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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] A New Start (Phryana/Kleoth and ???)

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Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:08 pm
Phryana never thought of herself as a squeamish person, but cutting up so much fresh, raw meat... In the end, whatever her stomach's opinions were, she would perform the task without complaint. It was what her beloved needed, and she would walk through fire for Kleoth. The gold shimmered after her bath, and Phryana carefully worked on oiling every inch of that soft hide. Though her time at High Reaches hadn't been long, she'd built up some endurance when it came to chores. As it was, caring for a baby dragon didn't exhaust her as it once might have.

The rising sun shimmered on the ocean, and the woman paused to admire the beauty of the scene. Kleoth crooned, sensing her rider's contentment, and rose to nuzzle at her cheek. It is good for you to be happy. We will accomplish so much together. Her eyes whirled a mixture of deep purples and rich blues, a swirl that Phryana willingly lost herself every time. I know, my love. She thought, reaching up to caress the queen's cheek.

Thrumming with pleasure, Kleoth nevertheless kept her senses open for any others who might be near. It was so important for her to grow acquainted with everyone in the Weyr...! She'd accept nothing else.

((This is open to 1-3 people! Whoever feels like joining is absolutely welcome. <3))  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:23 pm
Aryale had handled much worse than cutting up raw meat as far as she thought, and bathing a baby dragon took a lot less time in theory than tending to one of the older dragons (it occurred to her only now that such chores were meant to prepare them for that change). Only in theory, however. Yaguareth was worth extra time to be immaculate and she nitpicked over her lifemate in a way she'd never scrutinized another's dragon.

All those times someone had thought she'd not been quite up to snuff about it made glaring sense in the face of the most perfect creature to walk Pern. All the extra work was worth it - she'd never felt so loved, and she'd never loved quite the way she did now.

But diligence required tasks to actually be finished, and while Aryale could have devoted her whole day to merely the morning's chores she and Yaguareth had other things to attend to. Like checking after the others. While the young green would have been content stalking about the edges of the gathering of her siblings to watch and see what was in the making, Aryale was a social creature and had to be a little closer to the action. That meant Yaguareth had to come too.

"Good morning, Phryana," Aryale greeted with a smile, "were the sunrises anything like this at High Reaches?" she inquired as Yaguareth settled in near Kleoth, tucking her wings up against her side neatly. One did not have their sword ready to be drawn in the presence of a proper lady, after all.  


Beloved Werewolf


Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:38 pm
Fisher had been told she wasn't allowed to carry her dragonet everywhere which, honestly, was a crappy rule. Euxanth was more than happy to be carried (she loved kicking her legs while they moved) and Fisher liked the exercise. Today the little green was running around like a canine after their own tail, her boundless energy only matched by the sheer amount of running her mouth seemed to be doing.

Mentally, of course.

And after that I saw!!! There was a flight!!! I think that green is one that Papa had chased before! She was going about a dragonlength a minute, babbling loudly all the while her rider yawned and rubbed at bleary eyes.

"Mmm yeah, sounds great." Euxanth's chattiness had started to run into their sleeping hours and so the teen desperately needed a way for her to burn off that chipper. That chance came in the form of two clutch siblings on the horizen, and before Fisher could give permission her dragonet was off.

Kleoth!!! Yaguareth!! Good morning!! She nearly barreled her way into the gather group of young woman, affections and smiles and chipper nature galore. Isn't it a wonderful morning?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:47 pm
Kiri had always been a morning person, and the early-hours of weyrling training didn't bother her, or upset her schedule. Felisath, for her part, also didn't seem to mind the early hours; in fact, the green dragon preferred it. Often, while other weyrlings slept, Felisath could prepare for the day, and soak up her rider's time without the stress and worry that usually haunted her. Mornings were their time, and it was something both rider and dragon cherished.

This morning was no different.

