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[ORP] The Fishing Games [[FIN]] Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 1:28 pm

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It was a bright, clear day today, rare for a jungle that normally rained. The side of the Great River was strewn with colorful decorations and vendors setting up shops with baskets of goods beside them. The view was new and exotic for any curious passerbys, and soon enough there were lions stopping to watch what was happening. They wouldn't have to wait long before groups of lions and other creatures slipped out of the jungle, some with a nervous air and some with the confidence of people who knew where they stood in the world.

The Mto'Mkuu had emerged at last from the jungle.

A loud bark was heard before the crowd parted to let a brown and green lion and his wild dog companion through. The lion hopped his way leisurely atop an overlooking boulder, and then, with a smirk, he spoke loud and clear to everyone in the area.

"Let the fishing games begin!"

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Welcome to the opening event for the Mto'Mkuu! To learn more about the pride, click on the top banner.

They have kept secluded in the jungle in the past, but now the Kiongozi has chosen to reveal them to the world outside in the hopes of gaining a few allies and growing their pride. As a first step, the pride has arrived to the border of their lands to play a few fishing games and see if they can't attract the attention of passerbys. Every lion is welcome to join in - pride member, rogue or otherwise!

The fishing game will consist of IC items to win, but of course, there is a participation prize for joining the ORP as a whole.

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Every post you make in this ORP will count as a ticket towards this girl! At the end of the event, I will be raffling her off to a lucky winner. She must stay in the pride, and can take any middle rank.

The closing date for this ORP is July 4th, at which time I will be rolling the winner!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 1:30 pm
Fishing Games

At the behest of the Kiongozi, vendors have set up shop closer to the jungle's foliage and will be offering prizes to those who come to them bearing fish. Bear in mind that these are just IC items for your SoA to obtain, and not actual edits or otherwise from the shop.

How the Game Works:
    To play, roll a 1d6 for each character that's fishing. The following roll is what you get:

      1 - You caught a big one! Congrats!
      2 - It's so tiny, but hey, at least it's something.
      3 - You thought you'd caught one, but it flails around so much that you lose your grip on it! That's a miss, try again.
      4 - It's tiny! It squirms around in your paws, but you manage to keep a hold of it.
      5 - You caught a big fish, and then, to your surprise, it spat out another tiny fish. That's two for one!
      6 - A miss... and the fish flew right over you! How was that even possible?

    A tiny fish counts as 1 point, whereas a big fish counts as 2 points. You can continue to fish to rack up as many points as you would like, but each post must have some sort of rp response to the situation. They can be short responses though! (keep in mind that if you're hoping to use this orp for breeding counts, it will still need to keep to the requirements of SoA)

    You'll rp your SoA going up to a vendor to turn in your fish and request a prize! I'll be playing NPC vendors who will respond back to you, so please make sure you quote me while doing so. You can go fish as many times as you'd like, even after obtaining a prize, and continue to rack up more points for some more prizes.

    1 point: A small feather necklace.
    2 points: Pots of different colored dye/paint.
    3 points: Little stone lion figurines.
    4 points: A brilliantly colored pelt cape.
    5 points: Headdress made of parrot feathers.


Prizes Obtained:
    Meera - (4 points) A brilliantly colored pelt cape.
    Atreyu - (1 point) A small feather necklace.
    Aurra - (5 points) A brilliantly colored pelt cape & a small feather necklace.



PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 1:33 pm
((Mine are approachable during this event. If we're ever in need of some more people to interact with, I can always toss a few more of mine out. Don't be shy about walking up to them!))]

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He was grateful that the River was relatively calm today, or well, calm for it, anyway. It allowed some of the youth to join in without fear of being swept away by the current.

Atreyu hummed thoughtfully as he sat atop his perch, observing the lions around him with a calm air. He was waiting for someone to make the first move. None here were particularly shy about joining into festivities, but with them being so exposed, he couldn't blame them for their reservations. It was part of why he'd chosen something fun to start with. They would warm up to the idea with time.

