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“You’ve… traveled? This whole time?” The curiosity was growing within her, a sweet peach lioness naive to the world... but learning quickly.

“Yes, but not all of it was spent together, and not all on my own either.” A vibrant yellow lioness sat before Awiki and Kanene with her paws crossed. She spoke with poise and grace and looked as elegant as any lioness could. For a moment she passed her gaze over to a handsome lilac male of lithe physic and a quiet nature, who nodded his head and smiled in agreement. She looked genuinely pleased, at ease, as she continued. “We’ve met plenty of friendly faces along the way! Most were like yourselves! And, like yourselves, we met by chance… one moment wandering in separate hunting groups and the next… well.” She leaned over, nudging her partner with a shoulder. He chuckled, blushing, and nodded again.

Gazania was a bright creature in every sense of the word. She all but glowed, even in the night, radiating a warmth that rivaled the sun. Taji, her mate, was the yin to her yang. His cooler tones matched his cooler head. He was a male of few words but of great action and looked as protective of Gazania as Kanene was of Awiki. They were a powerful looking couple and ridiculously sweet to boot. They would discuss later just how impressed and intimidated they both were of the two gorgeous lions who shared in their den for one night.

When Kanene and Awiki leaned in to one another as well, Gazania breathed a long sigh of delight. “I’ll admit, we don’t often meet with other pairs… at least, not on their own like this. Nor do we get the chance to share in their home for conversation and rest. We’re so grateful to you both and honored to be here. Thank you for allowing us to stay.”

Perhaps Awiki and Kanene knew that Gazania was wholeheartedly in favor of romance. When her eyes fell upon the affectionate pair they did not scoff, or narrow, but softened. Or perhaps the younger couple just didn’t care. Either way, the affections would go on for another thirty seconds before Awiki would separate long enough to reply.

“Oh, it’s our pleasure, really.” She tried to beam in the same way that Gazania did, giving her own flair to how bright a lionesses face get. Meanwhile, Kanene looked to Taji, as Taji looked to him, and they shared a silent understanding of one another almost immediately.

Their females were the socialites, while they themselves kept to the shadows. That was exactly where they enjoyed being because it was there that they’d have the perfect vantage points of the lionesses they loved.

“But, Gazania, that is incredible! You both have seen so much of the world, I-I would love to hear more!” Awiki’s tone had taken to the excitable as she reared up, settled down, and finally listened intently to the tales Gazania weaved.

Being a lioness practically pride born, Awiki had little experience when it came to exploration. The most she had seen had been at Kanene’s side, which was a blessing in and of itself but not… the same. It intrigued the girl to know of another female that had confidently walked the wilds all. On. Her. Own.

It was inspiring!

“The night can be full of terrors. I honestly don’t blame you for keeping out of it.” Kanene offered where he could, nodding to other pair respectively.

To all of this Gazania chuckled, lighthearted and amused. “Yes, well. Things go bump in the night, as they say. Anyway, of course Awiki. So long as I’m not boring you boys to pieces… I’d love to share.”

The females turned their attention to the males, Awiki sending a pointed stare to her grey boy while Gazania flashed a knowing smile to Taji.

And both males, in near perfect unison, breathed in and out with a shrug.


The following morning was eventful, in that Awiki and Kanene woke for the first time in shared company.

Long before their guests stirred, the two giggled and chattered on in hushed tones. And when they tired of whispering, the two crept carefully from their den and into the open. Where their excitement had more room to work with. Where their laughter could erupt. And when Gazania and Taji awoke, they were happy to exchange feelings of excitement and gratitude with each other, so delighted to have found one another.

"Gazania, Taji, thank you. I hope that someday we can cross paths again." Awiki spoke, eyes welling with tears. "Perhaps we'll have great adventures of our own to offer you!" It felt silly to cry, but the other lioness reassured her that it wasn't when Gazania's cheeks were dampened by tears.

The yellow lioness, side by side with her mate, bowed in a returned gesture of thanks. Taji would do the same, deep, before passing individual nods to both of the lions personally. It was no surprise that Gazania spoke up on behalf of them both. "I wish you all the best on your journey ahead, Awiki and Kanene. Take good care of one another. Love one another passionately. Forgive one another every chance you get. Be compassionate. Be good... you're meant for one another."

Barely a pause could be had before Awiki was pipping up. "Of course. But... How can you tell?" She then chuckled, sort of joking but sort of really wanting to know.

And to this end, Gazania merely winked. It would be Taji who would speak through a grin. "Somethings you don't have to know for sure, because you clearly see."

The parting of ways was bittersweet. Friendships forged in a matter of hours were rare, and it seemed that both Awiki and Kanene appreciated this truth. They understood it. And it validated the peach lionesses tears even more, as they flooded her face.

Tears that Kanene, with a tenderness about him, would gladly kiss away forever.

(WC: 1001)