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~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 12:01 pm
This is just a log thread for RP interactions including the following characters. Please do not post here unless you have been invited.
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(Teepee Here)

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(Vis Teepee)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 12:20 pm
Etienne: *Standing about, minding his own business as he attempts to formulate a strategy to hunt down the remaining, missing Faythrens.*

Kelvin: *rolls and bumps against Eti and stares up at him*

Eti: owo *smiles gently* Careful there! Are you alright?

Kelvin: *Gets up in a stir and flaps her wings I seem.. to have tripped sweet voice cutes out of her body as she takes in the Angeni* ... I am ok.. Are you alright ;o ;?!

Eti: I see that, I hope you are unharmed by the experience. And I am well, it is kind of you to ask. *shuffles a bit, folding his wings* I hope this sort of thing doesn't happen too often? The chance of injury would surely increase, in that case.

Kelvin: I try to be as kind as.. I can.. *Giggles softly and then shakes her head* No.. not.. generally this clumsy. I just guess I am having a bad case of the drops today! Uh-- oh I am Kelvin by the way~

Eti: It is a good approach, all things considered. *smiles gently* Well, I am sorry to hear that the day is not being as kind as it could be. A pleasure to meet you, Kelvin. I am Etienne Donato, recently arrived to this land and hoping to assist an old friend.

Kelvin: Giggles softly I gather even those days unpleasent can be good.. *folding her own wings lightly and shyly*. A pleasure, for sure Etienne! Ah!? Old friend? Looks at him now in consideration. I guess being an Angeni also helps with aging? You look not to much older than I am..



Howl: *Flops on her fellow Domained*

Etienne: *straightens and bows regally* A pleasure to see you, Lady Howl.

Howl: *Puts her head on his and blinks* Lord Etienne~!

Etienne: *obligingly keeps his head low enough that she can manage this, making a low sound of amusement*

Suni: *snorts* What an unbelievable Nerd.

Kelvin: *looks at Howl quietly jealous*

Etienne: *huffs fondly and visibly refrains from going all to pieces. He clears his throat and attempts to regain composure.* I trust you are well?
Whistle: This is our strategist, the defender of our herd... A skilled warrior.
Ballad: So if there's a pretty lady, we're doomed?
Kel: Awesome.
Suni: Don't be mean, he's never around other Domained. *laughs* Or ladies this pretty, I guess... He's rather out of his depth, now that I think about it.

Howl: *Preening at his mane a bit she giggles, flicking her braid over her shoulder softly As per, *bells jingling in a haunting sense.* And you as well? *Moving to jump down off of him, her wings flapped but barely a sound escaped them as she touched ground.*
Kelvin: *Looks at the Fayths and then to Etienne and then to Whistle and Ballad* How do I join?

Etienne: *He smiles softly and rumbles his thanks as she sorts him out* I appreciate it, most kind of you. Yes, I am well. The herd does well, and therefore so do I. Their happiness is my happiness, and their sorrow mine. Fortunately, sorrow is halved when shared, and joy is doubled. There are some far-wandering relatives as of yet, but as for the most part, this means the conflict is still elsewhere and that suits me well. As for those still apart from us, I hold out hope they will find us soon...

Whistle: *blinks in surprise* Ah, the herd?

Ballad: *glances between Etienne and Howl and Kelvin* Our family is relatively laid back. In terms of alliances, merely a spoken agreement is sufficient. To join the herd you'd either need to be married into the line -and therefore unlimited by distance- or to just maintain some proximity and get to know at least most of us? But there are few requirements for a herd member.

Kel: Etienne has long counseled my father and takes a certain responsibility for us all... It can lead to him wandering in search of lost ones, but mostly he remains close to advise should battle loom.

Etienne Wordcount: 272  

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 1:55 pm
Fall in the lands, at least shy of the extreme South, was shaping up to be a colorful affair. A riot of reds and oranges, yellows and browns stretching overhead, down the proud trunks, slowly raining down over empty meadows and well-trodden paths alike. The proud crowns, once a ceiling of rich greens, are instead a delightful tapestry that rattles and whispers in the now chilling breath of the wind. Snow hasn't fallen yet, at least not here, but the fanged breeze tells him it won't be far off. Thankfully, this journey shouldn't take long, and they should be well back within herdlands before the snow begins to fly.

