Players || Elros and San
Word Count || 1506

The pride had carried on with little to now grief for quite some time. Aside from a prisoner escaping from their heartlands, they had nothing of note to have happened. Elros never knew strife, hunger or loneliness as the pride had provided good things for him since his birth. He would hopefully never come to know these awful things and live out the rest of his days in the pride as a proud prince.

The only thing that was missing in all his life was more time with his sister the successor. She'd been decided the rightful leader of the pride since the day of their birth and chosen to follow in their fathers paw steps and a good and wise leader. No time had been wasted in showering her in the teachings of basically everything it would take to lead the gems to be the gleaming pride it was. This meant that Elros was to see less and less of his sister as the two aged and her responsibilities and teachings intensified. This also meant that there was a severe lacking of their father as he was her teacher and still running the pride.

Elros couldn't help but feel a bit of anger and frustration as to why the successor had to be so isolated and why they could not be as they were when they were young. Those fleeting moments of youth were a flicker in their life and now Elros feared he would never be able to see his sister ever again.

This frustrated the young adol and thus this was why he found him self pacing the inner tunnels at the heart of the pride muttering things that sounded quite frustrating.

Sounds of frustrated muttering was enough to have Sans ears twitch and have the young adult pad in the direction of the sound. She'd maybe had thought twice if she knew the brooding had been that of one of the prince's but it was too late for that when she stumbled upon Elros. He was fully in her path when the two nearly padded directly in to each other.

"Oh... Uh.. Sorry. I didn't know that um.." This was a lie as San had known some one was here but she hadn't known the who or their status. Her ears whipped backwards and flatted a little as she took a few paw steps backwards.

"What I mean is I wasn't expecting." She took a few more paw steps backwards.

When the two were cubs it had never occurred to her that there had been anything special about the royal cubs other than they were fresh faced brats like the rest of the prides bundles of joys. She'd been a little older and it felt good to be a little faster and stronger at games. San had never thought twice about beating Elros or his siblings in any sort of game when there were cub gatherings.

They were older now though and titles were a thing. San was by no means afraid of Elros but she preferred to stay clear of the royals or any upper class crust.
The young prince was taken aback for a moment when the female appeared to him and watched her carefully as she backed away as if he was one of the strange ghostly phenomena that had happened some time ago. He'd heard the stories but never heard or saw anything him self but that was a story for another day.

"Why do you look so scared?" He took a bold step forward knowing that some preferred to keep their distance. Elros didn't care right now as he had spent too much time in his own head being mad. San had appeared and he was feeling his anger target on her. It was building behind his wolfish eyes.
San took another few steps back out of respect when the young prince took a few steps forward. She could sense there was a little hostility behind his yellow eyes and she was not looking to get on the bad side of a prince.

"Uh.. Crystal Lord, if I have offended you in any way please let me know," She sighed and let her frame de-tense it self. There was no way she wanted to get in an argument with the prince but if was going to be hostile she may need to bark back. San was by no means a coward and she was not about to be looked out by any male in this pride the way he was looking at her now. San was tough and she'd stand her own if Elros was to test her.

Elros continued to glare but was met with unyielding eyes in return. He wanted to say something to get San to leave but he also kinda liked that some one was around. The frustration and anger dropped like an unwanted dust bath off his back and he was able to soften his eyes a little at San while still remaining quite serious.

The male took a few large paw steps forward to investigate the female further.

"Lions don't usually shuffle around these parts. Its out of the way and I saw to it to pick a tunnel less treaded. I'm guessing you heard my mutters and came out of your way to find me," Everything was in a matter of fact tone and Elros hadn't just guessed, but known the reason why. He was a seer and had a sense of these things as to what drove a lion to do what ever it was they were doing. You never wanted to get in a game of bullshit with a seer after all.

San looked closer at the prince when he was dead on with her reasoning. This litter had come from their queen who was a known goddess among the pride so it was natural to think that might come with some kind of intuition but it still felt a little unsettling to the young female.

"Well what were you muttering about? You sound like you're frustrated about something and before I saw it was you.. I was dead set on helping. But if you rather I leave I can do that too." She was also matter of fact with an edge of an annoyed huff.
The edges of Elros's mouth tightened some as he looked taken aback that San would leave. He supposed he wasn't being entirely pleasant but he still needed some support all the same as any other lion. If San was going to offer it to some one why was he not good enough?

"Can you stay?" He was holding back his irritation as it was not originally something that had been directed at her. His heart felt a little ping of the thought that maybe he wasn't good enough or something and he didn't want San to leave now.
San took a few bold steps forward and looked down her nose at the prince.

"Sure." She was blunt and followed up with a, "But if you're going to take your temper out on me you're going to have a hard time ever being around me again. I'll not be treated poorly even if your family is the one running things. Just remember that."

The gray lioness took a reluctant seat and continued to eye the male with her piercing pink eyes.
Elros shrugged but didn't roll his eyes. He fought that urge down deep inside of him and gave her a nod.

"I wasn't planning to but what ever." He felt his anger boiling again at the way she had talked to him and he wasn't sure he could keep his promise. Elros turned her back on San and started the other way.

"Actually. I don't care to be judged right now. I'll deal with this on my own and you can go on and pretend we didn't run across each other." Elros was feeling the edges of anger and he knew right now was not a good time for him to be around another. His anger hungered for a punching bag and he could control it enough to make sure it wasn't San.
San wasn't sure what to say to the prince after he'd backed out of their arrangement. It wasn't something that was iron clad but she had thought that maybe she'd get to know Elros a little better and maybe that had been enough.

It hadn't dawned on her that she'd been a tad judgemental and Elros was in no mood for that. The corners of her mouth flinched in annoyance but she said nothing. Elros had kinda kept his promise and not taken his anger out on her but now she was the one left mad. It had been a mistake to answer the calls of what she had thought was some one in need.

Some one had been in need but her pride and temper would not allow for the smallest hint of disrespect even from a prince.