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It was raining, but the sun was shining too. This meant it would do this again tomorrow, K'wini's (Queenie) mother had taught her, when she was still just a young cub. It seemed to be true, most of the time. This made K'wini sigh. It rained far too often lately - something that made the cleanliness loving lioness frustrated. Traveling through mud and muck was bothersome. Not that....others...seemed to mind.

As if summoned by the thought, the wild and care-free K'varsdreki, or 'Ki' for short, came barreling down the hill. She must have fallen behind, no doubt distracted by something, and was finally catching up.

"Hey!" the more colorful lioness giggled, "you missed the rainbow!"

"Oh, that's too bad," K'wini replied, not that interested in her traveling companion's observations.

Sometimes it was nice to have a friend around, but other times the differences in their temperaments was a bit overwhelming. K'wini was introverted, quiet, regal, and quest-driven. K'varsdreki was a fly-by-night whirlwind of a lioness with no goals or real direction in life. Why she decided to follow along with K'wini was beyond the both of them. Today was definitely one of K'wini's more quiet and sullen days. Of course, Ki just had to comment on this.

"Wow, you are in a mood today," Ki trotted beside the pelt-wearing creamsicle of a lioness. Creamsicle was appropriate - K'winie could be pretty icy. This didn't stop Ki from persisting in trying to talk her ear off.

This lasted for a few minutes before another sound caught K'wini's ears. She stopped, head high and ears perked.

"Hush!" she quickly hushed the more colorful lioness, "Listen...."

"Leave more alone!" a male voice in the distance snarled.

"Fine, you're no fun anymore anyway, Fait," another voice replied, although neither of the lionesses could hear it.

"Oooooh, a fight. I wonder what that was all about!?" Ki whispered excitedly.

"We should mind our own b- Ki!"

Before K'wini could finish that statement, K'varsdreki was running up ahead, cresting the hill and saw the owner of the male voice from earlier. A pastel lion with a predominately purple hue, and purple stripes stood there, his curly mane battered by the large raindrops that fell, and a pouty expression on his face. Hearing someone approach, he turned around to see K'varsdreki, coming down the hill (This path was very hilly...) and another lioness stop atop it, watching with a sigh and shake of her head as her companion padded right up to the lion, fearlessly.

"Hey there, what's going on?" Ki cheerfully asked.

Fait backed away from the overly enthusiastic lioness, and stumbled for words, "I, uh, um, that is, eh.... Nothing. Nothing is going on. Um....excuse me."

Fait tried walking away.

"But we heard you shouting at someone. Is everything okay?" Ki persisted.

K'wini decided she should come to the poor lion's rescue. Ki had her heart in the right place, even if she was pushy about it.

"Pardon her, sir," K'wini said, putting on a soft smile.

"Oh," Fait stopped again, and now seemed even more flustered, "N-no it, uh, it is, umm, it's okay. I'm fine. She's fine. Everything is..is fine. I'll just be on my way."

Ki giggled, "Well it looks like we are going in the same direction, so we may as well get to know each other along the way! I'm K'varsdreki, but you can call me Ki! This is K'wini. Together we are KiKi! What's your name?"

K'winie shared a look with the lion that seemed to say 'sorry about her...' and the three continued on down the path.

"I'm Fait," the pastel lion replied, wary of his new travel companions, but they didn't seem to want to cause him any harm, and maybe with them around it would deter that other person... He could hope.

"Heya, Fait! So, where are you headed? Where are you from? Oh look, a puddle!" Before Fait could answer, Ki ran ahead to jump in and splash all four paws in a rather large puddle.

This made Fait smile a bit, while K'wini just grimaced, and she proceeded to scold her, "Ki, you shouldn't be so invasive. And you should be careful jumping in puddles like that! Not all of us like to get so dirty!"

"Augh, just live a little, would ya, "K'wini!? I swear, you wouldn't know fun if it but you on the butt!" Ki stuck her tongue out at her.

"Just because you can live without worries or duty does not mean that is true of everyone. And I can have fun, but I find nothing fun about being stuck on the road in the rain," replied K'wini tersely.

Fait just...kept walking, hoping the spat between the two would allow him to slip away. He really didn't want to get in the middle of things. Two females arguing was scary, and he had enough on his metaphorical plate as is. Fait knew he was no good as a referee or mediator. Timid creature that he was, he'd be afraid of taking a side and angering either of them... Even though he did side with the less colorful lioness. He certainly had his own duties, but he was running away from them. Always running. No distance was enough. The further the got from those two, the quicker he picked up the pace. Finally, out of ear and eye-shot, he stopped, looked over his shoulder, and heaved a relieved sigh.

Surely they wouldn't bicker forever though, so he had to keep going. No distance was ever enough. Not from his fate, or..... those two. Fait heard a sinister chuckle and shuddered. Nor was there ever enough distance between his stalker and him, it would seem.

'No, Fait, you'll never be rid of me. I'm in your head~' the voice let out a villainous laugh.

Shaking his head a frenzied and scared look overtook his face and the pastel lion took off running. He just...needed to get away. Away from everyone. Away from them. Away from himself.