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The sun was high, a glowing golden orb set in skies of the purest, unbroken blue. With the lack of wind, the midday heat was almost enough to be stifling, and those creatures with darker pelts or low tolerance would almost certainly be seeking shade or some method of cooling off. The absence of a breeze also made for an eerily still day on the savanna; not a blade of grass nor a single leaf moved and every sound seemed amplified.

Not that it bothered Maua. In fact, the gargantuan pink male adored this type of day, finding it peaceful and serene. His pelt being mostly pale prevented the sun from getting to him too much, though his dark mane meant he still had to be careful of becoming sunsick. On this particular day, he was combatting the heat by lounging contentedly in the cool waters of a small pond. He was lying on his stomach with his front legs in front of him and his back legs kicked out to the side, the water reaching up so high that it almost covered his back. His eyes were nearly fully closed, further revealing the bold magenta colouring of his eye sockets, and he seemed to have dozed off at first glance. Only the intent perk of his ears revealed his attentive consciousness.

One ear twitched suddenly as he heard the sound of paws whispering through the dried grass. Maua slowly opened his startling blue eyes as he turned his massive head to face the noise. Unfortunately, a copse of low-lying trees seemed to be unwittingly hiding the unexpected guest. Confident in his impressively colossal size, Maua remained reposed as he calmly waited for the visitor to be revealed.

Just to note, Maua is ridiculously - like, unrealistically - huge but he isn't mean. He's a big softie on the inside but he looks kinda terrifying, minus all the pink.