My creator is Mystiecat537

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████████ † [̲̅B][̲̅a][̲̅s][̲̅i][̲̅c] [̲̅I][̲̅n][̲̅f][̲̅o][̲̅r][̲̅m][̲̅a][̲̅t][̲̅i][̲̅o][̲̅n] † ████████

Nickname: Mizzie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Cursed human
Hair Colour: A mix of purple, brown, and blonde
Eye Colour: Pale violet
Weight: 132lb
Height: 5'3"

████████ † [̲̅P][̲̅s][̲̅y][̲̅c][̲̅h][̲̅o][̲̅l][̲̅o][̲̅g][̲̅i][̲̅c][̲̅a][̲̅l] [̲̅&] [̲̅S][̲̅c][̲̅h][̲̅o][̲̅o][̲̅l] [̲̅I][̲̅n][̲̅f][̲̅o] † ████████

+ Plants and animals (especially snakes)
+ Hair
+ Books, especially fantasy genres
+ Computers. They're the best invention after paint.

- Gossip (and the people who spread it)
- Religion, religious figures, religious texts, etc.
- Okay, she just doesn't like people in general.
- Would you believe that she's on the list of stuff she doesn't like?
- And mirrors. Let's not forget mirrors.

Health: Physical - No outstanding health issues l Mentally - Very guarded
Dorm Room (Leave it blank for now/ Fourth Years have the option to have their own room or a roommate)
Grade: Third Year
Occupation: Student
Club Member: N/A

Class Schedule:
Period 1: ICT
Period 2: History
Period 3: Art
Period 4: Business & Economics Studies

████████ † [̲̅S][̲̅t][̲̅u][̲̅d][̲̅e][̲̅n][̲̅t] [̲̅A][̲̅t][̲̅t][̲̅r][̲̅i][̲̅b][̲̅u][̲̅t][̲̅e] [̲̅&] [̲̅A][̲̅b][̲̅i][̲̅l][̲̅i][̲̅t][̲̅i][̲̅e][̲̅s] † ████████

✵Humans Cursed/Gifted✵
50 of 50 points used, 0 points remaining

    -Strength: 4/10
    -Durability: 7/10
    -Speed & Agility: 5/10
    -Stamina: 5/10
    -Weapon Proficiency: 3/10

Magical: (Needs At least 4 Points in Strength/Energy/Control to be able to cast Spells)
    -Magical Strength: 8/10
    -Magical Durability: 5/10
    -Magical Energy: 8/10
    -Magic Control: 5/10

Night Vision: Misza has excellent sight at night and in dark places. She can see very well in both dim light and total darkness, although her vision does suffer under the latter. As such, she doesn't necessarily need a light to find her way around.
~ She cannot see colors in the darkness
~ It takes some time for her eyes to readjust to regular light. Bright flashes of light are rather hellish on her optics as well.
~ Her eyes are all shiny and reflective.. Not so great for staying hidden if there is a light for them to reflect
~ She cannot see in absolute darkness

Flame-proof Skin: That scaly skin that covers her body has granted her a great resistance to fire and heat, making her quite difficult to harm with fire.
~ She is not immune to fire, only highly resistant. It takes a lot, but she can be burned by a strong enough flame. Supernatural fires are generally the most effective as they often burn hotter than normal fire and/or also feature various other effects that she would not be so resistant towards.
~ Funnily enough, cooler temperatures seem to make her quite lethargic
~ Her internal organs are still vulnerable, so she really needs to be mindful of the heat.
~ This doesn't really extend to the by-products of fire, such as smoke.

Field of Darkness: Misza is capable of generating a spherical field of unnatural darkness which spreads for 15ft in each direction from a point that she can choose. This point can either be something that moves, in which case the field will move with it, or a fixed place such as being around herself. This darkness is nearly impossible to see through and cannot be illuminated by natural lights.
~ It lasts a maximum of 5 posts, but can be dispelled at any time either by herself or by powerful light magic
~ You know how she can't see through absolute darkness? Yea. This would be that. She is just as blinded by this as others are.
~ While the darkness can spread around corners and such, it cannot spread through solid objects.

Infernal Combustion: With a simple gesture, Misza can cause a nearby being to be engulfed in hellfire.
~ Lasts for 1 post
~ She can only actually use this on a creature who has harmed her beforehand. This means physical harm, such as hitting her.. Or worse.
~ The target must be within her direct line of sight. She can't be looking at them through a window, or seeing them in a mirror. Nope, must be direct, no objects in the way (no matter how transparent) line of sight.
~ Holy objects happen to repel hellfire, which is extremely useful.
~ Hellfire can be countered by holy fire or holy water.

████████ † [̲̅P][̲̅e][̲̅r][̲̅s][̲̅o][̲̅n][̲̅a][̲̅l][̲̅i][̲̅t][̲̅y] [̲̅&] [̲̅P][̲̅e][̲̅r][̲̅s][̲̅o][̲̅n][̲̅a][̲̅l] [̲̅I][̲̅n][̲̅f][̲̅o][̲̅r][̲̅m][̲̅a][̲̅t][̲̅i][̲̅o][̲̅n] † ████████

Personality: Misza is a very guarded person and not one who is very easy to get along with. She displays a certain coolness towards others, keeping them at a safe distance with snarky, biting comments and a great deal of sarcasm. She doesn't really tend to swear. In fact, she is quite well spoken. She is just exceedingly cynical, her childhood having left her with quite the pessimistic outlook, and very distrustful.