.... And he may have had a bet with Aurra that it would be a Ruby faction member that made the first move. He wanted to see if he was right.

Cleotha, meanwhile, let out a loud sigh from down below him, a neutral look on her face that she was always good at making. While she was proud of her master's choices in life, she did dislike it when he put himself in the limelight like this. Not to say he wasn't always, but.... well, if anyone tried something fishy towards him, she'd be the first to snap their paws off. A well-trained Pigana, she was confident that she could hold her own, even when pitted against a lion.

Red tail flicking behind her, she scanned the crowd. The wild dog could spot Aurra mingling with the group, trying to ease a few of her own into participating first, and she snorted as she realized that it was her way of trying to manipulate their bet. Neither was allowed to step in first as a fisher, but that didn't mean they couldn't try to convince others of it.

Whatever, that was between them. She had no interest in their games.

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The white lioness was sure that Atreyu would pitch a fit if he saw her trying to coax her faction members into going and fishing. After all, he thought their bet hinged on chance and luck or something stupid like that. Well, Aurra wasn't a Sapphire lion for nothing. She was good at strategizing, and while she did concede that Ruby lions were headstrong enough to jump in, she also knew that her own faction could be persuaded into it as well. Which is how she found herself weaving her way through her associates.

Blande had been left at home again though, not that the klipspringer had any objections to that. While she supported Atreyu's decision and was willing to back him on it, she wasn't quite ready to put her Kipenzi's life on the line for it. Rogues out here were known to attack prey like that, after all.

Shaking her head, Aurra settled down closer to the vendor's stands.

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She always did like finding places, especially places that were about to do something. Most of the time, she had no idea what, but her intuition never let her down.

Alisaie was laid out within the grass nearby, having been there since very early that morning. She'd watched with deep green eyes as they brought out their decorations and wares and netting and all sorts of other things, and was now just waiting for something to happen. It looked like a festival of some sort, but who knew. Soon, what had to be the leader came waltzing out, and she tilted her head in curiosity at the sight.

She might join in at some point, but for now, she simply observed.

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At first, she hadn't heard anything beyond the rush of water nearby, and Meera was excited to run and see what source of water could be that loud. Was she by the sea again? It was loud like this, so maybe.

Then she heard the booming voice. Did that mean there were people nearby too? She did love meeting new people. As she mulled over that, it finally dawned on her just what the voice had said, and she smiled widely. A game? She loved games! Fishing was fun too, so both together was probably fantastic! That was good enough reason for her to quicken her steps.

Although, she hadn't been expecting the spectacle in front of her when she arrived. Her eyes traced the colorful baubles in the trees before landing on the large crowd in front of her. Huh, she supposed that a pride lived here. Well, no time like the present to introduce herself!
AstoriaFallen rolled 1 6-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-6)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 2:37 pm
2 - It's so tiny, but hey, at least it's something.

Moselle decided to go ahead and give a try at fishing.

Moving over towards the water he really wasn't exactly sure of what he was going to do. He'd honestly never fished before. Wading into the water wasn't difficult, he'd spent a great deal of time in the liquid before so wading wasn't a problem, he also wasn't tiny so it wasn't like the current was going to drag him off.

Standing there, he stared into the water and watched as some fish moved around, perhaps he could swipe one out of the water? Slowly moving his paw with the current he watched as some of the fish began to linger closer to his paw, maybe if he just jerked his paw up and out he'd get one.

Sure enough one of the fish pushed up with his large paw and into the air onto the shore. With a mighty grin he moved to the shoreline to inspect his prize. It was terribly tiny but it wasn't the worst thing in the world. Releasing it back into the water he could just try again in a bit.

Spotting Aurra not far away he approached her with a light smile. "You're not going to try your paw at fishing? It's actually quite fun."

