The homeland of the Shimada Clan was quite the place. They were stationed on the side of a mountain which made for both a beautiful home and a strategic one: no one would be coming down from the mountain to attack them and they'd have an advantage sight-wise for miles around. It gave the small cub that was seated upon a stone altar quite a view, although the cub was more interested in the trinkets lining the stone tablet with him. There were skulls from a few animals, their pelts, precious stones, and of course himself and his sash. The blue fabric had been passed down through the generations of Hanzo's family, and yet it wasn't torn or stained in any way. There was magic upon it, thankfully, which also protected it from the curious milk teeth of the heir.

He sat up with a sigh and looked around again. Still no guardian. How was this supposed to work? Father had said to simply ask for the god to come and he would. Hanzo had been a bit distracted, admittedly, but surely the god would feel his request? Maybe he had to speak.

The little cub looked up at the cloudy sky with a little frown as he wrapped his paw around the blue sash. "Guardian, I summon you!" he called out to the empty air. He sat down to wait after that, hoping that those were the proper words.

Tras Bothair
The god had been in the middle of a blissful nap amongst the clouds. It hadn't been often that he travelled to the haven of his kind, but when he needed a truly rest filled slumber he would make the trip. Then Tras Bothair, God of Distrust, felt a small vibration surround him. It was a familiar feeling that his past life had felt time and time again.

"You called for me?" The large god vanished from the realm of gods and appeared before the stone altar. The individual he had expected to see was not there and his place was the heir. Hanzo. Tras hid his mild surprise behind a small smile. "What do you need of me, young Hanzo?" The smile didn't fade, but a wary look in the gods eyes never faltered nor did his gaze on the cub. His ears however were fidgeting this way and that. They were waiting to pick up the sounds of the clan memebers he suspected should be nearby.

Here the god was safe, but he still felt mild distrust. Safety was a fickle thing that could easily fade.

Hanzo waited for a few moments, but nothing happened. His father had told him patience was a virtue and he tried, he really did...but he was a cub! How was he supposed to be patient when there were all these fun things around him? He turned his attention from the sky to swat at one of the hare skulls that sat beside him, but just as he was about to give it a smack, the air shivered around him and a voice filled the area.

Hanzo sat up quickly, dark eyes staring at the huge lion before him. He had never seen Distrust before - to his memory at least, his Father may have summoned him when he had been very small - but he knew what the god looked like. Dark with bright markings on his legs and the tips of his wings - wings! - and of course, massive. A little wave of fear washed over the cub as he'd never been alone with such a powerful lion before, but the minimal training he had already received kicked in.

"My Father said I had to learn how to summon you without his help," the cub said, tail flicking back and forth as he stared up at the god. "He gave me this-" He paused to lift his paw where the blue sash was currently wrapped. "-and told me not to leave this altar until I succeeded." And it seemed he had, for which he was grateful.

"You know my name?" he added, a bit of wonder on the cub's face.

Tras Bothair
Tras Bothair found a certain amount of satisfaction in the way a mortals eyes lit up upon seeing his great form. Especially these lions. They knew who they were summoning and who they would be seeing, but it was as though they weren't aware all at the same time. So when the cubs eyes widened at the sight of him his smile grew a little more. The cub had grown since he'd last seen him. It wasn't to long before this moment that he'd been summoned by the youths father.

"Where is your father?" The god asked, lowering his head a small amount to get a better look at the youth. "Surely he hasn't left you to try and do this all on your own?" Of course that likely wasn't true. The task wasn't a difficult one and so it could be easily determined that the father trusted the cub to try this on his own. The not leaving part was likely so the cub simply didn't wander away after getting bored.

Tras's ears stilled briefly at the simple question from Hanzo. "Of course I do." He breathed slowly and his ears returned to their swivel. "It's my place to know the name of the heir." He responded casually.

Hanzo tried to blink the stars from his eyes, but it was difficult. He had been told about his guardians by his father, and he knew they had guarded the masters of the clan for generations, but no amount of pep talk could prepare him for being in the actual presence of the massive beast. He had been asked a question, focus!

