They found him somewhat away from his lady love wartching the water.Elidibus was no seer, nit blessed by divine blood, but rather he was a lion aware of all around him, so while it surprised them when he rose to greet them, the pale lion's expression was bemused when Zephirin and Yangu approached him, pausing in surprise as he reacted.

"Well met," The lion greeted amiably, looking to both before stretching. "It's not often I recieve visitors. To what brings them to me now? Especially strangers."

He was astute, it seemed, and Zephirin looked to the surprise on Yangu before stepping forth and bowing his head politely.

"Pray forgive us -- are you the one they call Elidibus? The student of Zodiark?" Zephirin asked. Elidibus tilted his head.

"I -- was, some long time ago." He admitted, then frowned. "But why are you asking? Few know of him, let alone Hydaeltyn or that they have had pupils."

Zephirin sighed, speaking as Yangu's ear pricked. Hadn't Efah mentioned something? Maybe?

"One of your fellows has been seeding mayhem in his name." Zephirin explained softly. Elidibus' gaze sharpened at once, the male regarding them silently before sighing as he rose.

"I see. Nacht, yes? Rather feverent one, that one. But she understood incorrectly." Elidibus shook his head, Zephirin frowning.

"She preyed on my native pride and got many exiled. Now, she preys on my companion's." He explained. Elidibus sighed again.

"Nacht does that. She believes only in the martial teachings -- peace throughtyranny. When the master was teaching us, he was yet courting Lady Hydaelyn. And she.... Left before master Zodiark could complete teachings with the insight of Hydaelyn. They call themselves the wingless gods -- or rather, Zodiark does. Hydaelyn is... Far more practical. But... You aren't asking about lessons, are you."

"We need help to stop Nacht. Permanently, if we must. She's... How to put it."

"Tell me she hasn't followed her plan to bed a god." Elidibus interrupted. Zephirin winced in silence, Elidibus frowning atthe cheetah's reaction, then sighing with a low growl deep in his chest.

"Gods be good. She has seers." Elidibus shook his head in horror, before Yangu finally shifted, stepping forwards. The kojin had been deep in thought, and now believed she had words for the pale lion, head tilting.

"Forgive my interruption -- please -- but Hydaelyn? His mate? And -- she has one seer. But she sent us looking for you and Zodiark." Yangu explained. Elidibus looked to her, listening patiently before smiling.

"Then that child hass sense. Must have been her sire's siude." Elidibus breathed. "And while master Zodiark does often court lovely females, he is mated to Lady Hydaelyn, a lioness whom he is smitten with. And, Ian pleased to say, has plenty enough sense to reign him in."

Yangu beamed at that, then tilted her head.

"Miss Efah suggested we might ply your aid, but also his, but for him we would need some kind of bribery. Offerings...?" TYangu trailed as Elidibus laughed.

"Oh, then Nacht babbles or this girl sawe something. As for myself, I suppose tis meet I offer my aid. Yes, I would offer aid. T'would be best to seek the seer's sire, or some relation, as well, I feel -- I doubt Nacht has shared her litter in some time. Further, regarding Master Zodiark and Lady Hydaelyn, there is something you might not know, you see...."

The pale male was interrupted by another lion stepping from the underbrush. He was large, violet and gold, eyes taking in everyone present before lazily looking to Elidibus.

"So are you finally picking up some den company, pupuils, or...." The male drawled, Zephirin sputtering his indignance. Yangu was silent beside the cheetah, blinking with wide dark eyes, trying to find words as Elidibus turned to the newcomer.

"No, Plouton. Neither. One of my fellow students is become a large problem and they came asking my help." Elidibus grumbled. Plouton tilted his head elegantly, curled mane shifting before he lit up.

"Neither? Splendid!" And he turned, bowing politely to both. Elidibus shut his eyes.

"They have children." He finished his thought, and Plouton beamed to Elidibnus, trilling.

"Oh come now, Liddy, don't make it sound so dour. We're not so terrible!" The royal looking male crooned, before turning to the startled pair. Zephirin growled promptly, Plouton blinking.