Mango Meow



Winter Wolf

Ars Naberius

Dapper Seeker

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 12:42 pm
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Though his weary gaze and dragging paws may suggest otherwise, Nyuso was thrilled. This was the farthest he had ever pushed into the jungle, and he was awestruck by its beauty. He usually skirted along its edges, preferring the occasional light mist of rain to the heavy, unending downpour the jungle usually presented. But something in his paws pulled him in despite the inclement weather - and it was worth it. The sky was clear, the humidity only made his thick fur look a little ridiculous, there were so many new plants he had never seen, and maybe he could take some with him! And...

He blinked and froze mid-step. What he had been admiring, he realized, wasn't a plant at all - it seemed to be some large male announcing the beginning of some sort of game. Nyuso looked around, suddenly aware of his surroundings. Oh! There were... Many other people here, actually! Huh.

He plopped himself down where he had been standing and watched. He'd never been the best at fishing, but maybe he could learn something from these colorful folks?

User Image
Having lived a relatively sheltered life, Dahsha was amazed by literally everything going on here.

There were so many different lions! And decorations - how did they make those? Did they all live together? Was this a pride? Her tail twitched excitedly as she watched from a distance - she had been wandering aimlessly since leaving her home, trying to learn all there was to learn about this big, wide world she'd never seen before. She'd mustered up the courage to investigate the loud rushing noise a few days ago and had just today discovered its source: the Great River, and not an unending stampede as she had worried.

But now there was so many more things to explore and do! At the announcement of the games' start, Dahsha tore towards the river, not caring what was in her way. As she approached the riverbank, she realized that she should probably think before she threw herself in. When she reached the river's edge she abruptly stopped before slowly, hesitantly dipping one paw in the water while looking at the announcer-leader-or-something lion with a quizzical look, as if to ask 'is this alright?'. She may have no idea what she was doing, but boy was she going to do it.

Anderleit rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-6)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 4:15 pm
User Image

The dusky male that walked the length of the riverbank nearly burst with pride. He wasn't a small fellow, though likely older than most: but his puffed-out chest and contented smile were those of a young lion, and would surely advertise his joy to any who saw him. Kaliphar couldn't help himself, though! He could imagine nothing happier than this: to see the pride gathered this way, their numbers bolstered and confidence on the rise. And Atreyu sat above it all, looking as proud a papa as the doctor could imagine. Well he should be! Kaliphar spared a wink for his Kiongozi before moving on.

They were even so bold as to invite rogues into their midst. Some might think the intrusion foolish; Kaliphar supported the idea from the beginning. Let the strangers come! Their pigana were well-trained, their claws were sharp. And rogues carried knowledge of the world beyond the jungle - all the better to learn from, should they prove friendly. If they did not...? The lion's smile widened. As he'd said, their pets were both plentiful and well in paw.

Speaking of which. As the lion stopped, studying the river before him, his ears flicked backwards, just barely acknowledging the presence of a pair of leopards. One followed close at his heels, a silent shadow scanning the crows with all the wariness of a guard dog. The other was some distance behind and askance, muttering darkly to himself. Kaliphar smiled fondly at both. "Peytoia, Jahd. Why don't the pair of you go off and mingle?" The doctor's request was placid, but there was no mistaking his tone of voice for anything other than firm. "There's plenty of new blood about, and your fellows besides. Go take the lay of the land and report back." Without waiting for their response, the doctor dipped his claws in the water. His studied gaze bore fruit when quite a sizable fish splashed up, freed from the water by his claws! Chortling, Kaliphar tucked his prize further under-paw, and began his search for the next.

Kaliphar is open to interaction!

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The first leopard followed close behind and just to the right of the lion. Peytoia was short and a bit stocky for her kind, but hardly lacking the predatory grace that leopards exemplified. Though her paws stalked after her master's, her eyes raked the crowd, alert and aware of every eye that glanced across their path. Was she suspicious? Compassionate? It was impossible to tell: her expression remained unmoved and impassive, even as she turned to heed Kaliphar's words.

