User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. She had, again, wandered off. Dipped in Starlight was not easily kept in one place. Wandering was common for the creative, as it often led her to neat spots to daydream. Sure, she was small and could easily be gobbled up by any predator, but did that matter? Not particularly, no. If she were to die then so be it -- it'd be her time. It might be an unusual thought process for someone so young, but Dipped had long ago accepted her place in the world. Life came and with it death ticked patiently, counting their time. She couldn't fight it, so why be afraid?

      She padded quietly against the cool dirt, noting the temperature change. Soon it'd be cold, or so she was told, and she eagerly awaited what that would look like. She had heard stories, of course, but she hardly could believe it. Blankets of white that bitterly bit through your fur? What did that even look like?

      Blankets of white.... as far as the eye could see.... say, was that just her imagination or was that really a white movement? Dipped paused, noting a blur of white in the corner of her eye. When she turned she found the culprit; a wolf with purple eyes. Instantly the fur on her back stood up, throat caught as she fought the urge to growl in warning. Whoever they were, they weren't paying attention to her, and they weren't heading towards the pack -- yet. She was too small to engage, and Dipped knew her father should know immediately if she wanted to ensure the safety of her family.

      Instantly, she bolted back home, intent on warning her father of the strange wolf on their lands. She couldn't physically do anything, sure, but at least they'd be prepared.