"How are you going to know if-" He paused in his words, he was about to ask a really stupid question so stopped himself. "Nevermind." Shaking his head he paced back and forth, he was getting nervous. While there wasn't a whole lot of pressure on him by a whole crowd, there was pressure on him by his mother and he didn't want to let her down.

"Will you stop with that, you're going to make me anxious." The tone she used was a little snippy but otherwise it was soft, she knew he could do this and he'd do it well because that was how she'd raised him. Still, he didn't have much for experience when it came to fighting so how this whole thing went was really a mystery. Even if he had been a skilled fighter there was still a chance he might not come out on top, some sort of algorithm with unknown variables or what not.

Looking over towards her he stopped his pacing and sat down. "Fine." This just needed to be done and over with already, he was tense emotionally and physically and the idea of fighting another lion he didn't know was making him a little on edge. Doing this for his mother was the only thing that was keeping him calm for the most part, do this and she'll be around other's, do this and you'll finally be something.

While he wasn't worthless he just felt as though his mother was always judging him and by finally doing this one thing for her it would get her off his back. SO, to get her to finally loosen the reigns he would challenge one of the pride's males and come out victorious, at least he hoped.

"Will you just come and find me or what?" Would she be standing there watching the whole time? God's he hoped not, that would just be a mess of it's own accord if he had his mother watching his every move like that. Shuddering her shook the thought from his mind.

"Yes, I'll be close enough to know who comes out victorious but I won't get in your way, I promise. I may just go head without you and see you when you make it in." She had no doubts in her son's abilities and even if he failed the first time would it really be all that bad if it took him a try or two to get in. It would show determination at the very least if he was beat out and just kept coming back until we won.

Still, she hoped it would be a one and done sorta outcome.

If she went ahead without him it might actually be better that way, she'd get acclimated before him and would have a better knowledge of the females and males within the pride and have a bit of insight for him at the very least. "I think you going on ahead before me is a better idea."

Raising a brow she watched her son curiously, she liked that he was finally showing some initiative and she gave a nod of her head. "Very well, I'll go ahead then. An unaccompanied female would probably have much less troubles than if I were to arrive with you I think." Even if they were a mother and son pairing it could still cause some concerns.

Plus her going ahead would give him some peace of mind, he'd be able to clear his thoughts and settle his nerves knowing she wouldn't be hovering close by, judging him. He knew she likely knew that fact so the sheer luck that she had actually agreed upon this was a huge relief to him.

They knew they were close to where the pride was because of the scent markers and the obvious paw prints from someone who'd been patrolling recently. Even if they were a day or two old, it just mean they were where they needed to be. "Well then, I'll be seeing you soon then." Standing up she gave herself a light dusting off and gave her son a light head bump with her own. "Don't let me down, you'll never heard the end of it if you do." Giving him a wink she was teasing him, but was also partially serious and he knew it.

"I'll see you soon mother." At least he hoped, there might be a chance she'd get turned away herself. Just because one was willing and wanting to join a pride didn't mean they'd be allowed and that was a chance they were both taking in this venture. "Good luck." He called out to her as she walked away and she gave a last look back and she repeated the words back to him.

Luck was something they were definitely going to both need in the end. The day was young though and both of them were in good health so even if they both failed at gaining entrance to this particular pride they had other options available to them. Hesper had no doubts about how either of them might do in the end, really it was all up to circumstance and she prayed that in the end, it was right for both of them. He was her only child and that was likely the one reason she had held onto him this long, but by doing this task she had set forth from him it would prove he didn't need her anymore and she could let him go willingly.

Fighting the urge to look back she disappeared from Einions sight and he continued to stand there for a moment, testing the wind. He was on a mission now, he had to find one of the males that guarded these lands and duel him. The issue now was locating one, though he was certain the wind had blown his and his mother's scent into the pride so it was likely someone was looking for them. Hoping it wouldn't be long now he set off, following one of the scent trails that didn't seem particularly old.

WC: 1021