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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[GREENFLIGHT] Colors in the Sunset Sky [OPEN]

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 11:11 am
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The lazy evening sun glittered in reflection across the sea's waves, like a million million shining stars all gathered into one large pool, breaking and rippling as they crashed onto the shore. The drooping sun turned the whole world pink and orange and purple, a tropical feast for the eyes of any who happened to be out in it. The night-song-wherries had begun to wake and twitter their calls, and with the day-song-wherries still singing their ode to the day well-spent, the air was filled with glorious sound, their peeping cries rising and falling with the waves and the soft rustle of the warm breeze through the swaying trees' long fronds.

From her sandy wallow, where the green had climbed up from soaking in the sea, the glowing green dragon gave a sigh and raised her head to whirl her own purple-tinted eyes up at the puffy tufts of clouds drifting lazily by, all stained in the sunset's colors. It is... a beautiful evening, my L'an. I feel like I could almost fly... she hummed, her wings, still hung with beads of sparkling salt-water, flicked against her back, spreading as if to hold the very sunset itself within their arch. ...Do you remember? Is it time? She cooed the question to her rider, who sat nearby at the end of a small pier, his feet and his line dangling into the water. She did not wait for his reply though, already rolling to her feet, and with a bell-like trumpet taking to the air, a trail of scattering droplets scattering in her wake as she made for those distant rolling clouds.

Such a perfect evening... does anyone want to share it with me?

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Welcome to Alcherath's first (on-screen) flight! Now this is FAR from her maiden flight, and for natives of Western (or those who've been around a turn or two) shouldn't be at all surprised to see the green rising... again. She rises almost perfectly on-schedule every three months, and being almost 30 turns old, she's not anyone new to the scene. That being said, she's a tender and romantic lover, and probably is on good terms with almost every dragon around. She's a space-case and really has forgotten most of the males who've caught her before, but she's very sweet and fun to sport with, so ideally that won't have upset too many boys or girls. Essentially, she has the classic canon-Pern dragon memory issues, and while she remembers who people are/who's in her wing/etc., fine details/big moments sometimes (often) escape her.

As for L'an, he's also probably fairly well-known, either from past flights (he's bisexual and has a typical open-door policy for partners in Alcherath's flights as well as goldflights) or from being that guy always down on the docks or at the beach. If you do sea-related stuff for the Weyr you probably know of him, even if you've never spoken. He works very hard in his wing, but isn't too big in the social-scene otherwise, for whatever reason, and is fairly stoic and quiet outside of training. He also has an adopted son who just impressed a bronze at the wild cat clutch, so that's awesome!

About Alcherath
29 turns old, 20' long
Physical Description: Alcherath is a bit on the small side for a green, though by no means the tiniest dragon around. Her wispy nature seems to come through in her build as well—she's slender and reedy and looks like she could blow away on a stiff breeze, though that'd actually suit her just fine. Her snout is a bit shorter than usual, giving her the draconic equivalent of a cherubic baby face.
Personality: Introspective, easy-going and a little on the private side, this dragon is a dreamer. She seems a little distant at times, sometimes taking a few minutes to reply to some statement directed at her, and even then seems that she didn’t put as much thought as those few minutes warranted. In other words, Alcherath is kind of an airhead. For whatever reason, things tend to be overlooked when it comes to Alcherath. It wouldn’t be far off to say that Alcherath could be a romantic, in a sense, and never seems to worry, or for that matter think about, things that may not be as pleasant as swimming or flying. She sees the world not necessarily through a pair of unique, multi-faced rose-colored glasses.

Pros: Positive, romantic, friendly, a dreamer.
Cons: Absent-minded, naive, lacks focus.

About L'an
Male, 47 turns old
Physical Description: Just about everything about L'an comes across as 'sandy'. Tan from a life of outdoor activity, his skin has a somewhat gritty texture to it—and he's hairy to boot. From tip to toes, he's covered in thick swatches of brown hair--several shades lighter than the honey-gold locks he sports above. His constant demeanor is one of nonplussed indifference; his lips form up into a thin frown-like line and his leaf-green eyes often are darkened by their half-lidded state (not to mention the shade cast from his bushy, creased brows.) His chin juts a bit—the lingering effect of a minor under bite.
Personality: L'an is an overall less than interested person. No, not less than interesting. Less than interested. He gives his time freely and willingly, and will do a task to completion and well enough to do it right...but he seems to make no emotional connection, neither good nor bad, towards what works he does. He is aware of consequences, aware of the value others place on things he seems unimpressed by, and he has the tact to not offend with his disinterest, but it still seems to give him a slightly strange vibe. Vapid to some, cold to others, or even simply aloof. Despite his faults, he is a genuine asset in the sky. As close to a Pernese militant as can be found, he will follow orders to the letter, and do his duty at any cost—through danger, injury, and beyond.