Breakfast had been chopped up--not something Kiri minded in the least--and Felisath had been properly fed; next came as long a bath as Felisath could draw out of Hersn An oiling was due, but with the presence of a few rambunctious brothers,Kiri had decided to pack up the oil bucket and brush, and move them. She knew her green was still getting comfortable around all their clutchmates; this time, though, instead of leading the little one away to be more solitary, she instead bought them over to where a smaller gathering of greens--and a gold--currently found themselves.

Felisath meekly followed, though her eyes had the softest-hint of yellow, and she watched her sisters with a mix of interest and concern. None of the boys had come over yet, though the green knew it would only be a matter of time. "Good morning, all!" She greeted amicably, not at all concerned about whether they minded a spot more company. She hoped that Felisath would learn that it was okay to exist, and to exist in others spaces; it was okay to say hello, even when unsure. "Y'all don't mind a little extra company, I hope? Felisath wanted to say hello."

It wasn't a lie. Kiri knew her draogn's hearts and that, beneath her worry and uncertainty, the little green wanted nothing more than to be accepted and loved. Even though she needed no one but Kiri, the young woman knew that Felisath craved to be included and wanted, especially be her sisters. Not wanting to be caught off guard, or her sisters to think it wasn't true, the green dragon's eyes whirled a slightly-brighter blue and she tentatively, gently, reached out to all three. It was a soft mental touch, hesitant, but laced with love. You are all looking lovely this morning. That was the right thing to say, wasn't it?

With all of them freshly oiled (or at least some of them in the process of it) it was easy to admire them. The compliment was genuine though, and while she did not leave Kiri's side, wanting to give her sisters ample space she, she did allow herself to offer the softest of croons. Too soon, she knew, some boy would come over and ruin everything....

Setting down the bucket, tossing a towel over her shoulder, and grabbing a paddle Kiri began to administer the oil that Felisath so desperately needed.

I am always slow so you guys can totally just keep RPing around me and I will just toss in commentary as I can.

Same as above. xD



Shy Mage


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:29 am
Loathe as she was to share the morning with any but Kleoth, the young queen's pleasure at the sight of others nearly drowned out her feelings. Truly, since the gold had found her, Phryana no longer felt quite so contemptuous of those who hadn't suffered as she had. She wouldn't wish her past upon many, and with the ever-present bundle of love and acceptance pulsing in the back of her head, it was easier to let her bitterness go. "Aryale," She greeted softly, and even offered a slight smile of her own to the young woman. "Good morning. Truthfully, I didn't spend much time admiring the view... but little can compare to the sight of the sun breaking over the water."

The thought of oiling flew out of Kleoth's head at once, and she craned her neck to press her snout against Yaguareth's with blue eyes. Good morning. She hummed, having no reason to disguise her happiness at being joined by a dear sister. Oh, and her delight could only grow as Euxanth joined them, as vivacious and infectiously cheerful as ever. Euxanth, good morning! It is much better now that you've arrived! A cheerful boop was offered in turn, and gave her the opportunity to covertly check that Hers hadn't been bumped!

While Phryana gave a slight start of surprise as the little green zipped past, no harm had been done.... and frankly, even if it had, Kleoth was so happy that she wouldn't have minded. Fisher certainly had her work cut out for her, she mused, and scanned the shore for the muscular Weyrling. There, not too far away. She lifted a hand in greeting.

Kiri's voice made her turn, and the young woman was given a nod. "No, we certainly don't mind." Indeed, Kleoth immediately rose to her feet to extend a warm, gentle greeting to her shy sibling. And you as well, sister. Thank you for coming to see us. Because despite her worries, she had braved them anyway, and Kleoth loved her all the more for it. Indeed, she wanted nothing more than to approach and nuzzle Felisath, but a gentle touch from Phryana stilled her. She didn't quite understand why she shouldn't go closer, but...

"Let's finish oiling you." Phryana only said, knowing already that Felisath did better with space. Kleoth obediently extended a wing, and the woman carefully handled the appendage to carefully apply oil to the wingsails. Little as they still were, the dragons were already growing so quickly.



PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 9:36 am
Aryale didn't know much of Phryana beyond what had been experienced together in Weyrlinghood. "I bet the sun over snowy peaks was somethin' real special though. Maybe I'll go see it someday if I have a chance," while Western wasn't tropical paradise always, snow was something so far and unfamiliar that she couldn't help but be curious. We will see much of Pern together, Yaguareth reminded with an unbending certainty and no fear of what else that meant for them. She had no fear of that future.

Even if she'd not been fond of Kleoth, which she was, Yaguareth would have accepted her sister's oozing affections without any fuss or annoyance out of sheer decorum. Instead, she got to enjoy them as well, humming back at her with a returned boop. Good morning, she echoed, though she mantled her wings slightly as Euxanth came barreling into them, moving to lean her weight protectively against Aryale. By her own efforts she nearly knocked her rider over herself, the young woman reaching out to hold her head to keep balance. As she waved greeting to Fisher down the way, she nudged Yaguareth to be careful. Not that it had been on purpose.

And good morning to you as well, Euxanth. You are looking lively as always, There would be much play to be had later under Orioth's watchful eye to wear them all out, perhaps. She'd keep an eye on them all to be sure things didn't get out of hand too soon.

"Good morning, Kiri!" Aryale greeted warmly like the newly rising sun, "You're always welcome!" And she meant it - for all of her fellow Weyrlings. As she spoke, she stretched out one of Yaguareth's mantled wings to start her own oiling, reminding her lifemate that the others would come to them and there was no reason yet for them to prowl and patrol. Those who were much shier or inclined to stay away would join them in lessons - and any who didn't could be sought out later. There were a few she was already keeping a keen eye on, afterall.

How are you feeling this morning, dear Felisath? Yaguareth inquired softly - and privately. It wasn't that she was hiding the fact she was talking to Felisath, but rather expressing a respect for her more private ways. A promise to keep secret anything expressed onto between the two of them.

Euxanth, this time she spoke more openly to all of her sisters, What story do you have for us this morning?





Beloved Werewolf


Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:59 pm
Fisher yawned again and gave a sort of short wave to the gaggle of girls ahead, this time pausing at the end to stretch. Life in the Weyr was making her lazy in getting up and getting going - perhaps some time as a Weyrling would fix that? She used to be able to work at the drop of a hat while on the waters, so being on sand shouldn't be too different. After noticing how much more er, vibrant, her dragon was than her siblings, she quickened her pace to get over and join the oiling. Euxanth would stand still for such things, as she loved the connection and fussing, but until then she was hopping around like someone with scalded feet.

Kleoth, you look so radiant as usual today. I bet in the future you're gonna outshine Mama and make all the others jealous. The gold's boop had been taken quite happily, as had the greetings from the more (in Euxanth's opinion) stoic Yaguareth. And thank you, sis! Mine says being lively is good since it means she's not messing up badly. Whatever that means. She thrummed with delight over her own words before turning to the smaller, shyer green that arrived. Felisath!! Whenever I see you I can only get better. It made more sense in her head before she spoke, but then again did Euxanth rarely do things in that order.

She was about to carry on and start her story, wings spreading wide at Yaguareth's invitation as though she intended to act something out, when Fisher arrived and gingerly tapped one of the wing-claws. "Hushit. A bit too early for all your chattin', dontcha think? And didja even say sorry 'bout nearly boundin' them all down?" Euxanth had not, and she huffed as Fisher moved to join in the group oiling. It was a nice way to make sure she stayed on top of things as well as a good way to...meet the girls? Her dragon was far more a social creature than Fisher would ever be but that likely wasn't a bad thing. Euxanth would make her talk in more ways than one and maybe even make it so she'd have friends.

Yaguareth asked for a story so I'll say I'm sorry after the story. The chunky little green settled back onto her haunches, a strange position she seemed to prefer when it came to sitting down. Anyway! Someone said they saw pirates the other day!! One of the big dragons maybe spotted something like a ship near the shore and it was full of pirates.