"Down, kitty." He cooed, patting Zephirin calmly. "I'm not up to a fight. Later, maybe." He roilled his eyes, and Zephirin snorted, shifting to shield Yanghu some as Plouton beamed, suddenly lighting as he spied the female, and drew close.

"Well you're a cool drink, my dear.," Plouton greeted. Elidibus grumbled.

"They mean to seek your parents for help, Plouton." Elidibus glanced to him cooly, the male looking over Zephirin.

"We seek to stop a former student of them from destroying another pride's system and we need know what offering your sire might accept,." Zephirin growled sharply, eyes locking on Plouton. He did not like the male's behaviour -- too familiar, too... Friendly. Yangu watched, letting Zephirin move as he spoke, before Plouton suddenly moved around him and leaned in, earning a surprised squeak from the female as Plouton flashed a charming smile at her, then looked as Zephirin took a swipe.

"Down boy. And if you really want to get Father to cooperate, appeal to mothert. By all means, bring Father some baubles for his ego, but he'll cave if you win Mother to the cause. Just be honest -- Father made a mess of things in teaching. And I certainly don';t mind helping." Plouton smiled again, and Yangu squeaked again, turning a deep pink as he crooned. Elidibus sighed, shaking his jhead.

"Plouton, this is sserious. I'm not sure you're... Ready." Elidibus warned. Zephirin immediately decided he liked this Elidibus -- sensible, it seemed, but diplomatic.Creepy, but polite. And then Plouton was... Zephirin just felt off around him. His moves, his motions -- he was unsettling, and Zephirin looked to Yangu in worry. Zephirin wasn't attracted to the lioness, but she was kind and understanding, and highly timid of rogues. Ploutyon.... Seemed to be a rather pushy male.

Yangu was quiet, looking between the males as she tried to distract herself by determining opinions as well. Elidibus seemed calm, responsible, if a bit on the mellow side. He was willing to help, but it felt like he might yet want something from everything. Almost too polite by Doman standards, even. And then this Plouton -- was he indicative of Zodiark? Hydaelyn? He was certainly friendly, and the male interrupted her thoughts with a lick to the muzzle, making Yangu squeak anfd topple shyly.

"I- i - we4 just met!" Yangu squeaked, eyes wide in surprise. Plouton huffed, but remained smiling.

"She does speak!" Plouton announced, but neither of the other males looked impressed by his words, Zephirin frowning.

"And you doubted this why?" Zephirin snapped. Plouton blinked.

"Well, she was silent. So are we saving your pride?" The male arched a brow,m Zephirin snorting.

"Mine was fiorced to change. I am an exile. Her pride is in peril." Zephirin snorted. At that, Plouton's eyes darkned,and he looked to Elidibus.

"Why is that male speaking for her if it's her pride in danger, Elidibus?" Plouton demanded. "If she can speak, she should do so herself."

"He's trying to be a gentleman, Plouton." Elidibus drawled. Plouton sniffed, shaking his head.

"It's not like she's helpless." The male said firmly. Zephirin grit his teeth.

"Miss Yangu is also unaccustomed to the roguelands and I promised to protect her." Zephirin responded sharply. Plouton looked between the three present, eyes ending on Yangu in quiet before his eyes returned to Zephirin, the cool darkness returning.

"How does one learn if you coddle them from the unfortunate pains of growth? I've no doubt you mean well, but there is clearly plans to be made. Much as father enjoys visitors, too many may not be wise if paws can move to protect her home." Plouton's brow arched, and he turned to Elidibus. "What plan had you, Elidibus?"

"Seek aid from your parents. Nacht has a seer by a winged god -- I proposed seeking him out to employ his aid if he is amenable." Elidibus explained. Zephirin watched as Plouton paced, considering his options before turning to Zephirin.

"Know you whom might find the father?" Plouton asked. Zephirin frowned, looking thoughtful, before nodding.