At his command, however, she betrayed some sign: a narrowing of her eyes and a lash of her tail. She so loathed leaving him unguarded! These were their lands, of course, but with so many rogues about-! To say so was not in her manner, however. The leopardess nodded instead, displeasure evident only in the twitching tail-tip, and moved to take stock of the event.

Her paws drifted closer to the Kiangozi, and the familiar red tail of his pigana. "Cleotha," the cat murmured, nodding shortly. At least the canine's presence meant there was someone else here she could rely on to keep an eye on the security of this whole thing.

Kaliphar mentioned Atreyu, and Peytoia's speaking to Cleotha.

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The other leopard looked up as his name was called, snarl already evident on his face. Jahd was almost as large as the lion that dared to call himself his 'master' - would that he could use that to his advantage! But the customs of this sham pride had caught him well and true. More importantly, so had the other leopardess in Kaliphar's "service".

He couldn't stop himself from looking in her direction, only to fume all over again. She followed his orders without question! If only she were angry at him - because Jahd could read her anger, as clearly as if she'd snarled aloud - for the right reasons! She wasn't, though. She felt the need to follow him - to protect him - to fight for him, despite the fact that the pair of them could easily overpower the lion. They could be free. But there was no point in mentioning that anymore, not with the way she had rebuffed him in the past.

Turning on his heel, the violet male ambled away from the pink lion. Where was he bound? Somewhere. Anywhere. For once, he hadn't been given any specific instruction. He planned to take full advantage of it.

Jahd is open to interaction!


Familiar Phantom

MangoMeow rolled 3 6-sided dice: 6, 3, 5 Total: 14 (3-18)


PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:54 am
((First roll is Atreyu, second is Aurra, and third is Meera.))

Atreyu smirked as he watched a few lions approach the River, recognizing them as ones from his own faction. He couldn't help the sly look over at Aurra, though he noted with a chuckle that she was quickly covering up her annoyed expression with a congenial one when Moselle walked over to her. He was sure she was going to be huffy about losing their bet later tonight, and he'd probably have to smooth down her ruffled feathers, but hey, it was worth it. Plus, at least now he could join in without her calling foul.

The lion slid down from his perch, sloshing his way into the River while keeping an eye out for a fish that might swim by. He froze as he saw a shadow move across the water, paw slowly raising up to swipe at it, and then he moved it swiftly down upon the shadow.

There was a great splash and for a brief moment he'd thought he was triumphant, until a slimy tail smacked the side of his face and the fish went sailing over him.

That... he hadn't been expecting that, and Atreyu couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Points: 0

I'm leaving Atreyu open for interaction for now. If anyone wants to walk up to him, feel free!


The wild dog's eyes snapped over at the sound of her name, body tensing, but she relaxed again when she saw who it was - another kipenzi like herself, and one that she at least knew.

"Peytoia." Her eyes drifted over to where the leopard's master stood, attempting the game of fishing for himself, before moving to her other leopard companion skulking away into the shadows. She wondered idly if he would cause trouble, but chose not to say anything on the subject. Peytoia hopefully had that covered.

Instead, she decided to go for a topic that she was sure they'd both relate on. "Enjoying the festivities so far?" It was said with a faint wry smile, fairly certain that she was 'enjoying' it about as much as she was.



She had to stifle the annoyance as she saw two Ruby lions making their way into the water. Blast it all! Of course, before she could so much as send a scathing look back at the Kiongozi, Moselle began walking up to her. Pasting on the friendliest look despite her frustration, the lioness responded back.

"Oh, I just wanted to wait a moment, warm up and all that." Blue-gray eyes slid over to the water. She supposed it didn't matter now if she started fishing, though she was still on the fence on whether she would. Fishing was rather messy at times.... but then, she'd already said she was 'warming up', and she wasn't one to back down on her word.