Mindful of the fact that his nose is practically in the sky as he makes his assessments, Etienne Donato bows his head to a more reasonable height and concentrates on the path they cut through the land. Escort duty was not a task to take lightly, particularly in the case of being responsible for the safety of a Princess. The safety of the younger Fayths was something he took seriously, his position of trust within the herd being something he was quite honored by. The family and herd being established by one of his oldest friends, he found all duties important. But in the case where the safety of one of them was in his care, the pressure was higher.

At his side, Sunisra strode along in a peaceful sort of silence. Each step made by the white Fayth was a delicate one, the tri-winged mare seeming to float over the ground as she trotted lightly along. A playful wind, hinting at winter, tugged at her tri-colored silk mane and ruffled her dark feathers, occasionally sending a loose leaf tumbling down upon their heads.

Beside her, Etienne felt heavy, ungainly and a little awkward. Like a young stallion, which he has not felt like in many years, and one without grace to boot. A mortal sort of clumsy or not, the Fayths always seemed to him like something other, something more. Something he didn't have a name for and was not bold enough to speak of.

Moments later a few keen turns found them in an open field. Etienne sighed as the narrow twisting path fell away, stretching his wings idly as he settled into a more relaxed gait. The dried grass below their hooves whispered as she passed, like a breeze in the meadow, and seemed to crunch under his own hooves as loudly as the fallen leaves the trees above them were aggressively shedding.

'Typical', Etienne sighed to himself, giving Sunisra a faint smile when she glanced at him questioningly. "Princess? If I may... You are sure that we are expected by someone within this alliance? And that we are guaranteed safe passage?"

Etienne Wordcount: 464

As is the way of the world, time stops for no one. Spring became summer, summer became fall. Fall passed too quickly, in Sunisra's mind, but already it was drifting toward its inevitable end. Winter will soon be upon them. Winter, with flakes falling from the sky, building up snowbanks thick and high. The lakes and streams will go from laughing water to ice slick and treacherous, trees bleak and slumbering. Such things One of the last days of fall is a precious commodity, every instant of honeyed light it offers worth gold, or gems, or the finest of trade goods. She cannot help but revel in the dripping light, in the playful breeze that hints at the coming of winter, in the kaleidoscope of wonder that is all the shades offered in the leaves.

Before the delightful feelings of fall flee before the crushing chill of winter, Sunisra resolves to visit some of the local artisans and vendors at a nearby Faire. The trip was not overly long from the Fayth herdlands, and they even had an in of sorts, a connection to the Faire through one of Sunisra's nieces. Sonata Notturno tended a beautiful garden and grew flowers she was quite proud of, known particularly well for the quality of the roses she produced and sold and traded with the Faire. It was Sona who had paved the way for some trade and travel agreements between the Faire and the Fayths, and it was up to Sunisra to ensure the agreement held.

Well, Sunisra and her escort. It was not only to ease her parents' minds that she consented to an accompanying party making the journey with her. It was, after all, only good sense. The Fayths were not without their enemies in both their old and new homelands, and though she had wandered for a time by herself, Sunisra knew better than to trust chance and fate to have only good things in store for her. Better to be safe than sorry, with family vendettas and dangerous threats like Kalona and Skinwalkers waiting in the wings.

So Etienne walked with her, the Strategist seeming thoroughly distracted and more than a little apprehensive. Not one to pry, Sunisra let him be for the majority of the journey, hoping he would eventually unwind or at least give some explanation as to what had him so distracted. So far, he hadn't relaxed enough to speak what was on his mind, and they were running out of time to talk before their work began.

Considering their surroundings and the upcoming meadow, Sunisra sighed and then tentatively approached the subject. "You know, if you're this upset about something, you should probably discuss it with someone. Since I'm here, I'd be happy to listen."

