around. However, something that was less exciting was the problem of what, exactly, to bring to the feast. It felt passe to bring a fresh kill - the point of the feast was to get rid off food, not accumulate it - so that was out. But what else could actually contribute to the day?

Even though he was walking quite slowly, he felt himself falter and slow up even more as his brain tried to pick through the surroundings for something with which to show up to the event. His crystalline eyes scanned the landscape, but came up short. Then, an idea popped into his head: what about flowers? Some kind of decoration could be good, and the pack was known for their adoration of pretty things. Perhaps that would work!

He stopped in his tracks, turning around 360 degrees, realizing there were no flowers of any sort around him. He's have to go to a different part of the pack territory to find such a thing. Working through the rolodex of the territory, a spot popped into Snake Bite's head and he immediately set forth in that direction, this time walking with a pace that had purpose.

Soon enough, he came upon the flower patch that his mind had so conveniently remembered. There were bunches of bright flowers on the edge of a clearing that looked perfect. It wasn't much, but he wasn't sure what else to bring to the feast, so this would have to do. Snake studied the small flower patch for a moment before pawing forward and grabbing a few of them in his jaw, planting his teeth near the bottom of the stem and gently tugging until he unearthed the flora at its roots. He shook the bunch out gently, clearing away some of the dirt that still clung to the base of the plant, and smiled to himself, his tail wagging slowly. This felt like a great contribution, and he desperately hoped Big Bad appreciated it. Snake was the type of wolf to really want to impress his overseer, and considering the puppy-like crush he had on Big Bad, that amplified his desire to please. Hopefully this was something their alpha would appreciate. And if not, he could always find something else, he supposed...

(WC: 625)