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Dahsha practically pranced along the outskirts of the jungle, still riding the high of having met so many new people, learned so many new things, and having tried to catch so many fish! She may not have been the most successful at it, but these experiences were all so new. She had learned the basics during her incredibly sheltered cubhood, sure - hunting, tracking, basic social skills, enough to survive on - but her parents never told her that the world was just so full of things. They may have thought it all to be too dangerous for her to ever see, but to her it was all just so exciting.

She couldn't stay with those kind lions that made their friends fight, though. Too many places to see, too many things to do, and too many people still out there to meet. Maybe she'd go back someday to learn about exactly why it was they were fighting like that, but right now it was time for an adventure. She just had to find it first.

Pandorus Sphinx