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Warning: It really sucks, you don't want to read it, Firaga is an a*****e planning to start a cub-mill, you've been warned.))

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The forest that found our loathsome villain was not only dark and scary, but also rocky and treacherous, much like him. Firaga lurked, his dark coat blending with the shadows while his vibrant mane caught the few rays of light that poked through the canopy to cast the foliage alight with its fiery hue. His large dark paws crushed fauna beneath them as he lumbered back to the cave that served as his temporary hideout.

It had been too long since the world had known his brand of chaos - the kind that was like the gentle flutter of a butterfly's wings, culminating in a fervent storm.

So long, Firaga thought with a loathing snarl, that perhaps the world had forgotten about him.

The thought made him restless, and he paced about the cave kicking bare bones of the last night's meal as he walked to and fro. This wouldn't do, no. Not at all. With this revelation the dark lion began formulating a plan. Yes, a plan; to seek out the next target of his deep seeded need to cause disruption to the lives of simpletons and acquaint them with woe. The more innocent and unsuspecting the victims, the better.

Would he go big and grandiose this time? The direct approach so the victim had a face and name to blame their misfortune upon? Hmm...

Perhaps more subterfuge and deception...

Perhaps he needed to play the long game, and play for the win this time.

If Firaga had learned any thing from his venture in the Mwezi'johari, it was that the closer you were to the result of your actions, the easier it was to revel in the execution and subsequent results, but also the more danger for one's self.

Perhaps....he needed more progeny. However this time, instead of casting them aside to know only their poor pathetic mother and siblings, he needed spawn who he could mold to suit his needs. His own self-bred army of sorts. Pawns. He would foster their own blood-deep thirst for disorder and unrest, but also insure that they would be loyal to his wishes. He grinned wickedly at the idea. After all, the more paws on the ground the further he could extend his reach, while also keeping himself from harm.

He did not have the warmth, despite what his name would imply, to parent, but he could fake it if it meant having his own little army of chaos-bringing tools. At first the idea seemed simple; He just needed to charm another lady. This was no foreign task for the dark and handsome lion. He had charmed everything from royalty to simple rogues, and had small trysts with everything in between - he wasn't that picky. But this time, he had to be...a bit more indiscriminate.

Perhaps he would find a lioness or two..maybe three! Capture them, and use them to kick start this little army... A wicked plan, and he surely wouldn't be the first to do such. Ugh, as much as he was loathe to have to play the role of loving husband, he could certainly more easily be the violent captor, milling his lionesses, having them be his own personal cub factory. Yes...yes that sounded about right. This way, he could keep a steady supply on paw.

Firaga sat and huffed a sigh, his paw played idly with a skull, rolling it this way and that. Okay, maybe first was figuring out how he actually wanted to go about this. He knew his end game, but the build up needed to be more meticulously planned. A den could not stand without a solid foundation, after all. This would be...a long term plan and a trial in his dedication to those plans. There was nothing better, however, than disrupting the lives of others, save for maybe subtly causing the downfall of entire kingdoms. It would be worth it, he was certain. It would be worth every ounce of falsified charm, fake smiles and nuzzles.

Firaga stood once again, walking over to a ledge at the edge of the forest that overlooked the dense land below, and savanna beyond that. His eyes narrowed. Okay, serious planning time; first, he would need to select a small territory. It would be hard to keep his lionesses captive if they were traveling. A central location close to his potential targets would have to be found. He had a good idea of the boundaries of many of the local prides, and already a few places came to mind. It would need to be hidden, but have all the amenities close by. A cave for sure. In fact, why not just move this whole operation under ground? Yeah. Yeah that sounded good.

Then he could finally get to charming a few ladies. Depending on how 'easy' they were, this could go quickly, or take a while, and as mentioned before, he be needed to be more selective. Firaga didn't want some sickly lioness to be giving him defective product. Neither could she be too meek or too headstrong. He needed compliant slaves. The fiery-maned lion doubted he would find any willing slaves, so compliant it was. Of course, if he did come across willing lionesses, well...that changed everything. But also took the fun out of it... And he didn't want to simply kidnap them, but wanted them to be seduced in to it. That way...it was their fault for falling in to his trap, and they deserved it. Truly despicable of him, for sure, but the psychological game was important here, too.

With this in place, while the little cubs grew and were nurtured in to perfect little hell spawn, he would plan oh-so-perfectly their future missions. Boys and girls each had their possibilities and roles.

Firaga smiled devilishly as he looked a the land below and thought about how he would be behind the scenes of all the chaos, disorder, and woe that awaited it. It would be a glorious era, reshaping the lives of many who took their peace and happiness for granted; for without sadness, one could not know happiness; without pain, one could not know joy, and without war, one could not know peace.