T'is the season, or so it seemed, for an influx of foals. The last time it'd happened was, if Kidd could recall, around the event where ponies had gone and left offerings to Seraphim. The goat-morph hadn't participated himself in such a thing, mostly because he'd not had the time, but he was certainly thankful for all the blessings. As a teacher there was always a sort of happiness in seeing all the new foals run around, playing their games and growing up strong. Perhaps one day he'd see the foals of a foal he knew, prompting him to think he was getting older and life was going quickly.

Thankfully Kidd wasn't the sort to dwell on such things, and today he found himself happily out shopping for supplies. His classroom was a little bare after a recent arts and crafts debacle and it never hurt to stock back up; it also gave him the chance to see the new sights and sounds as the season worked to change. New changes meant new foods too, and although he would never admit it in casual company, Kidd was a bit of a foodie. New foods and drinks were always welcome, especially sweets, though looking at him would never give away such a thing.

Having already gathered some fresh apples to take home for sharing with his sister (and baking into a pie), the stallion paused when he thought he saw someone in distress - or at least someone who looked like they may need something. Did he dare approach?

here we go!