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They are a great couple.

Trusting, compassionate, sympathetic of the other’s needs and wants. They read one another extremely well, knowing when to pry, when to back down, when to just be. They love one another’s company, would rather be in than out of it, but know when to give space. They are a great couple, taking on the world side by side. Hell, they’re both wildly attractive to boot!

But Kanene’s vision had given Awiki a scare, and doubt was flickering.

Love was already there long before Kanene expressed it that day. Awiki had fallen for him early on. But love never translated to cubs in her mind, at least not on the surface. Back home, cubs were a duty, although most females would argue they ‘loved’ their sires. For Awiki, trained under the careful eye of Nombuso, cubs were the blessings they were bound to provide. Not by force, no, but… a duty. To see it in any other light was to observe with new eyes. With a new heart. She was never quite ready to partake in the breeding back home. What made him think she was ready now?

When Kanane detailed all that he had seen, or dreamt, or whatever it was… her stomach had lurched up into her throat. And, again, they were very good at reading one another. So this in turn had Kanene reeling back, trying to reassure her that sometimes, no, a lot of the time, he was wrong. So horribly, terribly wrong. He had become desperate in his attempt to put out the fire. Even as it caught in her eyes and was snuffed out long enough to counter-assure him she was fine… the embers still smoldered. Popping in her gut. Sparking in her brain.




The question was posed again in her mind: Am I ready?

Was she ready to take on the responsibility of a mate and children? She had seen plenty of the cubs birthed and grown into adulthood. She had known the mothers to be eternally stressed, the fathers to share in that burden but… less so. Sure, the maternal bonds were enviable, and Nombuso had poked and prodded her for years to get a move on… knowing something that Awiki clearly did not. But the toll it took on a parent was heavy. They were always worried about the child. Always. And it seemed a little unbearable on the heart? She didn’t know if she readily wanted that for herself, what with the peace and happiness the couple were experiencing all on their own. Kids made travel difficult. Kids made dinner time difficult. Kids made life more of a struggle.

But… they were blessings. Truly. And her heart fluttered a bit at the thought of a tiny Kanene running around her feet. Kanene. He would make a good father. He would be present, when… of course… not dealing with his headaches.

Which. God. His headaches. Children would only aggravate them, would they?

Awiki was on her own this afternoon, lounging lazily on a stone near their den with her head placed between her paws. There had been glint in Kanene’s eyes as he had recounted, and in her own minds eye she revisited it. A tear? A smile? Hope? Happiness? Whatever it was, in the moment she had felt so guilty for showing any resistance at all. He wanted kids, even if he seemed happy enough not to have them.

Or maybe… he just wanted them with her.

A heavy sigh escaped the lioness as she rolled to her side, the sun soaking into her peach fur. Her eyes were open, watching without seeing as the distraction of the mind continued.


Sweet, innocent babes who… would likely look a lot like their father. She was sure of that. And probably be a pain in the butt like him as well.

She snorted at the thought.

No, they were more likely to be a hell of a lot like herself. Talkative, pestering, teasing. Tricky little things always up to no good. They’d pull on their father’s tail, rip at his fur, climb him, all the while Kanene’s patience would never wear thin. He’d probably smile every time he caught Awiki’s eyes, warm and grateful. He’d make such a wonderful father.

But how would she be? Would Awiki fare well as a ‘mother’? And suddenly Nombuso’s voice broke in like a record skip, tsking her lightly. ‘Of course. It is in your nature.’ She had always hoped that if she bore cubs Nombuso would be there to help guide her. She had always hoped that if she got pregnant, Nombuso would be the first to see the kids birthed. To be staple in their lives… Nombuso. Her mother. Her sister. Her best friend. She had promised that even with the dark lioness gone, Awiki would never stop living. It was hard to consider children without first thinking of her, and nearly impossible to consider having them now that she was gone.

But… this was her life now. She was Kanene’s mate, and to birth cubs would be to live in that truth… at least… that’s what all this seemed to be getting at. And it wasn’t as if she didn’t want children. She just… didn’t know she wanted them now? Or that it would happen any time soon. And honestly, it had just been so sudden. He said he loved her, and then spilled the beans about the dream, and then took it back as quickly as he had delivered it, and…

“Awiki?” His voice, like a warm hug found her ears and brought her immediately to the present. His face was only mildly concerned. “Are you alright?” In his own head raced a million questions, a million reassurances, but he kept them all at bay. Looking out to his mate with a tender smile.

“Kanene.” Shifting onto her feet, Awiki shook the heat from her coat and leapt down to embrace him. A purr escaped her chest, blue eyes drifting up to meet his vibrant red stare.

They are a good couple.

And she loved him.

“Everything is perfect.”

(WC: 1025)