Same thing as a pirate. Euxanth mentally shrugged.

"Sorry about her." The apology went out to the six others, dragon and human alike. "She doesn't have an off-lever. You ladies doin' good this morning?" Fisher....wasn't built for small talk.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 7:59 pm
Kiri patiently ran the paddle over Felisath, using the brush to gentle massage the oil into her lifemate who was growing larger every day. Of course, this meant the little green itched often, and required multiple-oilings. Her appetite was just as ferocious, and though that meant the brown-haired woman's life was a near constant loop of chopping up herdbeasts and wherry, bathing, and oiling Felisath, she wouldn't have changed it for the world.

Though there were others around, honestly, Kiri could have been just as happy admiring her green alone. To see how vibrant her hide shone after the oil was worked into her skin, and to see how the morning light caught its rich variety of hues was nothing but bliss for the girl. She was as much in-love as any of the weyrlings, and didn't care at all if they judged her for it. Surely, the had to be equally enraptured with Theirs.

Still, the green-eyed girl wasn't rude, and she smiled brightly at the three. "I'm almost envious of all her energy," Kiri mused with a grin. "It'll come in handy once training gets more physically demanding, I'm sure," she assured Fisher, not wanting her to think she was put-off by Euxanth. Dragons came in all flavors, after all, and just as she'd never apologize for Felisath's anxiousness, she wanted to at least let the girl know she was welcome.

Honestly, besides Aryale, both Phyrana and Fisher were complete strangers. Still, she had never been put off or afraid of new faces, and what better way to get to know one another than a little bit of morning chatter? "Felisath and I are doing well, thank you. A good way to start off the morning--surrounded by sisters and family." The girl's smile almost wavered at the words, an old memory stirring--but she clamped it down quickly, even if Felisath nudged her side ever so tenderly. Where before she might have felt a surge of pain and grief, now, all she felt was a swell of her green dragon's love, with only an echo of the scars upon her heart. It was hard to be lonely with the allure of Impression still so fresh, and Felisath's constant need and affection overwhelming her.

No, there was no room for grief and that burden was substantially lessened.

Felisath was all the family she needed here at Western, and the way Liat spoke, her fellow weyrlings might well become family, too. "Are you two settling in all right?" She questioned Phyrana and Fisher, knowing the two of them were transplants. "Your parents still thrilled?" She grinned ruefully at Aryale, knowing well how supportive her family happened to be.

Felisath, for her part, looked admiringly over all three of her sisters. All of them were gems, even if Euxanth's energy sometimes caused the green a little extra-stress. She'd still rather Exuanth than some of the boys, though she knew she would never, ever be able to avoid them forever. Even Orioth intimidated her, gentle as he might appear to be.

To Kleoth, the gold's warmth was quietly cherished, and the petite one sent a shy, but sincere, brush of love back. She almost wanted to say more, to carry on the conversation, but suddenly found herself a bit tongue-tied. No, what could she say to Kleoth that her sister didn't already know? She allowed her mental-touch of affection to linger, and almost said nothing, until Kiri gave her a gentle and private nudge of encouragement. Thank you for having me, truly. Your company is always a treasure. That was the right thing to say, wasn't it? Not that she didn't love her other sisters who hadn't joined them but...well, smaller groups were just easier for Felisath, and Kleoth had always been kind to her, even when she first spilled upon the sand.

Yaguareth, of course, spoke to her directly, and blue-green eyes turned to regard her larger green clutchmate. She appreciated the quiet touch-in, for it was easier to speak without feeling anxious about what to say. She was often a quiet green, but she did so badly want to be accepted by her family and loved ones. Thankfully, Yaguareth had never made made her feel poorly about being so quiet and anxious. Just as she had with Kleoth, she allowed her soft, affectionate touch linger, even as she offered a small croon. I am much better with the three of you near. I truly hope I wasn't interrupting Kleoth and you. There was a pang of worry--perhaps her sisters had wished to be alone?--but they had been nothing but welcoming. It was too late now, regardless how they might have felt, and all Felisath could do was be grateful. I hope you and Yours are well, too.

