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Theobroma was invited to this special occasion. She was probably more excited than the two involved in the ceremony! She bounced here and there, while she waited for everyone to get there. She was, after all, super early. She couldn't help it though. This was the first ceremonial event she was invited to. She had the task of bringing the food, which wasn't hard.

She and Iksagyarjerit had went hunting the day before to prepare for the event. They didn't have to hunt for a big meal, there was only three of them. She was there more as a witness, but also supporting her two friends. It was romantic in a way, she thought to herself. She had made everything look pretty. Grabbed some wild flowers from near by and placed them here and there. Got a nice rock that she, with much difficulty, rolled in the middle and placed some flowers on top.

Everything needed to be perfect, after all!


Within a few minutes, Iksagyarjerit had made her presence known. She greeted her friend with a smile and nod. " Good 'morrow, Theobroma." The lioness was in good moods, she could tell. She was the friend that Iksagyarjerit needed, and was very thankful to have. She didn't know what she would have done without the lioness. Either way, it was no time to look upon the past. Today was something different, a beginning to the rest of her and Bevroren's life.

"Everything looks fantastic" She said with awe. She couldn't have done better herself. She wasn't much of a decorator, after all. The other gave her a proud grin. She laughed and smiled. "You've out done yourself, Theo!". Soon, things would start, and her heart was already skipping beats. She had not expected this to come. Had not expected her life to change so quickly. But here she was!


Bevroren Heuvel
Semi-late as always, Bevroren was now there. Though, the two didn't seem to notice his tardiness. That was relieve. Last thing he wanted was to upset anyone. He gave a smile to everyone, but did not interrupt anything. They had all the time in the world to get things underway. He would let the two lionesses catch up while he caught his breath.

He was easy going, and strange all at once. Normally, one would find him on the side of a mountain listening to the wind. It helped him discover himself and realized he loved healing. He found the wind would talk to him, and he'd find the plants he would need to make into healing paste. He was most mysterious to most around him.

"You both look lovely." He said finally. Casually as ever. "This looks great" He said to Theo, giving her a nod. She, of course, beamed back at him. She was so easy to please, which was good for him. "Shall we?" He finally said. Everything seemed to just fit in place, and soon they would be together forever.


Dialog of all three
The lionesses nodded to each other. They were all finally ready. Both Bevroren and Iksagyarjerit moved in front of the nicely placed rock. Theo beamed at the fact that it was so perfect. The wind blew lightly around them all, adding to the romantic feel to it. Both Theo and Iksa had talked about the perfect ceremony, and this was far more than either could have predicted.

Leaves fell from trees around them as well. Both lions gave words of great passion as they stood there staring into each other's eyes. The day was still young, and the sun high above them. Spring had just started to peer back at them through the winters passing. Warm, yet a chill within the air.

A while passed before the end of the ceremony rolled by. Everything was said between the two lovers that needed to be said, and their friend waited. Quietly, but impatiently.


Final words, and the main ceremony was finally over. They were now one! Theo cheered, once the appropriate moment was allowed. She had been holding that in ALL ceremony. Or rather, since the moment she was told what was going to happen! Her excitement was far greater than she had thought it would be. No matter, someone had to be super excited, right?

The feast was next, and her belly rumbled to test to that. She looked to the two and smiled. "Let's eat!" She looked to the food that was gathered from the night before. Mostly meat, but she had picked up a few other things that was odd to most lions. Berries she had managed to find. She had seen other creatures eating them, so it had to be good right?

She used them more for decoration anyways.


"I agree to that!" She said as she gave Bevroren a side ways smile. She couldn't have been happier. No words were left to express, and everything came out the way she had hoped. And more so. She sighed in relief, now that the hardest part was over. Her heart was still beating like crazy.

"You first, Theo" She said with a smile. "After all, you set up everything perfectly." She added with proud. It seemed fair enough. She did the most work here, and it seemed only fair that she was able to eat first. Both Bevroren and her could wait a few minutes.

This was an end to the old, and the beginning to new and exciting adventure


Bevroren Heuvel
He wasn't about to argue with either of them. Bevroren gave a nod. His stomach was not going to protest to eating. He had decided not to eat all day for this ceremony. Perhaps that was a bad thing. He was sure it wasn't that horrible.

He would allow for Theo to eat first, as Iksa had offered. It was, he also felt, only fair. He was no master at any of this. If he had to be the one to set things up, it would have been less romantic, and a lot less food. He wasn't a hunter. He wasn't good at it, and he hated taking lives.

He did, however, love eating meat. "I agree, you first" he said with a smile. She was a great lioness, and he was sad to see her single for so long. Maybe she would find someone one day. Though it would sadden him when it happened. They would not see her as much, he figured.


More dialog to tie things up
And so they ate. The ceremony had been a success. Everything had turned out better than either of the two lions expected. There was much gratitude for the lioness that pulled everything together. Laughter, stories, and fun were what filled the evening. The feast was great, even if it had been small.

By the end, everyone was full, tired, and ready to part ways. It was a story that could be told to generation cubs to put them to sleep. A fairy tale of sorts. Of course, magic and imagination to be added to it here and there.

[WC 1,167 not including name titles, and such]