Bast would be lying if she hadn't thought about it now and again, that son of Amala's was looking mighty fine. While she was into both genders she had a deep rooted connection to the pale female and wanted to be able to give life that was part of her in some way, and her son was a bonafide way to do that. Rising up from the sleeping figure of the pale female beside her she gave her a gentle lick across the top of her head and then left the sleeping area of their little 'home' and started out on her search for her counterparts son.

The sun-kissed female was in no way a mother to Amala's children and liked to stay an outsider for this very reason, she wasn't even sure they knew about her and her mother. While they were aware that she liked females, they weren't aware that aside the female their mother had taken too from their original pride she hadn't found anyone here. Bast wasn't jealous of her former 'love' if you wanted to call it that. You had needs, you dealt with them as they came about.

And that was exactly what she was doing here.

Ah, there he was.

"Isithelo, may I steal you away for a second." A thick purr in her voice as she approached the dark male with gold streaks in his mane. A handsome sight to behold, and the son of a God, she couldn't have lucked out anymore than she had with this lot.

The young adult turned his head to spot Bast approaching him and he suddenly became very aware of their genders. She seemed to be on a 'mission' of sorts and it was involving him and that made him slightly nervous. Especially since he wasn't really a 'ladies man' or one of those 'smooth talker' types. "What can I do for you Bast?" Despite his lithe and youthful appearance he had a rather deep and silky voice. If it wasn't for his all around awkwardness he might rise up to his full potential as a good catch.

Smiling as he spoke she moved closer to him and looked him over quickly so as to not freak him out entirely. "I have a favor to ask of you, I hope it won't be too much of one though." There were those that would jump at the chance she was about to offer them, but they weren't what she wanted. This was what she wanted and she'd get it one way or another, even if it took time.

A part of him knew what she wanted, but he ignored it anyway, hoping what spilled from her mouth might turn out to be something entirely different. "If it's within my powers, I'd be more than happy to help." Had he just said too much, the smile of her face told him it was. Not one to back out of his promises he couldn't help but be mildly curious about what she was about to ask him.

"You see Isithelo, Your particular lineage is quite coveted, and while you have plenty of brother's to my disposal you are one I find most peculiar." Moving closer to him she allowed her shoulder to brush against his own as she circled him with a sly smile upon her face. "I am a lioness with needs, and I cannot currently meet those needs without your help," waving a paw at him she paused in her movements, "if you get what I mean."

Gulping he was more than aware and he was suddenly very aware of every fiber of his being. "I see. So what is it that you want of me exactly?" Might as well make her spit it out.

"I want the next generation." Her reply was a simple one and her eyes locked with his for a moment, she knew he was inexperienced. He had spent a majority of his time training and hanging around his mother, learning from her the skills she'd acquired from her previous home.

He was afraid of that, but he also wasn't entirely against it? "I see." His reply was short but there were no other words that he could produce from his lips at the moment as he stared at the older lioness. It was his right ot not answer her right away, and he was more than certain she knew this too and was going to exploit that to it's full advantage. "Allow me to think on it for a day or two and I'll come to you with my answer?" It wasn't really a question as much as it was a statement but he wanted her to think he was going to give it some thought even though he knew he what he was going to say.


It was advantage for both their sake; he'd gain experience and she'd possibly get what she wanted out of it. If she didn't he knew she'd come back around so it was really him gaining something from this more than she was, plus he wasn't going to have to be there to help raise them unless she asked and given who she was, he knew she was going to want to do it alone, or at least not with him always in the picture.

Giving a nod of her head she couldn't help but smile a little deeper. Taking a claw she ran it along the side of his cheek and down his side lightly. "Alright, I'll give you a couple of days, but don't keep me waiting long." Flicking her tail underneath his chin she spun and walked away, dust just barely coming up beneath her feet as she disappeared into the distance.

Once she was gone he let out a breath and gave himself a shake as he turned to walk away, to think he could be a father in the not so distant future.

What would his mother think?

Best not tell her about this for right now.

He headed off towards his previous engagement.