Euxanth's words had her eyes whirling a brighter blue-green. Honestly, while the talkative and non-stop green could easily overwhelm Felisath, by that same token, if she was talking, then that meant everyone else would be paying Felisath no mind. One thing the shy green didn't mind was giving others the limelight who so desperately wished to have it; and thus far, Euxanth made it easy to listen. I shall be sure to greet you more often then, so you might be the best you can be. And that was the truth. If her sister was better by seeing her, it would only be right to help aid her going forward. Like with Kleoth and Yaguareth, the green shyly reached out to send a small touch of affection against Euxanth, to let her know she too was quietly appreciated.

They were only a few words, but Kiri was proud. Talking wasn't her strong point, but she'd certainly made an effort.





Shy Mage


Territorial Friend

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 12:12 pm
She tilted her head slightly at Aryale's words, considering. "It was," She admitted, remembering how the snow glittered and shone underneath the rays of the sun. Appreciating such a sight had been beyond her, at the time. Her dark gaze focused on the young woman, perhaps a touch incredulously before her lips curved. "You have a dragon now," She reminded her, "You could be gone for a few minutes and no one would ever know." The entire concept of so much freedom at her fingertips was almost unfathomable. Her time as a Candidate had been a farce--she'd used it as an excuse to buy herself time. Now... Now, the entire world was open to her, and the reality was a little staggering.

Kleoth leaned into her gentle touch, relishing the sensation of the cool oil being rubbed against her itchy hide. Oh, I hope not. She said earnestly. I am no better than anyone else. Such energy will be better spent improving our skills for when the time comes to fight. Her blue eyes whirled a little more quickly at that, eager for the day when she and her siblings would rise to fight their most ancient foe.

The thread of familiarity between the two native Westerners could hardly be missed, and Phryana absently sorted the observation away for later without thinking twice. So far, she'd heard no rumblings of discontent, seen no malicious stares directed her way for having been from High Reaches. When Martirae Impressed to golden Anakumath, the Candidate barracks had been abuzz with gossip, ranging from disbelief that a queen would select someone from an inferior Weyr to speculation that the new Junior Weyrwoman might attempt to shake up the long-standing structure of the hierarchy. No one here seemed to mind at all that she'd Impressed to Kleoth, though Phryana believed the leadership would pay close attention to her if she or her dragon showed signs of assuming rank and privilege due to her glittering hide. Kleoth found the concept that she was somehow better than others to be baffling.

Phryana shrugged off Fisher's apologies, appraising her briefly. "Don't be. Kleoth finds her charming." As she did with all her siblings, but no need to mention that. As for how the morning was going... "I'm finding that I much prefer this warmer climate and the ocean views." She said, smiling slightly to herself. "And I imagine you, at least, appreciate being closer to water." Fisher's name seemed rather telling.

Kleoth listened intently to the story, musing to herself. Pirates certainly would be a reason for excitement. Though fishermen were quite a different thing all together, Kleoth unconsciously found herself bristling at the thought of outsiders who might have ill intentions towards her home. Phryana paused to stroke at her neck, soothing her. No one would be fool enough to try and take on the Weyr, and the reassurance was enough to have Kleoth subside with a soft sigh. Of course, she brightened immediately at Felisath's delicate mental touch. It is you who is the treasure, Felisath. Never doubt that. Kleoth certainly never would.

Phryana intended to say nothing and merely watch--but Kleoth leaned gently against her, encouraging her. There was no reason to hide anymore. "It's been a whirlwind, " She admitted, looking thoughtfully between the three women. "A wonderful one, true, but a whirlwind all the same. I never expected things to end up this way." She smiled even as the queen let out a soft croon, purple flooding her blue eyes.