Walking over to the edge of the water, she scanned the river for any sign of fish-related movement before striking a paw down.... and completely missing.

Points: 0



She hadn't been the only one attracted by the sounds and sight before them, nor was she the only one who'd chosen to stay back for now. A few rogues, the more friendly of them, had clearly decided to go and try their paws at fishing, but Alisaie didn't see much reason to, herself. After all, she had no need for their trinkets and food wasn't difficult for her to catch. Most creatures didn't suspect a large cat to come flying through the air, after all.

She did, however, decide to be a little more social. Pushing herself up into a sitting position, the white lioness gazed around her until her eyes landed on another lion nearby.

Tilting her head thoughtfully, she spoke up, "You going to join in?"

Ars Naberius
She's addressing Nyuso, btw~


The cheeton gave a wide grin as she watched a few of them begin fishing, taking a moment to observe how it was done before, with all the excitement that she was known for, she dove paws first into the river, sending water flying through the air and along with it a few fish. She wanted to try!

Tail flicking behind her, Meera swiped back and forth around her, not really aiming for anything in particular but still catching a few fish bodies in her zeal. It ended up working out for her, ironically enough, as a particularly big fish got caught in her paws and she yanked it up and into her mouth. She preened happily, plodding her way to the shore again to drop her catch on the side, and just in time, because tilting it forward caused the strangest thing to happen - another fish popped out!

She hadn't even known that was possible. Neat!

Points: 3

Since I know you'll be interacting with her, I'll just quote you here too. <3
Ars Naberius rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-6)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 1:26 pm
(Rolling for Dahsha!)

Nyuso flicked an ear in the direction of the lioness who spoke, surprised to hear another lion not behind a booth or out fishing in the river. He relaxed a little at this - hopefully this meant this group of lions wasn't particularly hostile.

"Me? Ah..." He turned to face her, smiling sheepishly, "Maybe. I've never been the best at fishing. Didn't even really know this was going on, honestly."

He stood up again, mirroring her tilted head between quick licks at his mane in a desperate attempt to get it to settle down despite the humidity. "What about you?"



At the sight of the other lions wading into the river, Dahsha threw all hypothetical caution out the window as she leapt in, splashing and kicking up water like a cub (and probably scaring a fair number of fish away as she went). This would be fun!

She watched some of the other lions try their hand at fishing with mixed success, hoping she could pick up an ideal strategy. She was quickly bored, though - her paws were just itching to try it herself - so Dahsha waded over to a sunny spot and crouched, tail flicking excitedly high in the air.

She let a small school pass by, then a few lone medium-sized fish. Whatever she grabbed, she wanted it to be impressive. So when a shadow that looked as though it was roughly the size of her head drifted by, she sprung in a heartbeat. What happened after she caught the fish, however, was not something she had planned for. Her head was jostled from side to side as the fish struggled against her jaws, and all attempts to pin it down with her paws mostly ended in her falling deeper into the water. Dahsha reluctantly let the fish go as she scrambled up out of the water and away, gasping for breath.

(Dahsha is also open for interactions!)
Points: 0

Ars Naberius

Dapper Seeker


PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 9:16 pm
Alisaie hummed thoughtfully at the question, giving a noncommittal shrug, "I haven't really decided. I've never tried fishing before." Though she bet that she'd be pretty good at it, especially if she wasn't in her mortal form. She wondered how this pride would react to a lioness diving out of the sky; the thought sent a trill of amusement through her.

She grinned then, turning back to the male, "It looks like everyone is welcome to try though. You should give it a go while you've got the chance."

Then she sighed, looking around her at some other stragglers hovering on the outskirts of the event, "You'd at least be better than the rest of us, too uncertain to make a decision." She let out a small huff of a laugh, "It could be fun, and I don't think anyone there will harm you."

Ars Naberius
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2019 12:26 pm
(Rolling for Nyuso!)

