Between Majanga (Fairy Snails) & Shakuntala (nessiaing)

Things were not going to plan, Majanga thought bitterly as he roamed the grasslands. The area was much different then his home, it slightly reminded him more of Mizani’Ulimwengu. The very pride that had been a thorn in his paw for the last few years. He had admiration for the pride for what it could have been, a pride of unity with his own, adopting the sith ways, but the jedi would never see things his way. He growled to himself thinking of them. They knew nothing of what they preached and would just live in a world of ignorance.

Majanga had hoped leaving his pride would give him sometime to relax and think without his sith badgering him. But all this area did was remind him how much his mission had been a failure.

As he walked, angrily trying to figure out his plan of attack, he felt a sharp pain in the bottom of his right paw. Annoyed, he let out a curse and continued forward to make sure he was out of the thorns, favoring his front paw as he walked. He came to a stop to take a moment to have a good look at it.

Tala had been out on her own for a long time now. She had joined a pride, raised a litter on her own, watched her home burn to the ground, moved to the mountains, raised another litter this time with a partner and now she was solo. It was a bit strange being solo seeing how she had started off solo before joining the swamps way back when before her first litter and now here she was a much older lion right back where she started roaming the rouge lands on her own. She thought she had turned her life around but really nothing ever seemed to go right not since that first litter with the lion she would never name... the evil that had messed everything up. Perhaps her dark coat had drawn him to her she would never know but she would always worry about it.

Today though Tala was trying to put it all out of her mind. She was moving though the long grass heading in nowhere in particular but enjoying the feeling of the swishing feeling the grass made against her aging legs. It felt good soothing almost. A smile passed across her list. Despite the bad in her life Tala had also had a lot of good, she did have to remember that.

Majanga studied his paw and saw just a couple droplets of blood. He let out a low, annoyed growl when he saw a thorn sticking out of one of his paw pads. In the past, he had much more serious wounds, from his young days as a slave to his eventual rise as a sith master. However, thorns could be tricky to pull out if one was not being careful. Keeping it stuck in until he returned home would be an annoyance for the entire trip back as well as appearing weak in front of his pride. That was something he would not allow.

As he wondered how best to take out the thorn, he heard something in the grass. He could kick himself for letting himself get distracted and letting his guard down. But when he spotted the lioness, he let himself relax just a little bit. There was a gentleness about her, he thought. She did not seem like a threat. He could remain silent and they could both go about their day, but Majanga decided to take a chance.

“Excuse me. Could I get your assistance for a moment?” He said in an uncharacteristically soft voice.

Tala froze for a moment, she did her best to hid her fear, she didn't want the other to know that she was afraid of him. He had a bold colour pattern and even bolder markings. She swallowed quickly and then looked up at the male a smile on her face he had spoken kindly surely he meant her no harm.

"Of course what can I do for you?" she asked him. She really had a hard time imaging what a large male lion could need from a petite female such as herself. Tala didn't have much in terms of self confidence, what she did have she had put into raising her cubs. She never let her see her as week she had loved them with her whole heart and always wanted them to see the good in the world, but now that she was alone she didn't really see much point in faking it.

Majanga was sure that she was a good soul. With his pride the way it was, he had to appraise someone the moment he looked at them. Usually a smaller lioness would be nothing but a nuisance for him. The pride valued strength and cunning. However, a gentle, small paws was what he needed in this instance.

“I was carelessly walking and I stumbled on some thorns. I believe that one of the thorns got stuck in my paw. I haven’t had any luck pulling it out yet. If it’s not too much to ask, could I have you try to pull it out?” He asked. “I hate being a burden on others, but I have a long way to travel and I’m afraid if I keep putting pressure on it, it is just going to be harder to get out later.”

Knowing that the male was injured actually gave Tala more confidence, which also made her feel guilty. Swallowing her guilt down she moved towards the large male. "Well let's see the paw then." she said her voice was soft and kind. Having raised two litters of cub splinters in paws were something she was use to at this point.

Clucking softly she began to get to work she licked the wounded paw trying to draw the splinter up to the surface more before she could pluck it out with her teeth. "You made the right call not walking on it anymore. It could get infected if you aren't careful." she said still speaking softly as she worked. It was shocking how quickly she fell right back into motherly roll despite it being quite sometime since she had any cubs to tend to.

As she worked, Majanga stayed motionless, not wanting to move and make things worse. He watched carefully, impressed by her work. Even if he tried his hardest he was certain that he could not have been half as gentle.

“You must have had a lot of practice doing this sort of thing. Are you a healer?” he asked curiously. His own pride had no healers. Showing signs of discomfort or weakness was bound to get you laughed at or even attacked in his home. The idea though of having a couple healers in a battle against other prides wasn’t a bad idea, he thought. It would certainly be unexpected.

His complete attention went back to the lioness as he put on a fake, tender smile. “If I did not run into you I feel like I would have ended up in nauseating pain by the time I got home, especially if it got infected. The gods must be on my side today.” He said softly.

Tala chuckled softly "No no I am not a healer" she told him though she supposed if she had been in a pride previously where more lions had specialized careers perhaps she would have been good at that, but everyone had sort of just been hunters. "I have just raised a couple of litters of cubs in my time, and once they are old enough to get out there on their own a bit splinters are something they come back to the den with quite a bit." she said with a kinda smile.

She pushed on his paw a bit a little rougher than she had been so far trying to be sure she had gotten everything out. She was pretty she had gotten everything out, likely without him knowing mostly what she was doing but now she had to be sure there was nothing deeper inside. "I think you should be good now." she said before setting his paw back down. She looked up at his face again for the first time since moving so close to him. She swallowed her nerves coming back quickly. "Is home a long way? You should still probably rest this paw a bit?"

“Your cubs are lucky to have some a caring and gifted mother.” He said. “I know of some mothers who believe in tough love, who want to instill into their cubs that the world is cruel. That it is eat or be eaten.” It was how he was raised and how he raised his own cubs.

Majanga moved his toes around. It was a little sore still, but the pressure from the splinter went away. “I am in your debt. Thank you.” He said, bowing his head at the lioness.

His interest peaked when she asked about his home.

“That is a good point,” Majanga said. He could only imagine the chaos the pride could get into in his absence. When he looked at the lioness though, the idea of staying here for a little longer made him feel at east. She was not like anyone in his pride. She was soft and quiet, not like his brash pride mates. “Do you know any spots nearby that would work as a temporary shelter? To pay back your kindness perhaps I can go hunting and get us something to eat?”

Tala smiled a little when the male spoke of how lucky her cubs were, she wasn't going to get into the fears she held for her first litter and the hold of their father genes might hold over them. Now just want the time. "I always tried to be the best mother." she told him kindly. Figuring it best to just leave it there.

"Yes I have a place close to here that I call home, its big enough for the both of us." she told him. "You are welcome to stay as long as you need." Tala would never turn away someone in need, it just wasn't her way. "Come I will show you where it is." she told him turning towards her little home. It wasn't much really but it kept her warm, dry and safe.

Majanga nodded. When he set out to gather his thoughts he had no intention of staying away from his home for longer then he needed. However he could not let the kindness of a stranger go unnoticed. Plus he could travel quicker once he was well rested and with his paw healed.

“I truly appreciate you generosity.” He said before following her home.