Kabi'ten had brought Yas to the area near Damla, Miira, and Shido when she'd finally gotten to it because in her mind, a group helping a cub was far better than a simple, lone female -- even a goddess. The reaction to the orphan had been good, even if Damla seemed unsure how boys worked, and Kabi'ten had gone to hunt for him when she'd left. However, coming back, she found he was nowhere in sight, and the female was quick to drop the kill to begin sniffing about for clues. The Goddess of Treasures didn't like the idea of him wandering off, but the lingering scent of a stranger made her more angry than if he'd wandered, and the goddess was quick to begin following the trail, launching herself airborn to look rapidly with the angher a protective mother held. She maqy not have given birth, but she's adopted him. That was enough.

Hana'Fuego carried the young male carefully, ignoring the pale cub's plaintive cries as she moved. Although slavery had died in the Firekin when the lioness was born, she did see 'huria' as something lower than herself, the lioness taking finding the single pale cub alone as a sign someone didn't love him enoughto mind if he was snatched toi be put to better use. The tiny pale male was redless, in fact sporting faint blues, and it was enough to offend the former Firekin into action. She took the cub, and left.

Except she didn't expect a reaction so soon. Or from...

Hana looked up at a winged lioness that darted in front suddenly, spinning and landing with her expression cross as she squared her shoulders, and bared her fangs, the cub in her maw squirming immediately.

"Mommy!" The small mewling thing cried. Hana snorted, shifting to pin him under a paw as the odd pale lioness -- another Huria it seemed -- glared her down, wings pressing to her sides.

"Can I help you?" Hana finally drawled. Kabi'ten didn't budge from her position, eyes locking on the dark lioness sharply.

"I believe you have my child." The goddess growled in her chest, a low, dark sound of warning that fewll on deaf ears as Hana'fuego rolled her eyes.

"Yours? You must not care much if he was alone." She drawled. Kabi'ten sniffered, kneading soil, and glared.

"He's too small to hunt. So I provide. GTive me my son, now." Her tone became a low warning, Hana'fuego regarding her. Brisingr might be close, or far -- but this was some pale whelp, and that meant an easy win, in Hana's mind. The lioness sniffed, rolling her eyes sharply.

"Finders, keepers, in rogue territory, hmmm?" A sharp grin crossed the lioness' maw, and she shifted to re-lift the cub when Kabi'ten suddenly gave an unholy sounding snarl. It was deep, filled with wrath and a sense of protectiveness often forgotten in the world.

Hana was entirely unimpressed and moved, stepping around Yas' frightened body as the red and black lioness moved on Kabi'ten slowly, teeth beginning to bare with a growl in return when the goddess lunged rapidly. Hana shifted to snap for limbs, particularly the odd wings, but the pale lioness kept hetrs pinned to her body, offering no purchase there. Metal baubles and wearables seemed to offer no grip as they'd pull off, and when Hana did get a bite in, Kabi'ten clawed roughly. The two females continued to grapple several moments, snarling and snapping and clawing as they did, until finalle Hana'fuego moved back, hissing. Hana suddenly shifted to swipe for the neck, however, when Kabi'Ten pinned her bodily, snarling as the dark lioness struggled. Kabi'ten did not budge several moments until the female stilled, panting as the pale lioness waited, then rolled off, moving to nuzzle the pale cub, eyes still on Hana'Fuego shaply.

The dark lioness rose slowly, wheezing and trying to catch her breath as she moved, wincing. Kabi'Ten was smaller but fierce -- dangerous, and the red lioness tried moving when a warning growl stopped her and she turned. The pale goddess was injured, yes, but she moved, standing over her cub protectively as one paw worked baubles back on and she glowered.

"I'm not done with you yet." The lioness snapped. Hana's brow raised as the pale goddess circled, her cub following nervously. It was clear now the cub was protected, but also clear this weird lioness was... Not someone to trifle with. Still, she wasn't Firekin, and Hana was prepared to fight again when a snort stopped her.

"There's places suited for cubnappers around. Maybe the demons nearby would love a new pet. Or some other pride." She continued circling, and Hana'Fuego blinked. Wait.

This lioness was going to do WHAT?! Hana'Fuego felt the guard hairs of her fur prickle up and the lioness growled warily as Kabi'Ten ciurcled, another warning silencing her.

"I'm noit letting some cubnapper run off scot-free, regardless. You're staying near me, or else." The unspoken threat was enough for Hana'Fuego to snarl incredulously, the female flexing her claws angrily at the goddess. Still, this weirdo had, to her shame, bested her in a fight. She needed to watch for weakness to restore honor now. Watch. Learn. Study.

"Ffffine." Hana'Fuego snapped. "Whatever, butyou still left that... stupid child alone."

A pale cub. With no fire. Really. Kabi'Ten sniffed.,

"Others were close enough. You just have no common damn senswe not to meddle." The goddess felt her anger rising. She was terrified of slavers, really -- slave holders were cruel, often, and aggressive, and plain hateful. This, however, was earned. There were things it was worth as punishment -- and cubnappers derserved to lose freedoms.

She was still aware the little a*****e would ne watching for an opening, however, and the lioness bared her teeth warningly at the darker. Hana's response was tosniff derisively, nose going into the air indignantly as she moved to sit, staring judgementally at the pale goddess. After all, who did she think she was? Not anybody Hana'Fuego normally bothered with -- at least, not normally, and the lioness' tail thrashed indignantly until Kabi'Ten nosed her cub, Yas cuddling in to climb. Obligingly, she layto allow him on her back before rising again to swat Hana roughly, herdingthe lioness towards the dens., Hana'Fuego snapped, and then moved as directed by a snarl, the red female moving for the rogue dens Kabi'ten had chosen as they began to move.

At least, as far as things went, Kabi mused, Yas was safe, and Hana'Fuego seemed silent as Kabi'ten began to herd her.

This was... A rough start to a potentially bad day.