Nyuso followed her gaze and looked toward the others along the outskirts. There'd at least be plenty of fish in the river, with how many stragglers hung by the edges. He thought for a moment, tilting his head side to side as if rolling the idea around in his mind. With a small hum, he made a decision.

"Well," he laughed, flashing her a nervous grin, "You're not allowed to laugh when I come out empty-pawed looking half-drowned."

With that, he padded towards the river. The cool water felt amazing on his tired paws as he carefully waded in - he briefly considered just standing there and reveling in it. He shot a look back at Alisaie, gave her another grin - this one a little less nervous - and got to work.

- x -

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Thalea wove through the lions relaxing on the fringe of the event as fast as she figured could be considered "casual", shouting an apology every so often as she stepped on paws and tails. She was so, so late - and to the fishing games, of all things! This was an important event! Their first interactions with the greater world, an opportunity to court new membership... At least she hadn't missed it completely. She hoped.

She did her best to shadow crowds heading towards or away from the river, slinking closer and closer to the river's edge with each group. "I've been here the whole time, Atreyu! What do you mean you saw me sleeping when you left?" she rehearsed her lines quietly to herself, trying in vain to quiet the gnawing anxiety at the idea of being caught, "Must've been my twin! Haha.. ha..." Thalea suddenly became aware that the lion she had been attempting to hide behind had stopped and was now staring at her as if she had grown another head. She quietly excused herself and sprinted the rest of the way to the river... And directly into Atreyu, with a yelp of surprise.


Ars Naberius

Dapper Seeker

MangoMeow rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-6)


PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2019 11:58 am
With a shake of his head, his chuckles dying away as he tried to focus again, the Kiongozi zeroed in on another fish swimming leisurely towards him. This was a small one, he could already tell from looking at it, but at least it'd be something.

Striking out a paw, he flipped the fish up into the air and then snatched it with his claws. It wriggled around helplessly, but his claws had a good grip, it looked like.

And a good thing for that too - as that was the moment when Thalea ran into him.

Eyebrow raised, Atreyu turned at yelp, barely moving from his spot, before grinning at the familiar face. Ah, one of the Shauri and the newest of the group. Her fumbling tended to amuse him, but he was confident that she'd grow into her role.

"Thalea, good morning." His dark eyes glittered good-naturedly, "Come to try your paw at fishing?"

Points: 1

((The above roll is for Atreyu.))


Alisaie grinned at his response, tail curling around her legs as she settled in to watch his attempt. "Good luck!" She was curious to see how he'd do. Perhaps it would motivate her into participating as well. She was a bit curious to see how she'd do - though she was sure she had a bit of an unfair advantage compared to the other rogues. Oh well, if she did, she could always claim that it was beginners luck.

Green eyes taking a minute to wander, she eyed the other fishers, chuckling a bit at the failed tries and raising an eyebrow as a hybrid had particular luck with it.

Ars Naberius
Ars Naberius rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3, 3 Total: 6 (2-12)
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2019 2:56 pm
(It would probably help if I actually rolled. XD Rolling for both of them this time!)

Nyuso jumped in surprise as a large fish brushed past his paws, suddenly realizing that he had just completely spaced out instead of fishing. Flustered, he threw himself into the river. Hopefully the lioness he'd been talking to hadn't noticed.

Hopefully she didn't notice him splashing around like a cub, either, as he desperately tried to get at least one successful pounce on the fish. The poor thing may have gotten away, but not without many unsuccessful smacks to its side.

Nyuso looked back at Alisaie, now definitely looking half-drowned and empty-pawed - but also looking like he was having fun. "Come help?"

- x -

Thalea was in an equally if not more embarrassing situation. She quickly stumbled a respectable distance away, grooming a few misplaced clumps of fur down. At least she hadn't sent them flying into the river.

"Hi, Atreyu - I mean, good morning!" She laughed, anxiety ebbing at his kind response to just getting barreled into, "I... Yes! I'm here to fish!"