Pros: Supportive, disciplined, patient, unflappable.
Cons: Permissive, dispassionate, unambitious.

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    •There will be an intro round, then 3 rounds of rolling, and finally Alcherathe will choose a winner
    •Each rolling round will last up to 48 hours (but less if everyone gets their rolls and posts in before time's up)
    •The first round will begin at about 10am Pacific on Wednesday (7/31)
    •If you get in your roll, but do not get in a post, that round's score will be halved
    •This flight is open to Western dragons only!
    •If you do not have a PC who can participate, NPCs are fine!
    •Greens are welcome to chase, but ineligible to win—sorry ladies, Alcherath's only keen on the fellas!

How To Win

    Standard Win: At the end of the three rolling rounds, the three males with scored closest to Alcherath will be randomized for a winner.
    Golden Snitch: At the end of the three rolling rounds, if a male perfectly matches Alcherath's total, he auto-wins.
    Dark Horse: At the end of the three rolling rounds, if a certain male has managed to catch Alcherath's eye more than others, she may sub him into the 'top three' to choose from (or double odds, if already in the top three).

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Your Dragon's Stats

Base Stats
If your dragon is...

    Alcherath, take a flat 60 pts., no bonuses.
    Green, start with 40 pts.
    Blue, start with 50 pts.
    Brown, start with 45 pts.
    Bronze, start with 40 pts.

Bonus Stats
If your dragon is/has...

    In Alcherath's wing (Star Flame), +5 pts.
    Previously caught Alcherath, +5 pts. (anyone is welcome to say their male caught Alcherath before, I'll make note and add it to her history!)
    A romantic, +5 pts.
    Often found on the shore/fond of water, +5 pts.
    Patient in nature, +5 pts.
    Detlath, +2 pts.
    Cynical, aggressive, impatient, or negative in nature, -10 pts.

Add up your points and then distribute them as fits your dragon's IC stats. Please be true to your dragon's nature, and don't try to min/max, it's really not that sort of game!

Alcherath's Stats
Total pts: 60
Strength: 5
Speed: 20
Dexterity: 20
Stamina: 10
Wits: 5  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 11:36 am
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It was a nice evening to watch the sunset from his ledge as far as Detlath was concerned, sprawled out with his wings spread to soak up the last rays of the evening sun. While he'd been cleared to fly again, and his wing was as strong as ever as far as the blue was concerned, Syas had been particularly fussy about making sure he didn't strain it.

Again, Syas reminded. If Detlath had pushed less hard the last time they wouldn't have dropped from the sky as they had. It had only been a moment, but it had been terrifying. Detlath had already forgotten such fear, however.

He suddenly lurched from his leisurely position, practically slapping Syas in the face as every thought he could have been having was tainted with a deep purple, threatening to stain them all permanently. Alcherath! he barely had to speak it, her name colored through their bond in vibrant colors like none Syas would ever see again in his life - colors lost in a single moment of a young dragon's eyes. The world was brighter, yes, but there was something about the pure love of a dragon that could never be caught with the eyes of a human.

They could only be felt.

Detlath needed no permission - and Syas would not have denied him - pushing off his perch to take to the sky with a bold, almost brassy, bugle towards the most radiant green to ever touch the sky. He'd take her over a sunset any day.

A perfect evening only painted in shades of you, my Alcherath! he keened, allowing the perhaps sappy words to drip with every overly affectionate drop of love he meant them with. Why should he be embarrassed about loving her so much it made him almost sickly sweet?

It may have given Syas the slightest headache, but.....he'd find his own distraction, perhaps.

About Detlath
9 Turns, 28' Long
Detlath is very sleak in profile, but broad in build. His neck is shorter than average and his wings just a few inches longer in the fingers.

Detlath is Icarus in dragon form, flying too close to the sun on the wings of adventure and sometimes flawed logic. Fun loving and always up for an adventure and a challenge. No chasers have a chance with him even if he loses - he has eyes for one dragon and one dragon alone; Alcherath!

About Syas
Male, 30 Years Old
If stood in a line with his two younger siblings, Syas would be the odd one out. He is half a head shorter than both Unnie and Papys, far broader and thicker in build. Like Papys, Syas is pale and prone to burning, and has the same dark eyes as his siblings. Unlike them, he has hair so blonde it almost looks white, cut short so it sticks up for the first half of the day no matter how it is combed down.

Syas is friendly and full of humor, but also guarded and if caught in the wrong mood is sarcastic with a vicious cruelty tainting his words. It is not easy to push him to the point of such ravenous rage, however, and while most may not have strong bonds with him, he is a friend to all.

Detlath's Stats:
Blue + 50
In Star Flame +5
Caught Alcherath Previously +5
A Romantic (for Alcherath) +5
Fond of Water/Found Nearby (with Alcherath again lmao) +5
Patient +5
Happens to be Detlath! +2
Total: 77

Strength: 13
Speed: 19
Dexterity: 20
Stamina: 15
Wits: 10  


Beloved Werewolf

ShinosBee generated a random number between 1 and 25 ... 3!



PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:39 am
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She had been looking up, up, up into the sky and the swirling clouds, already having almost forgotten that she'd just summoned any keen suitors to chase her, so lost in the sight of their puffy, lovely shapes and the feel of the wind and the smell of the sea. Eventually even her flapping wings stalled, as she grew fully entranced, a quiet sigh of wonder slipping from her... before she began to fall. After all, a dragon that was not flapping could only glide for so long before the started losing altitude.

She let herself fall, still staring upwards... until a nudge from L'an, and the call of a familiar blue's voice shook her back to herself, reminding her in a beat of how very much she wanted to share the evening. Someone's coming... look! Look, everyone! There's clouds in the ocean...! She'd looked down to see the lone blue rising up to meet her, seemingly unbothered that there was only one chaser so far. Behind the glittering blue speck of him though, the expanse of the sea had stretched out, the smooth spaces between the waves all reflecting the clouds above in a shimmering mirror to the sky above.

with a croon of awe and delight, she dove... right past Detlath as he was rising to meet her, intent on flying between the waves, and the clouds their reflections held.

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Alcherath's Stats
Total pts: 60
Strength: 5
Speed: 20
Dexterity: 20
Stamina: 10
Wits: 5

For Round 1 please roll SPEED + WITS!
Round 1 will end TOMORROW, Thursday 8/1 at NOON pacific!

Total Score: 3  
demon_pachabel generated a random number between 1 and 29 ... 16!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:12 am
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Detlath seemed ever so unbothered as Alcherath, ever dreamy and wistful and so lovely, dove past him. Though he offered sweet mental caresses as she passed him, he did not reach out to grab her yet. No, she had clouds and waves to chase and he, in turn, could wait for her to enjoy what light there was left in the sky to dance across the water for her.

Instead, he turned carefully to follow after her, dipping as close to the water as was safe...and then a little closer, trying his best to place his own reflection near her own. The stars will be coming to play with the clouds in the water soon - and then they will invite the moon and they'll splash all night. How fun will that be? How fun was she, always marvelling over such things as well?

Detlath's Stats:
Blue + 50
In Star Flame +5
Caught Alcherath Previously +5
A Romantic (for Alcherath) +5
Fond of Water/Found Nearby (with Alcherath again lmao) +5
Patient +5
Happens to be Detlath! +2
Total: 77

Strength: 13
Speed: 19
Dexterity: 20
Stamina: 15
Wits: 10

Round 1: 16  


Beloved Werewolf



PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:34 pm
Down between the waves, eddying along the clouds that reflected in them, it was some time before Alcherath quite recalled that she was rising. The fading colors and blossoming stars—just as Detlath had promised (though she did spend a moment or two wondering how he was holding his breath so long, down there in the water) held her focus quite long enough that it would have become a question of if she'd forget entirely and just fly home.

There was no shaking the strange and coiling need to be held however, and eventually, at last, when all the reds and pinks and oranges had cooled to blues and purples, she gave a cry, and with a spray of her wingtips carving through the sea's surface, she swooped upwards. Nearly straight up she flew, spinning lazily as she aimed for the moon just starting to peek out between the clouds. A glance around revealed... only Detlath. Many greens might have been unhappy, furious even to find themselves unchased... but the green found instead that she was quite happy. After all, she was so very fond of the blue... she loved him, she realized, as if recalling something she'd forgotten.

That made it easy then.

Detlath... it's so beautiful up here, she cooed to him, creeling and twisting towards him through the air, even as they kept rising, rising, rising. I wish we could stay forever... But of course, they couldn't. Her wings were suddenly so very tired, and with a little rumble of happy contentment, she drifted into his claws, looping her neck around his and letting him hold her, and carry her back down to Pern below.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:13 pm
He should have been, and on some level was, offended on her behalf that no others had come to answer Alcherath's call. But the sea was beautiful as a backdrop for her, like a pile of treasure that the finest piece rested at the top of. What a loss they didn't get to see it! To see her and the clouds and the stars all dance in the water in a vision they'd never have another chance for. It was all his alone.

All too soon such a sight would leave with the sun as she changed direction and Detlath too would brush his feet against the surf as he twisted to follow after. It took all of his self control - which he had very little of to begin with - to again keep from snatching her up impatiently the moment the moon touched her hide. How kind was the night to part to frame her loveliness in such a way?

How could it be anything else when you are here? A lovely night made perfect with your company, he trilled in turn, his adoration begging him to give into his impatience when she was so lovely and so close. We can come back again, every time you want, he promised, all too happy to clutch her close as she fell into him, twisting his tail around hers and flooding her with ever barely contained sweet thought he had for her.

Detlath would see her home safely, but for now she was only for him.



Beloved Werewolf

[IC RP] Western Weyr

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