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No matter how she tried to hide or cover the fact it was feeding day, somehow Killakeeth always knew when it was time to dine. Vosin had given up turns ago trying to hide it. Today she'd dressed in some shabby clothes with previous oil stains. Her hair was bundled up out of the way. Vos grabbed her dragon's washing kit, it was a big kit for a big dragon needed a lot of stuff. She always bathed the gold after she'd fed.

Vosin headed out to find Killakeeth already standing and ready. "C'mon, let's go." Killakeeth knew when it was time to eat because she was ravenous. Of course she was always hungry, but on feeding days more so. Her stomach knew what was coming and it looked forward to it. She rumbled her deep bass as she saw her rider. About time Vosin. I thought I was going to waste away.

"Pah big baby. You are far from being in danger of that." She smiled and headed toward the feeding pens with her dragon following close behind.