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      The history will grow as the pack does! If you wish to propose a plot point for the pack or something to push the story further, please DM/PM Nymphiea! She is very open to new ideas and invested pack members furthering the story.

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      A long, long time ago the Redwood was a habitable and lush area. It wasn't a shock when a small family settled within the territory. Led by a male named Crow Foot, he brought his mate and two children to the land and immediately dug claim to a piece of it. Fierce, ruthless, and protective, Crow Foot spread blood quickly within the Redwood to protect his family and land. To ensure further safety, he began recruiting other members and offered them a piece of the paradise if they swore to defend it and all those they called family.

      So, The Crows were created. At first, treasure didn't matter -- only each other did. The pack grew in size and families were created. Crow Foot stood proud over his powerful and loving pack. Then, the unthinkable happened; both his children died in a storm. Heartbroken and stricken with grief, Crow Foot frantically looked for a meaning for life now that his children were gone. He forgot his mate and the love he held for his pack. Instead, he focused on anything to fill the hole.

      That became treasure.

      The first time he met a traveler with a beautiful necklace and forcibly took the trinket he was met with a sickening and addicting pleasure he never was able to describe. He had something someone else had wanted. Something valuable. So he did it again. And again. And again. He began leading his pack to begin obtaining treasure. It was fun, at first, but Crow Foot became corrupted. He took from his own pack.

      His pack became lawless. Crow Foot used his own Guards to steal from his people and trap them within the pack.

      During this descent he had one final child with his mate. She died during childbirth and he care little. His son was named Of Gold and he was welcomed by the pack with excited cries. Some were delighted to see an end to their Alpha's tyranny be born. Crow Foot did not properly watch over his son; his greed was too strong. He didn't have time for the small pup. So the pack raised Of Gold, and behind the Alpha's back they raised him with good intentions and purity. They spoke whispers of freedom and kindness. When Of Gold became an adult he tearfully turned on Crow Foot, murdering him in the dead of night.

      With the murder of the mad king came the arrival of a peaceful and strong Alpha. Of Gold did away with his Guards and reassigned new wolves to that position of power. He also created Advisers and the Beta role to ensure all future Alpha's had other voices to guide them. The Crows welcomed their second Alpha, and with him came a new and balanced structure of the pack.

      Time passed, as it is wont to do, and the pack evolved with each new Alpha. Out of adoration for Of Gold and his family line that followed, Alpha's were of the same lineage. History continued and the Redwood lost its luster, forcing the pack to move closer to the edge of Redwood. Still, they were happy. Happy and healthy. They still focused on obtaining treasure and loving one another as a family. Things were good.

      Until they weren't.

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      Many generations on when they had an Alpha named Grovel the pack finally met tragedy once more. The Redwood had all but dried up into a desert of bones and decay, but they had successfully found their own home within the Redwood. Unfortunately, they were not prepared for the sickness that overtook them, nor the cruelty that would follow. Wolves began dropping. Their bones ached and lungs wheezed with every breath. Grovel struggled to understand what had happened. A theory would later be thrown that they had eaten spoiled meat after a Scout brought home suspiciously old meat and claimed it wasn't from deep within the Redwood. Unfortunately, they'd never figure out if it was true.

      Grovel grew sick and choked on his decaying body. The pack withered and wolves died quickly. The Heir, a poor small boy named Of Silver (a name they thought would bring them good omens), could not take the role as he was just barely a teenager. So, the Beta, Within Reach, took over. The remaining pack spent most of their time disposing of bodies and grieving.

      A neighboring pack heard of the tragedy and arrived at their borders. Back then, the pack was not as protective. They welcomed them in and the visiting pack promised of a medicine that would heal the sick. Within Reach readily accepted and the visiting pack medicated the sick wolves, including Within Reach, who had begun to feel ill.

      Overnight every medicated wolf died of poisoning and their hoards were cleared out, leaving Of Silver and a handful of wolves to awaken alongside corpses. The visiting pack had long fled before Of Silver could cry out in despair.

      The pack was a shadow of what it once was. Practically destroyed, the remaining wolves cleaned the bodies out and waited for their death. Talk came of leaving the territory, but once the hoard of prey had been emptied it seemed no one else was getting sick. Of Silver took over the pack, but he lacked the pride and power previous Alpha's had. The pack began to slowly rebuild, but they had lost their heart.

      By the time Of Silver had a male child named Big Bad the pack had been restructured to prevent outsiders. Trust was gone. Outsiders were not to be trusted. Not easily, anyway. Of Silver eventually died of old age. In his eternal grief he never appointed a Beta.

      This left his only surviving son, Big Bad, to inherit a broken pack with little to stand by.

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      Big Bad earned the name "The Omen" when, on the day of his rising to Alpha status, the moon turned red. Unknown to the wolves was the fact it was a natural eclipse, but he accepted his earned name with his head held high. Unlike his father, Big Bad stood proudly. He would rebuild the pack to the strength the stories spook of.

      Under his ruling he opened up their borders to any puppy they could find. He also began to encourage females to seek partners outside of the pack for a night or two. They needed to rebuild. And fast.

      Big Bad has also been busy making allies with similar-minded packs. His view is they'll have better success acquiring new treasure and surviving if they also have the help of selected packs.

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