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Robke, sore, worn out, and achy, stood shoulders deep in the hot waters of a hidden spring. It was a gift, really. Mother nature, the Gods, or whoever it was that crafted such things into existence going out of their way to bless the curious, the adventurous...

And the exhausted.

The brown male had frequented the spot as a child, but lost touch with it as an young-adult. Distance only made the heart grow fonder, and when his life took a turn for the nomadic he came across Tamno and the need for the spring all at once. It was divine timing, surely. The other male needed all the reasons to relax, and this was one of Robke's most coveted of methods.

It had been a couple of months since their first meet, now traveling together under a fairly solid friendship. Robke really enjoyed Tamno's company, albeit strange at times. Being the bit of calm that the other needed was a nice change of pace. At last, Robke's ease of life was an embraced practice and not a complete disappointment. He liked the brotherhood of it all. The trust that, when Tamno went into one of his 'episodes', Robke would be there to talk it out. It worked the other way around as well, but Robke hardly needed for much.

His eyes were closed, loosely, as steam swirled into and out of his nostrils to the beat of deep purrs. It's resonance shook his chest and sent ripples from him and out to the fringes of the pool... He couldn't see where his companion was, but he assumed that the other wasn't exactly resting.

"Tamno, man." Robke'Anvid's voice lulled, words stretching out long while inflections were emphasized by toothy grins. His pitch could get high when needed, but for the most part he spoke low and slow and clear.

"How are you doing over there, man?"