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The Forest
    Spanning from horizon to horizon, Kells stretches in an unending expanse that none can claim to have seen the end of. The stories of its birth have been lost to time but many whisper that it has always existed, seeded at the creation of the world, the trees growing and dying in an unending, unbroken cycle of life. The largest trees soar into the clouds and the thickest canopies blot out even the sun. When one of the giants falls, it is quickly returned to the soil of its birth, eager seedlings reaching for the new swath of sunlight opened among the boughs above. The luckiest of Wolves is the one that sees a tree fall, because there is surely a Forest Spirit waiting in the shadows to bring in new life from this death.

    Lush and teeming with life, Kells Forest is the largest and deepest in all of Kells. Nearly every wolf calls these woods home.

Notable Locations

The Thicket
    A vast forest where life and birth radiate and fill the land. All wolves have a beginning and everyone of them starts here. From deep woods to small patches of shrubbery, the tree span is vast and largely enclosed by mountains, offering protection and peace to all the youth as they grow.

The Hollow
    While it’s not uncommon to find fallen trees in the forest, none are quite as large as the Hollow. Over time, the inside of the giant tree eroded away, creating a space large enough for inhabiting. Parts of the remaining outer shell of bark are becoming increasingly fragile, though, and might collapse if one isn’t careful.