"We've eyes on Doma whom came from elsewhere. Perhaps they might have iudeas." Zephirin admitted. Ormr and Jin seemed to mention a god in Jin's birth pride whom might help, although he had many cubs with a goddess in the pride -- they might offer a lead."

Plouton nodded.

"Good, good. You and Elidibus ought seek this god then. I'm sure you'll be fine finding something or other and meeting back in the pride territory." Ploiton gestured dismissively, Elidibus studying the purple male silently. Yangu blinked, speaking before Zephirin could.

"Oh, but... What will I dio? I don't -- I can't navigate--"

She began. Plouton smiled a far kinder smile at her, nuzzling at the female with surprising warmth. Just met or not, the wheels in his mind turned.

"Oh, but don't fear, my dsartling. You'll be safely with me and I can take you to mother and father!" Plouton crooned. Yangu blinked, ears flicking as she considered this before thinking over his actions, eyes glancing up thoughtfully before she responded.

"Oh, and I suppose, sir, you think I'm easy because I've never left my pride?" She chided. "The poor frightened maid whom will be ever so willing to sleep aside the gallant male until he gets what he wats?"

Zephirin stufkled a laugh at the sudden snark, Elidibus laughing himself a bit as Plouyton blinked. The male seemed ddelighted by her response, beaming with positive delight at the lioness before he nuzzled her.

"Oh, I like you. You're clevert. Much as it would be tempting to have fun and leave, I seek another arrangement." Plouton smiled then, looking to Elidibus pointedly. Elidibus srtopped, blinking before looking to Zephirin in concern.

"So what doi you want? You're awfully touchy-feely." Yangu drawled. Plouton settled to sit, studying the female with a serious gaze.

"I seek my other half. What my parents have -- I would have myself. A mate. A partner." His eyes studied Yangu silently, and Yangu paused, blinking.

"We've only justy met." She pointed out. Plouton smiled, head tilting.

"We could give it a trial period, then. To decide if we are meant, my dear. But I do not seek casual pleasures -- much as I enjoy them, of course -- your bearing does not speak of a carnal being. You, my lady, are rtadiant." Plouton moved, resting his head on her shouilders. "A trial. For my aid. 'Tis all I ask, and may help your cause."

"...For Doma, then." Yangu sighed. "I'll try."

"Are you sure about this, Yangu?" Zephirin asked, moving to his friend. Yangu sighed.

"No? But I have nothing to lose and it helps our cause." She reminded. Zephirin nodded, sighing, before Elidibus spoke.

"She... Will come to no ill in his care. Plouton is... A bit of a pawful, yes, but he means what he says. He'sa discerning one -- I'm impressed he's chosen someone so... Different." Elidibus admitted. Plouton laughed cooly.

"She's still attractive. Do you not have work to do, Elidibus?" He laughed. Zephirin frowned, and Yangu sighed.

"I'll be okay, Zeph. I can kick him if he's a problem, right?" She laughed. Zephirin nodded slowly, and Plouton resumed resting his head across her shoulders, allowing his larger form to half-hide her softly.

"Can't you.... Not provoke Zepohirin? He's my friend." She pouted. Plouton sighed, Zepohirin still concerned as Elidibus moved beside him.

"I learn his name before hers now? Really?" The lion sounded affronted, and then Zephirin snorted.

"Yangu. Her name is Yangu." He bit back calling Plouton an idiot, and the male crooned.

"Yangu. It rolls from the tongue." Plouton crooned softly, but otherwise kept put, Elidibus looking to Zephirin calmly.

"We should go." Elidibus affirmed, and Zephirin nodded, bunting Yangu some.

"Be safe, my friend." Zephirin bade, and turned to leave. Yangu nodded.

"I will, Zeph. I'll see you in Doma." She affirmed. She watched the pair move off silently several moments before, at least, Plouton shifted, and nuzzled.

"Come, my dear. I will fetch something delicious for you, and then we'll be on our way to Mother and Father. And no fears! We will find Father accepotable tribute as well." Plouton affirmed softly, and nosed her, Yangu sighing as she rose to follow him silently.

She only prayed she knew what she was doing.