AstoriaFallenLast Sunday at 7:04 PM
Finding where he lived was much easier than she thought it would be. A thrall of a reaver knew someone who had seen him living somewhere not too far away.

So here she was and he wasn't home....

Disappointed raidiated from her, she had come here to talk some more smack at him but he wasn't home.

No thralls present to tell her to go away she let herself in. To be honest she was a little disappointed in how un-flashy his den was. A couple pelts in the back looked fairly nice, she gave him props.

But the trinkets and scrolls were by far the most interesting thing to her. Maybe she'd just take a peek before he got back.

Rukayo enjoyed being back home. He could go get a meal when he wanted, and didn't have to worry about having to hunt or fish one himself. Just have a thrall do it and bam, full stomach for days! Satisfied with his meal, the dark lion headed back to his bachelor pad of a den, ready to spend the rest of the day snoozing.

However, when a familiar scent entered his nostrils at the entrance of his den, his eyes narrowed. What the..?

"Don't you thralls know you are not to enter a reaver's den without their permission? Or do you just like raiding other's den in hopes to take something home with you?" Rukayo growled, stepping into his home, and spotting Eir near one of his scrolls.

"You have thirty seconds to explain yourself before I add a scar or two to your hide."

Looking at him with a raised brow she removed her reaching paws and turned to face him. "Maybe scars will make me look more desirable or tough to those that like that kind of thing. If others are just going to have their way with me why should I care."

Giving a shrug of her shoulders she eyed him up. "You weren't here to let me in and I am curious by nature. We have simaliar trinkets at home, I thought perhaps they may have been from the same place so I wanted to see. They are not though."

Though,that was her answer because he hadn't been here. "I had come here to fuss at you but changed my mind." Because she had been disappointed he hadn't been here when she had wanted him to be really.

"You want to look desirable to others? Why don't you just go spread your legs during a reaver fight, I am sure that will garner the attention you seek." He said hotly, still not amused a female, let alone a thrall was in HIS den. "You have a funny way of trying to defend yourself you know." His eyes narrowed as he approached her, snatching one of the shinier trinkets from her reach.

That was his. She could not touch it. "And if it was, what would you do?" He shooed the female away from his things, inadvertently pushing her further into the den.

Why fuss at him? The statement caused him to grunt. "Don't you have better things to do? Like hunting or providing warmth to someone?"

Shaking her head she laughed. "Like I'd be some eager whore begging for attention like that. If someone cannot see the value I have to offer then they do not deserve me. I'll be damned if anyone touches me other than my future husband or someone I deem worthy enough to do such a thing. A thrall I may be but I am a Lady none the less." And a spoiled child who had known nothing but love and compassion from her parents. She was not made for thrall life, she was almost a freeborn, she was born 2 days too late.

If she had been freeborn or male, this wouldn't be an issue right now , or it would a little bit. But still she was playing with fire.

"I was just curious. I would have compared it to what I've read." Her parents had educated her a great deal on things.

He was backing her into his den further. Her tail whipped in agitation.

"If I was anyone else's thrall then maybe, but since I belong to my father and brother no."

Rukayo rolled his eyes. "You must not be around many thralls then it seems. Some just beg to enjoy an evening in someone else's den." Perhaps in his younger, freeborn days, he would have been included in that statistic. But now? He had a different view of it.

"A lady? Pah. There are no ladies in the Stormborn. Maybe a spoiled brat by the sounds of it." He quipped.

"So go be someone else's thrall! You are a big girl, you don't need your daddy or your brother's protection. Are they going to stop me from trying to take advantage of you now? After you so willingly walked into my den." Rukayo snorted. "I don't know, but it seems like you are just looking for trouble. Perhaps this is retaliation towards your family hmm? Having you born in such a low position, to get them back you must go with another reaver? Is that the case Eir?"

Shrugging she truly wasn't around any than the ones enlisted by her family, her mom being one of them.