"He and the council are...somewhere," he said, not too sure where they were. He knew that they had all been here to perform the rituals at the altar, but he'd been alone for a bit now. He wasn't supposed to have any help during this summoning, after all. He wasn't too concerned with them right now, though. Not when Distrust was right here in front of him.

Hanzo moved to the edge of the altar, trying to get closer to the dark lion, curiosity and delight on his face. "What is your name?" he asked in return, the innocence of being a cub helping him have no fear before the god. He knew the domains of the gods that would guide him and the lessons they would teach him would be vital - it was important not to trust those outside of the clan and that a leader was only as good as his support circle - but he didn't know their names.

Tras Bothair
"Somewhere?" The god pulled himself back up and away from the cub. He supposed that the cub hadn't needed to know the whereabouts of his father. Nor would his father have offered that information. Still, he had to wonder where.

Tras Bothair, whose gaze had drifted away from the cub briefly to look about. Half expecting to see the council come trodding along to check on the cubs progress was reminded he wasn't alone when the cub spoke up. "My name is Tras Bothair, god of Distrust." He smiled a little bit at the introduction. If the cub hadn't been aware of his domain he'd have been disappointed. However it seemed the cub had paid attention to some of his studies.

"Did you have any other questions for me?" He asked curiously.

Tras Bothair. It was a bit long, but Hanzo was sure he could remember it. He repeated it over and over to himself before nodding at the question, leaning over the edge of the altar just a bit with enthusiasm. He had a lot of questions for the god, but he had been told by his father to save them for later. Now he should just ask the important ones. And no, 'will you take me flying' was not one of them.

"Did I do okay summoning you? Is there a better way?" he asked, tilting his head. "Father said that I should only do so when I need you most, and I figured if I need you badly I'd be in pretty big trouble. So you should come real fast, right? If I call?" Or if there was a better way to do so he'd be all ears to hear it.

Tras Bothair
The cub seemed to be studiously thinking about something following the introduction. He could only imagine it was related to trying desperately to fit the name into his memory. Understandable. “Tras might be easier.” He suggested mildly amused at the thought. Even if that wasn’t the case Tras was easier to recall.

“Okay?” The questions were strange. Everyone had their own way of summoning a god.. or guardian in this case. But he supposed that yelling something out during battle would likely be a little bit of a giveaway. “Your thoughts are fine enough.” He remarked. “I should have let you know.. I felt your request prior to actually hearing it.” He was amused now and cracked a smile. “We shouldn’t have you yelling out about your secret weapon in the middle of a fight now, eh?” His smile became a grin and the words even stole a chuckle from the god.

“Just will it and it will be, so to speak.”

Hanzo's whole face lit up as Tras told him that his thoughts were enough. A wide smile spread over the cub's face and he nodded eagerly. While both of his guardians would protect him and help him when need be, his Father had told him Distrust would be quicker to battle than Support. Just having two gods behind him in any battle would make his enemies think twice, he was certain.

"Okay. I'll just think really, really hard!" Acting on impulse, Hanzo hopped down off the altar and pounced on Tras' front paw, squeezing it in a hug with his own short limbs. He buried his face in the dark fur, a part of him feeling home and safe. It was as if he could feel the very bond that linked Tras to his family.

"Thanks," he said, looking up with a shy smile. "I'm really glad you'll be there for me when I need you most." Although his Father - and this god, he was sure - would teach him that trust wasn't something to give freely, he had full confidence that Tras would come when he called so long as he didn't abuse the power.

Tras Bothair
A lack of trust consumed the god for a brief moment when the cubs eyes lit up. Nothing good could possibly come of that and he nearly winced when the youth lumbered off of the altar and landed with ease. "Yep. That's all you have to do." He reiterated figuring that Hanzo ma have been looking for some form of agreeance.

Contact. The cub had pounced forward and landed on his paw. Sheer horror passed over the gods face something that he hid quickly. But the god grew stiff and nodded sharply to back up what they had agreed upon.

"You're quite welcome." He tried for an awkward smile. "I must go for now. Call me if you need my help or guidance." He gave a small twitch of his paw to dislodge the gripping cub and free himself . "Tell your father I said hi." The smile grew more sincere with that last comment before he disappeared.
