You're improving. The voice was gentle and old- for such a young soul, Ussurianth sounded worldly and knowledgeable.

Three months later, and Tosk still struggled at his dragon's touch... not unwillingly, but almost instinctively. Ussurianth knew and approached with the patience and kindness of a predator who didn't want to kill, but... Tosk still somehow felt misplaced.

"It's just washing... Lift up your wing, would you? I need to reach your underside..." He murmured.

I saw you talk to someone other than Orry, the other day. I'm proud of you. There was a rare gleam of humour in his quiet voice, and Tosk narrowed odd-eyes at his dragon.

"I was just asking a question about the lesson... look, I have to work extra hard to prove I even belong..."

You don't need to. You /do/ belong. But it's good that you're trying.

Even simple morning rituals were made more complicated by being a rider. Three months later, and Tosk was still trying to grasp the entirety of the situation. One moment a candidate, the next wrestling a baby dragon.

Yes. That made sense.

It really is that easy. You worry too much. Be in the now, and concentrate on what can be achieved.

Someday she would stop growing.

It felt like every day Aryale's morning routine got just a bit longer along with Yaguareth, but she wouldn't have traded it for all of Pern. It made for an itchy young dragon, however. Which meant a bath. Usually a bath meant they would find at least one of the other Weyrlings at the same task.

"Good morning," Aryale greeted, offering a half bow to her fellow Weyrling - as her hands were preoccupied with a bucket and some brushes and could not be used for waving. At her side, Yaguareth offered a similar bow. Ussurianth she greeted her brother in turn, though with much less of the awe she was sure Leoth would have.

"He's getting real big already," Aryale offered in idle conversation as she set down her tools and begun rolling up her pants. They'd still get wet, but it was the effort that mattered in this case. Yaguareth, for her part, waded into the water, readily spreading her wings wide to remind that she too was getting big.

"Morning." Tosk returned the half-bow with a nod of his own. Aryale was definitely... well, she reminded him a little of Skarra. Which woman didn't, really? Older, more reliable no doubt, and less taken by fancy... and probably less angry, too. A better-adjusted Skarra. Still, he got a strong sisterly sense from her. Nothing too bad.

Nothing to have his guard up around.

Yaguareth. The striped dragon inclined his head to his sister, his low voice gentle and deep. You are well today? Well-practiced casualness rolled through his mental notes. Tosk glanced over at the dragon, his face a mask for the questioning mind beneath.

It does well to be polite to one's companions, Tosk. You know that.

That was true. He realised Aryale had been speaking and shook himself internally a little, nodding without speaking until he was certain what, exactly, she had said. This helpful tidbit was provided by Ussurianth.

"Yes. Someone told me he might be quite big fully-grown..." He did not seem so certain or confident- but anybody who knew him might have guessed it came from ignorance, and not from a lack of faith. "What about Yaguareth? Is she big for a green?" He watched the spotted dragonet wade into the water with frank fascination.

Ussurianth did as well, almost as though he was making a study of his clutchmate. You have good form. Do you enjoy swimming? He himself rather liked it, although they didn't have much time for it... it was all classes and training (which was good too, he supposed).

Despite a life at the Weyr, Aryale's experience with baby dragons was still limited to the normal candidate variety. Most she interacted with were fully grown already. "I have to guess she is," Aryale admitted, throwing her arms out wide to mimic the gesture Yaguareth made with her spread wings. Still, she was absolutely beaming as she looked over her green. Hers. She'd live with that high. "She's still bigger than most of the other greens," barring Tecuanith who was growing just as much, "and she's leaving most of the blues behind too." Not that she's keeping track, Yaguareth noted with some humor to Ussurianth, because clearly Aryale was. "Ussurianth keeps getting bigger and bigger, though. I think he'll definitely be on the bigger side for a bronze," and the confident hands on her hips were very certain of that!

Swimming is a good way to stay strong. Stretch your wings, use them to tread water against resistance and they will be ready to carry you and yours when the time comes! Yaguareth had been born ready to fight, even if the steps to get there were leaving her a little impatient. Stupid shell. Stupid being small. Huff. Either way, she seemed to not worry much about being scrutinized, waiting with perfect poise for Aryale to fill her bucket with water and begin pouring it over her hide. Wet first, then scrub. She'd found that worked best.

"You settling in okay?" she asked. He'd not been born at the Weyr that she'd known, and she had spent enough time with Dsharmira that she couldn't help but ask about those faces that hadn't quite found root in the Weyr before they'd flowered into the responsibility of the position. "I mean, everything is going okay?"

Sweet Symmetry