Moving From Discord RP Server

Veltanna and Moirath
Come on! Come on! Come on! Moirath pushed Veltanna along to hurry her rider up. We will be late. Veltanna leaned against Moirath stubbornly. "We have no where to be silly. It is our rest day and we can do whatever we please."

K'ell and Eskharath
It being a rest day seemed to have no bearing on K'ell and Eskharath's plans. The weyrling pair were, predictably enough, not at all jolly. The pair were presently engaged in drills that they had practiced the day before. "That's it, Eskh. Just one more time."

Veltanna and Moirath
Moirath turned her push into a pull and dragged Veltanna to where K'ell and Eskharath were. Eskharath! Eskharath! Why are you doing that? It is a rest day and we are late! Veltanna, righting herself once Moirath stopped, looked at K'ell and wondered if he knew what her dragon was on about. "Hello K'ell. Were you aware of our dragons planning something?"

K'ell and Eskharath
Startled, K'ell glanced up, not at all expecting that he and Eskharath might be sharing the weyrbowl. "Planning something?" he asked, resting his hand against Eskharath's side. We are training. Why shouldn't we train? Don't you want to be good at this?

Veltanna and Moirath
"Moirath is insisting we need to be somewhere. Apparently, you two are required as well?" Veltanna said with a shrug. "You wouldn't be willing to humor her, I suppose?" She gave a rueful grin. But it is Time! We train every day. Doesn't it get boring after a while?

K'ell and Eskharath
Brows knitting, K'ell considered Veltanna's request. He didn't... especially want to play. He didn't feel like celebrating anything. On the other hand, this was Eskharath's sister ... "What does it involve?" he asked, trying to decide if he could manage it. No. Do you get tired of becoming extraordinary?

Veltanna and Moirath
Veltanna shrugged again. "No idea." She replied cheerfully. "I wanted to go practice my archery I have been neglecting after breakfast, but she seems to have other ideas. I didn't feel like arguing too much." Veltanna was seemed more unbothered by this than she rightly should be. Why would I? It is every so much more interesting that way! Let's go!

K'ell and Eskharath
Eskharath dug in his heels. I am not going to run haring off without any idea of where we are going, he informed his sister... and then lay down to emphasize his point. "Eskh, I'm sure she doesn't mean any harm." Maybe not, but sometimes harm occurs without intention. In other words, they were stuck.

Veltanna and Moirath
Moirath flopped down all limps and tail. Do you think through everything thing? Every last second? Isn't that so very tiring though? She paused. It sounds so... uneventful. Veltanna, feeling her dragon getting distracted and having no desire to force her back to whatever point Moirath had been on before, relaxed a little. "She usually means no harm. What she causes..." That shrug showed up again.

K'ell and Eskharath
Inherently lazy as he was, as scheming as he was, Eskharath did not desire to budge for something not worth his time. How could he assess the worthiness of something without knowing what it was? Uneventful for you, perhaps. For me, less so. I have plans. It will take time to be exciting but why waste energy on an unknown? K'ell shrugged a bit. "He's stubborn. We might be here awhile."

Veltanna and Moirath
Moirath giggled. That is the whole point. You don't know. The joy is finding out! It's like a present! She drooped a little. You don't want your present? Veltanna grinned. "So is Moirath in her own way." But Veltanna also knew that Moirath was more easily swayed into other things as well.

Mr Cheri