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Wordcount: 1045

Atileyin had spotted a large group of lions hours back. They seemd to be of a pride, they were all a collective of similar colors but it seemed more like a small collective group rather than a full pride. She watched the group closely, fluttering around overhead, but not too closely.

She didn't want them to feel followed.

It wasn't long before she witnessed some of the lions splitting off from the group, though they mostly stayed together as a bulk. It seemed they had stopped to rest when the few split off. One was headed in her direction, though, and she took the opportunity to fly off towards them.

It appeared to be a lioness. Mostly white, though with a smattering of red across her face and neck and black tail tip. She was a curious thing, and Ati felt a little drawn to her. She settled into a branch near by, though she was sure that the lioness had noticed her do so.

She saw the green eyes flash to her and then move on.

Atileyin felt watched in return. It was sort of thrilling. The lioness moved on, and Ati just had to follow, hopping from branch to branch until she was forced to fly to keep following the large lioness. The other was as big as she was when she was in her true form. Being a god, Ati was larger than the average lion.

But this lion seemed to rival her form easily. It was only a little intimidating, but Ati could just fly off if the other lioness decided to attack. The lioness ended up slowing to a stop just beyond the trees, and Atileyin was left to circle back towards the lioness once she flew too far to stop easily.

"Why are you following me," The white lioness demanded. Her voice was stern and her eyes were sharp, focused on Atileyin with an intensity that made her shutter. Ati flapped her red wings and drifted down to the ground before the lioness. She hopped a few steps back to be out of striking range before answering.

"I was just curious," She answered, easily. Her voice was a high trill, and she nearly cursed herself for sounding so nervous. Now, Faelyg wasn't a stranger to avians. There was the bird clan in her home, after all. But she still didn't take kindly to being followed for an unknown reason.

The bird could be a spy, after all.

Faelyg stared at the bird for a moment. She was curious as to why the bird was following her. Parhaps if she stared the bird down a bit longer, the creatures secrets would just spill out.

Ati looked uncomfortable under the gaze of the other and twitched her feathers. "I was just wondering where you all came from. I've seen other places, but you all look big," And intimidating, she didn't say. The lioness might even be able to take her in her true form. She didn't want to find out.

The little bird didn't seem to be lying tho, so that was one thing.

"Aw, it had to be more than seeing some big lions. You're not a lion, why would you care for a group of us." Faelyg was curious, though it was a little amusing to see the bird puff up defensively. She chuckled and shook her head at the little thing.

The eagle wasn't intimidating at all, but she appeared to have fight.

"I just wanna know where you guys are from." She said defensively. Well if she wanted to know where they were from she wasn't a spy. A spy would know where they were from and be curious about where they were going. The avian was perhaps, just curious.

She lowered her head towards the bird, tilting her head a bit. "We are from Motoujamii - the firekin."

Ati lit up, eyes bright and curious once again. Faelyg looked into the direction of her homeland, towards the deserts and dunes. She missed it already, but she was ready to see the other lands that they were destine to see. Perhaps she would see the little bird when she returned to her home.

The little bird seemed determined to see the lands, and Faelyg wasn't going to stop her. Ati had already taken a hop or two in the direction of the lands.

"What is your name?" She asked the lioness, curiously. Hopefully upon entering the lands, she could use the other's name as a voucher and not be driven out immediately.

Faelyg chuckled, straightening back up. "My name is Faelyg, little bird," She told the other, rolling her shoulders and taking a step around her. Ati hopped a little and fluttered up to Faelyg's shoulders. She was careful not to dig her talons in, and she only had to flap a little bit to keep balance.

"Nice to meet you, Faelyg," the name felt a little foreign on her tounge, but she didn't stumble over it too much.

See now, Ati was in disguise. She couldn't very well go to the Motoujamii lands as a bird and then as a lioness. She wasn't sure how well that would go over or if these lions knew she would be able to change shape. Perhaps they would just see the same names as a coincidence, but her mate was that of Distrust, even if her sibling was his opposite.

So she gave a name she invented for when she was in this form.

"You can call me Amuro," She told the lioness, still perched on her shoulders. Faelyg chuckled at the word choice, but thought nothing of it. "Perhaps I will see you again, in your home Faelyg." She told the Firekin, sinceraly. Faelyg nodded.

"Perhaps I will, Amuro," she replied with ease. Ati dipped her head, and shook out her feathers, looking towards the lands that this shimmering white lioness came from. Perhaps she would find Tras on the way and bring him with her. It would be fun, and perhaps her desires would settle for a little after that.

She took a deep breath. "Farewell, Faelyg." She said, taking to the sky towards the Firekin lands. Faelyg watched her for a moment, before giving a final.