Sunisra Wordcont: 461

The decision to leave her home Clan had been a simple one, though it was not a choice she had made lightly. As the firstborn, the eldest, Lilavati Tondra felt that there was a certain obligation resting on her shoulders. An obligation to set a good example for her siblings, to honor her family, a choice made while holding her future happiness in a tenuous balance. After significant consideration, however, the choice remained clear: her happiness was not to be found within the Clan territory. And so, elsewhere she would go, perhaps to the great Lapsang Herd for training, perhaps to the wayward artisans. She didn't make any promises as to that, refusing to limit her options before they'd been explored, but her parents were understanding sorts and had faith she could be trusted to make her own decisions.

Her arrival to the home grounds of the Faire had been an unimpressive one, quiet by all accounts. Still, it was not long before she was accepted as a performer, welcome if not by her peers among the dancers, then surely among the artists and vendors.

Lilavati Tondra Wordcount: 185

Shri, to her way of thinking, had never had much of a home. More the herd she came from had been a sort of council, an alliance, of sorts. A group united strictly by their sense of duty, of responsibility, and not by any ties such as family, bloodline or relationship. They were colleagues, of a kind, not kith or kin. They were Angenis, governing their domains, guide and council yes... But certainly not friends. Not a herd in truth, as many would have thought of it in a traditional sense.

Such things did not trouble Shri overmuch, though she was sure that many in the group found her cheerful nature inconvenient to say the very least. Still, she had never let their stuffy or stiff natures influence her own joyous countenance, and she certainly would not start after leaving them behind. The decision to leave the alliance had been her own, made with a light heart, with a certain anticipation for the future, with joy in the possibilities that lay before her hooves.

Hooves that led her merrily wandering, chiming as she went, her bells broadcasting a glad sort of music so long as the territory did not seem dangerous or treacherous. At times she visited with other travelers, at times she visited herds. Though she found places to trade some of her precious bells, none of the locations seemed like they were truly home to her, and so her hooves continued onward. Until finally they had led her here, to the Lapsang Faire, to the glorious market that was a part of it. To so many dear and wonderful friends she thought she might have a home at last.

Shri LaughingStar Wordcount: 281

Standing in the golden light of the afternoon, Lilavati shook off her musings about her own past and cast a gleaming eye on her companion. Shri, for her part, did not seem to notice in the slightest, her own odd eyes fixed on some undeterminable spot in the distance.

It was that look alone that convinced Lila her friend had drifted off into dark, dry thoughts of the past, for Shri of many of the mares seemed the most likely to soak up companionship and wilt at its lack. Angeni, in Lila's mind, must be a stuffy sort, to look on Shri's cheerful nature and be unmoved.

"You're brooding," Lila said with a soft jostle to Shri's golden shoulder, grinning all the while. "Like a big ol' hen, musing and mumbling about the past. Cheer up, would you? The envoy should be along soon and you and I are supposed to make a good impression. We like new trade goods and partners, remember?"

Before Shri could retaliate she shook herself to send her bells to chiming, then pranced sideways as though shying away from the other mare. "Wake up now, Mooncalf! If you're thinking about a stallion, I want information."

Lilavati Tondra Total Wordcount: 385

Shri took the shouldering with a gentle rock on her hooves, swaying in place and remaining unruffled even as she gave Lila a mockingly hurt look. The Gryph mare shimmied away on graceful claws as though fearing retaliation, so Shri obligingly swiped at her with a wing for effect.

"You are rude, terribly rude, and no longer my friend." Shri teased with mock solemnity, stifling a smile with some effort. "I will be sure to put up a notice of the vacancy so I can begin hosting interviews for a new one. As soon as the envoy is gone, mark my words. Replacement. Angry chicken seeks new best friend, just you wait."

Lila's laughter, however, sparked her own and the ringing of the dancer's silver bells made Shri flick her tail and send some of her own to chiming. The sound alone lifted her spirits, as tending to her domain always managed to do.

"I wasn't thinking of anyone in particular, just how my life has changed from my old herd to this one. I was thinking I might be grateful for you, but you seem to have cured me. Congratulations."

Shri Laughingstar Total Wordcount: 472

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