Relationship Status: Single

Fears: Perhaps her biggest fear is that what she did before coming to Videl will be discovered..

Backstory: From the moment Misza was born, it was apparent that she was different from other child.. And not in a good way. Even as a wee babe, her demonic appearance was clear to all that gazed upon her, from her red, scale covered skin to the horns upon her head and even her stubby tail. As she would hear countless times throughout her life, there was little about her that looked human. Even her own mother was horrified by what she had given birth to.. Or so she imagines. The truth is that Misza never met her parents. The circumstances surrounding her birth are a mystery to her. She knows the hospital she was born at, and that her family moved away within months of her birth.. And she knows that she was left behind; abandoned on the steps of the town's only orphanage. She has no doubts of why this happened. It was a small town where news spread quickly. Even if they had locked her away and never let anyone see her, they would never have escaped the stigma of birthing a monster.

To make matters worse, this town was highly religious. They had three churches. So she was branded a demon child before she could even walk or understand. While the townsfolk treated her like an outcast from the start, one particular church owned that orphanage. The figures there, though shocked at her appearance, determined that she must be one of Satan's minions, destined to serve some evil purpose.. But because she was still only a babe, they thought to "save" her. Such self-important nonsense; they only wanted to feel holier than thou. Wouldn't it be a great feat reform a demon? The only good thing about this for her was the shelter provided at the church. Sometimes, there were those people who wanted to kill her, thinking that it would put a stop to the normal misfortunes that sometimes happened around town.

So this was how she grew up. With adults staring and whispering behind her back, while children near her took the adult disdain as a signal to bully and mistreat her. She was the town freak, monster, demon.. No one wanted her around. Whenever something went wrong, she was to blame. Her education was dominated by religion, though she wasn't totally ignorant of other subjects. She was "homeschooled", but by the church.. Where she was always being lectured to or told off for some thing or another.. Sometimes beaten for wrongdoing. If she ever used one of her slowly manifesting powers, God have mercy on her, because there was none for her in His "house". Even there, she was blamed for all ills. She thought this was normal.. But as she grew, she saw how others lived enough to realize this was not normal. Eventually, she realized that she was being punished for something she had never done, for sins that were not hers and things that had not yet happened, that might never happen.

Initially, she responded by trying her best to be "good". How they loved showing her off then, like an animal performing tricks. Such amazement that something like her could behave in a civilized manner! However, as she grew, a sense of resentment and bitterness took root and grew inside her. She slowly became aware of just how unfair this was, how unjust. As teenage hormones became mixed into this, she began to intentionally act out, to rebel.. She would sneak out to roam the town, and the immediate area around it. Especially the woods, where she found a nice place. Punishment when caught only really encouraged her to act out more, as if to prove a point

It should be no surprise that she began behaving as a delinquent. It certainly wasn't to the townsfolk, or even the ones who had raised her while preemptively punishing her. She was caught shoplifting a few times, which led to her having to spend nights in jail and being stuck with community service.. About the worst thing she did, in her opinion, was successfully stealing some spray paint and vandalizing the church walls at night. That time, she wasn't caught, but the reactions were grand.. Until she was given the job of cleaning it all up anyway. Still worth it. The church people would probably say that the time she snuck out to try going to a party was the worst incident. It didn't end well.. Boy did they ever hear about that.. Anyway, moving on!

When she was fifteen, she received an invitation to attend a boarding school in England, which she had never even heard of before. Granted, she hadn't heard of many. She wasn't all that interested at first, but things changed after an.. Incident which happened during one of her nightly escapades. She didn't expect to run into anyone, especially not out in the woods around the town late at night.. But she did. Someone who was not at all fond of her too, though that was not a surprise. She did not mean for it to happen, but.. Suffice to say that there was a confrontation which ended with the man having a fiery demise. It wasn't the fire that killed him, or even the fall he had into a small ravine. If she had lingered, she would have learned that he had still been alive, but she ran immediately. It was a mix of his injuries and exposure.

A you can imagine, she had a change of heart the very next day. She was eager to go to Videl, but first she had to convince her guardians to allow her to. She begged and pleaded. After some research, she listed off as many advantages as she could think of. She swore up and down that she would keep up with prayers, attend mass, report to the school's resident priest (one of the pluses she told them was that the school had clergy as staff). It took a lot of convincing, but finally, a reluctant agreement was acquired.. Which then led to all the funness of getting ready to attend school abroad, including getting a passport.

Still, preparations were finished in good time and the body had not been discovered yet, much to her relief. With that, she would be going to Videl for the first time ever! It wasn't some magical fairy tale where everything changed when she went to school. Although she quickly learned that the school was full of people who were not 'normal', there were few that looked as obviously inhuman as she did. Not only this, but those times when other students had approached her, she was dismissive or cold towards them, so she didn't really make any friends. The classes were the most difficult. As it turned out, the education she had received wasn't quite good enough for many of these classes to be easy. There were many glaring gap..

Surprisingly, two whole years have passed since then. While her social life is still deader than a door-nail,but in other ways her life has changed. She knows more now than she used to.. And the school's library opened a whole new world for her in the form of books that weren't strictly school-related.. Even better, since there was a town, she managed to snag some small jobs to get just a little bit of cash that she could use for herself without having to argue over why she needed money. She has been careful about that, of course.

Goal: Gain her total independence from her "home"

Extras: She has quite a passion for hair care.. As such, it should then come as no surprise that she has learned a great deal about this subject and is not afraid to put her knowledge into practice.

Nightmares in Daydreams

xX Yennefer Xx

Rush And Crush