She peered around, brows furrowed and tail flicking in thought. It didn't seem many lions had seen much luck so far - maybe she'd have to try something different? She lowered her face as close to the water as she could get without touching it, and waited.

Yes! She just needed to see the fish to get the fish. Thalea shot out a paw lightning-fast to grab the fish, but ended up just sort of punching it away instead. Whoops.


Ars Naberius

Dapper Seeker

AstoriaFallen rolled 1 6-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-6)



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 11:33 am

6 - A miss... and the fish flew right over you! How was that even possible?

Following along after her back towards the water he figured he could keep at it, perhaps he'd actually catch something worth bragging about though honestly he wasn't much of a fish lion so he'd release it anyway, much like the last one.

Watching as she missed he gave her a smile, "I'm sure you'll get one eventually. I caught a small one earlier but want to try for something much more notable." Giving it another go he came up short as well. "Perhaps we can work together and try and catch a good one?" He knew it was a competition but he honestly felt like it would be fun if they worked as a team to try and catch one. He'd even let her take credit for it if she wanted.

To make matters worse the fish he had been trying for swam back around and splashed out of the water, right over him and landed back with a splash, the water hitting him in the face. "I think it was mocking me." Laughing he brushed the liquid away with a paw.  
MangoMeow rolled 3 6-sided dice: 1, 6, 4 Total: 11 (3-18)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 12:59 pm
((For rolls, Aurra is first, then Alisaie, then Meera))


She sent him a narrow-eyed yet playful look, laughing a bit at the fish's antics. "Indeed, I think it was." Normally, she wouldn't allow herself aid in things like this, but then, perhaps that would be fun.

"... Alright. Let's give it a shot." If it worked, maybe she'd consider letting him have the next one.

Crouching down as much as she could in water, Aurra locked her gaze with a rather large shadow coming towards them, being careful not to move until it was closer... and then she snapped her paw out, striking the spot right before the fish so it veered away from her...

... and straight towards Moselle.

Points: 2



Alisaie watched with amused eyes as the male tried diving into the water, a chiming laugh erupting from her before she shook her head good-naturedly. Well, that was entertaining to watch, but he looked so pitiful like that.

Standing up again, the lioness made her way closer. "I suppose I can give it a shot as well." She would likely need to mess herself up to make sure no one got suspicious of how quickly she'd caught on to the game, but hey, that could be fun too.

So, with an elegant wiggle, Alisaie hopped into the water. As a fish's shadow caught her eye, she swung herself forward with a swipe of her paw, purposefully knocking it harder than she probably should have, and was rewarded by the sight of a tiny fish sailing clear over her head. That hadn't been a part of her plan, but it was so similar to what had happened to him, that she couldn't help cracking up into laughter over it.

Points: 0

Ars Naberius


Perhaps one more try, she thought with an excited wiggle. Meera wanted to see if she could catch another one, and then maybe she'd stop by the vendors to see what she could trade for them.

So, her green gaze narrowing at the water, Meera readied herself before taking an almighty leap forward. This time, she streaked into the water, sending waves crashing around her, and only just managed to grab ahold of the fish in her paws. It took her a minute of fumbling, paws struggling to keep the little thing in place, but she finally pulled it up and out of the water.

With a triumphant grin, the cheeton dropped her catch down beside the rest of her fish.

Points: 4



PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 1:29 pm
As she waited for a response, the wild dog paused as movement happened in the direction of the river. A quick glance showed that Atreyu was in the water... but he seemed to be moving towards the vendors now.

Cleotha's eyes narrowed at that, wondering what he could be up to. Knowing him, he was seeking to try and make things more interesting. It was in his nature to do so.

And come to think of it, he had spoken to one of the vendors early that morning... the same one he was heading towards now.

-gentle nudge- Cleotha is still there. I'm just making sure she's keeping note of what Atreyu is doing.
[IC] Mto’Mkuu Lands

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