"You're the only one who tells me how things are so it's made me curious. "

Plain and simple he had been a d**k to her and she was dying to know if eveyone was like him or if he was something unique.

"Why don't you have any thralls employed?" Maybe he did and they were out slumming around. "And why would I want to be someone else's thrall, where is the advantage of changing who owns me if I'm not moving up in ranking?"

She truly wasn't acting out, it was just this Ruka, he had her feathers ruffled so to speak.

"And maybe I am? So what." It was a lie, but she'd play along.

"So why keep coming back to me? Why don't you go see others in the pride?" The question had him curious towards the adolescent.

"Maybe I do and they are just out and about?" A lie. If he had thralls, the den would be larger, and a bit more cleaner. It was obvious that Rukayo lived by himself.

"Ah, but being owned by some other than family, at least you have potential for your lineage to be something more than just a thrall. For any children you bear, they will have the title of thrall if you continue to stay under your parent's home. Being owned by someone else has the potential for you to not just be a thrall, but a wife. That will secure the future of your children. And that is better than nothing." Rukayo didn't know the thrall life, but he'd be damn if he was one, and his children that, and have no say in their life at all.

"So what? Hah." The lion laughed. "A dangerous game to play." Rukayo strolled over to Eir, eyes narrowing as he looked her over. "You should be careful with your words. Your becoming of age to do a lot of things you may not be interested in. Push the right buttons and you will find yourself in a compromised position."

He was really the only other lion she knew outside of family so that was really the reason. Not that she knew him.

"Maybe you're a prospect for me and I'm researching you." Playing it off that maybe she'd want him to own her.

In his dreams.

"And tell me, what makes someone want to make me a wife? Aside from impeccable hunting and cleaning skills and able to hold my own if a fight occured, what else could I possibly do to make myself "wife " material? I suppose you have all the answers?"

She wasn't planning on being in this rank forever, if course she was going to land a husband.

"It's because I don't try to seduce anyone isn't it." The thought repulsed her still. Such a child still indeed.

"Maybe when your thralls return they can tell me how a thrall is supposed to be then." Testing him on his owning any. She didn't think he had any, his place was too small.

Still naive in the world, still she had spirit.

"A prospect for you? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Thralls don't go out looking for prospects." Rukayo shook his head. "You really should get out of your den more. You are far too sheltered for your own good.

The skeleton lion shrugged, really unsure how to answer her question. "Does it look like I have a wife to be able to answer that question? I don't know? Make yourself more willing? Stop talking so much?" He glanced around. Wait. How the hell did they get to the back of the den? No, she needed to go.

"Probably." Another shrug, eyeing his pelt. How he just wanted to take a nap!

"No. You need to be leaving now." Rukayo groaned. "Go bother some other lion and leave me be." He pulled at the pelt that the female had been standing on slightly. A key she should leave. However, Rukayo believed she would be not do so easily.

"I've heard of females working their 'magic' to get the perfect husband. You can't say it's not true." plus her sister's wouldn't have lied to her about something like that.

Shutting her mouth for a moment she wondered how she COULD get this particular male to at least not hate her or get annoyed with her. And why didn't he have a wife yet she wondered.

Smiling she removed her feet from his pelt. "As you wish." Moving towards the exit she glanced back at him. "I know where you libe now. You'll be seeing more of me."

She vanished through the entrance.

"Hmph." Rukayo grunted. Working their magic? Hah. That didn't seem like the case.

"Right. Do not come here without expressed permission. This is me telling you I do not want you here." No, he did not want to see more of her! He needed to start thinking of ways to keep the thrall out of his den.

He watched the adolescent leave as he huffed. Finally, peace and quiet!

Rukayo curled around the old pelt as he continued to watch the den entrance, half expecting Eir to make her way into his home uninvited again. Once he was content that she would not, he closed his eyes, ready for a nice (well deserved) nap.