Oh, it was such a pleasure to be home. Not that Rukayo didn't mind the gems homeland, but the land of the storm was his home, and that was where he would happily stay.

Upon his arrival too meant her was now a reaver, and soon he could start the process of becoming a Captain. Rukayo had learned a lot on his one and only viking. He had a new healthy respect for others (probably due to the fact he was put in his place so much). The new view on life made him see the pride in a different angle.

Today, he was resting at one of the water holes. His legs ached from the distance, so a nice relaxing day off was just what he needed.

Her mother was finally recovered from her injuries sustained before her siblings and hers birth into the world and for that Eir was thankful. It had only come to light recently the events that had occurred that day, her father was also recovering despite his presumed being dead.

One could say the Thralls upbringing had been rather dramatic thus far. Her older brother had stepped in and raised her siblings and her and taken care of their mother. For that she was thankful but now that they were grown he was off on a viking.

Having had snuck away from the security of home she wandered about, rather aimlessly towards nearby water. Completely unaware anyone else was there.

The skeleton marked male lifted his head, hearing a rustling nearby. His eyes narrowed as a bright female came into view. By the looks of it, she was younger, not quite grown to her full size. However, upon taking a closer look, she had certain similiarites to that of his former captor.

Rising to his achy paws, Rukayo turned to stare at the female. "It is not wise for a female to travel alone these days." He found himself saying, shifting his paws in the muck before heading towards the brighter female.

"Your family must be the same as which she comes from." Ruka stated. She, of course, being Ledz. The marking on her back, and the unmistakable bright blue she had on her gem markings were the dead giveaway.

The black and blue of his pelt almost stand out and hide at the same time, would depend on the weather she gathered. His voice had caught her by surprise and she turned pale eyes towards him. "No need to tell me of the dangers of this pride. " she knew well enough from her mother's injuries now that she was old enough to know the story.

"Should I be concerned while in your presence?" Her tone was almost cool, she was still ruffled from being startled.

"Who might that be? I have quite a few family members. And "she" doesn't quite tell me of whom of which you speak." Her question was an honest one, nothing snidely or anything.

"My famiky does tend to stick out in a crowd, so you're most likely correct."

Approaching to get a better look at him she remained a few feet away.

"Depends." Rukayo said with a smirk. He may have held a new perspective for others, but that didn't make him less of a smart a**. "Who are you? And what is your rank?" Then again, would the knowledge of her rank truly matter? Females couldn't rise up like they use to.

"I do not know her full name, or remember it. But she went by Ledz. Once a reaver of the pride, left during Ushindi's beginning hours due to the changes." What else had Ledz told him? Rukayo couldn't remember. He shrugged at the question and his vagueness he once offered.

"Must've been born after she left is the only explanation I can think of." Rukayo stated, almost curiously. What else had happened in his absence?

He watched as she closed some distance between. "Don't worry, I've been hit by enough females to know when to give personal space." His eyes rolled slightly. "Especially if you ARE related to her, I don't need or want anymore bumps."

"Are you familiar with the name Bastion. I'm of his blood, no need to worry about my rank. If you so much as touch me the wrong way you'll have him to deal with and my older brother's. " truly if he had left the pride and came back, meant he was a reaver. She was familiar with ledz, though had never met her. She knew her sister though and she had shown her how to kick a**, thrall or not she wouldn't go down without a fight.

Maybe if he played nice she would tell him her rank, he would find out sooner or later anyway.

"And yes, she's my sister."

Maybe she should have stayed home after all.

"You may call me Eir if you like. What is your name?" Curious to know more about this make who knew her sister.

As the female explained, Rukayo's smirk grew on his maw. Whatever distance was between them was quickly being closed.

"Ah, the name sounds familiar. If I remember correctly, my brother may have mentioned it. Then again, the female he had been with had mentioned he was 'the greatest reaver of all time' if I recall." The dark lion hummed, standing next to the other, well towering over her really. "I have seen a lot out in the world, so a challenge from your brother or father could be interesting." To prove his point, the male reached to grab the other's chin, forcing her to stare into his dark eyes.

"What is your name, if you will not provide me with your rank? But, by the way you lack giving it to me, sounds like you are something lower than a freeborn. Thrall, perhaps, with the new rules the War Lord has put into place? Tell me, did you father sleep around and have some b*****d children he could not claim?"

He released her chin, and in doing so had heard her name. Eir eh? Easy enough to remember.

"I am Rukayo, reaver son of of Daijur and Jupe."

Curling a lip as he approached to tower over her, she realized she should've stayed home. Her mouth was getting her into trouble.

"What if I am, does not mean I'm any less important, I am a valuable asset regardless of my rank."

Staring deep into his eyes without blinking, she was essentially challenging him as she refused to pull away.

His name had a strong ring to it, she would remember it. His parents names sounded familiar but she'd never been outside of home before this so truly, Rukayo was the first she'd met.

"He is the greatest reaver. As is most of my family in line behind him" To her he would be no matter what happened. Most of her siblings had taken after him into the reaver life and strived to be more.

Alas, she could not.

"Eir, thrall daughter of Bastion and Rana." If he wanted a proper greeting there it was.

She wasn't ashamed of what she was, it just made her have to obey pretty much everyone and she wasn't born to be a door mat.

Rukayo snorted, shaking his head. "Shame a creature of your beauty is a thrall." The male said quietly. "Just leaves you as an open target when the males come looking." He stepped away from the female, going back to his resting place. "Best be going Eir, thrall daughter of Bastion and Rana. Usually the watering holes get rowdy with reavers and captains this time of day, and most willing to take home a piece of flesh for nightly entertainment. If you do not wish to partake in such affairs, I suggest you get your hide home, or else your brothers or father will truly need to go looking for you."

Rukayo lowered himself back to the water's edge, dipping a paw into the cool liquid to soothe his aches. The female would be wise to take his words to heart.

"I'll be sure my siblings know who you are, especially my sisters. They love to terrorize men." Giving him a glare she was still pretty frustrated he had touched her and had half a mind to hit him but she was still too young to stand half a chance, even if she was 2nd generation demigod.

"See you aroubd Ruka, reaver son of Daijur and Jupe." She turned and headed back home.