Sorry to hold this up!


PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 3:27 pm
Pallath having been fed, it was time for her bath and oiling, which if he was honest, was probably M'ika's favorite part of the day. Perhaps she wasn't the softest of creatures, and perhaps she wasn't filled with sunshine, rainbows and sweetness like some of the others, but she was His. And while some might wonder, she was perfect, and he couldn't have been happier to find His soulmate was such a lovely fierce, feisty green.

As he gathered the supplies to care for his heart, a hand drifted down to his side to caress the head knobs that were always there. She was always there when he needed her. Ensuring he had the brushes that she preferred – not too soft, but not too coarse- and extra oil, as she was growing so swiftly it was almost hard to keep up with, he started to lead her towards their favorite spot.

A spot that seemed to already be busier than they would like. He could feel Pallath start to tense, her muscles straining as she leaned against his side and started to gear up for a rant. Is OURS – MINE!- why are there so many? Not good not fair!

Pallath, Time and Place.

A swirl of orange crept through the green of her eyes as she stopped cold and stared up at Hers. This wasn't right he should be on her side. How dare?

Suck it up, Buttercup. There are going to be times when we will have to do things that we don't like, that we don't want to do, but we will do them anyway. Because we have to. This wasn't an area he was good at either, but he knew, like he told Pallath, it was something he needed to do as well. At least it was only four other dragon – rider pairs. He could handle that much at least. So could she.

'Is this a private party, or can anyone join in?'

Sorry for simply barging in, but perhaps Pallath and M'ika might be welcomed?


Peaceful Demigod


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 10:02 am
"Being energetic is hardly something she needs to apologize for," Aryale assured Fisher, kneeling in the sand and awkwardly maneuvering about on her knees to seek out that balance of not putting her back to the group, but also facing Yaguareth to work at her hide. "I swear. Every day I put her to bed a few inches bigger than she was when we woke up," she mused aloud, certain she wasn't the only one who shared such sentiment. Yaguareth, for her part, held her head up just a bit more as she silently indicated to Hers which itchy patches needed to be tended to first.

While such growth may not reflect in their bodies, Yaguareth almost entertained the notion of each of her sisters' bonded suddenly skyrocketing in height, but such amusing notion was barely out of her mental reach, Ours also come a little farther along at the end of each day. Some change had been immediate, of course, but some things developed a little slower. Aryale laughed, scrubbing around the green's jawline fondly.

"Oh man. My parents have been thrilled. I know the Weyr supplies us with everything we need, but I'm pretty sure my mom has made sure I'll have a riding jacket for every day of the month just to be sure," Aryale answered Kiri's inquiry, gesturing with the hand that wasn't holding the oiling brush. Still, there was no exasperation about the notion which had undoubtedly been exaggerated only a bit. "I can't wait for Yura to be able to see her - and her him."

Yaguareth listened attentively to Euxanth's story, though she had to peer around Aryale to do so, obediently lifting paws to be fussed over by Hers. Pirates? Jubath would be most interested in that, perhaps? Though perhaps Jubath's interest in pirates had come to a screeching halt once she had her pick of the litter. Query - did your older companion speak of what they were doing? No smart pirate would have come for trouble, but Yaguareth would be nothing if not vigilent just in case!

Just as she would keep an eye over her siblings, returning Felisath's soft croon fondly. You interupted nothing but your company being dearly missed, Felisath, It was again a private thought for the smaller green, but she knew Kleoth would have agreed wholeheartedly with it. We have both been very well, thank you for your well wishes.

Another was joining their midst and while Yaguareth straightened up, her attention sharply resting on Pallath and her potential upset (she remembered how she'd bowled over their sister, after all) while Aryale offered M'ika a welcoming smile. "Very exlusive club party," she peered down at Pallath, "and there's your membership right there!" There was obvious jest in her words as she waved the pair over.




[IC RP] Western Weyr

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