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"Move kid-" the female snarled as she pushed past the smaller male, her eyes stark despite being a golden honey color. The darkness in her eyes crept back to his figure as she gave the young lion a smirk, speaking to him with a cocky grin, "It looks like we've got ourselves a green boy."

Jojen frowned as the lioness spoke, standing firm as she continued mocked his age. It was true, he hadn't yet gone out on his first Viking, but that was why he was here. He needed to prove himself. "-Your being awfully rude. You've gotta prove yourself too now, do we are in the same boat-"

"PROVE?" Awilix lashed out at the younger lion as she used a paw to push him back. "-I don't have to prove s**t."

"He isn't wrong, Awilix, the rules changed-" Eygon chimed in as a soft chuckle escaped him. "-so, you are green now too."

The lioness huffed as she quickly removed herself from Jojen, standing alone and away from the bunch of males.

"Someone's moody-" a familiar voice spoke out as Djura walked up to group, smirking. "Eygon." his greeting was welcoming and light.

"What are you doing here?" the lioness frowned as she gave the splotched male a nasty look.

"Egg invited me on this raid, so I came."

"You forgive too easily." she huffed as her eyes narrowed on her blue-maned friend.

"Relax, Djura can prove himself too. You call can." Eygon was the only lion here who didn't need to earn his rank.

Jojen found himself sighing as he looked away, glaring out at the distance. It was almost sunrise. "-So where is this Captain?" the young male questioned.

Today was the day. Aldan successfully gained the rank of Captain, following in his father’s footsteps. Today would be the first day he would be able to prove himself as a leader. He was excited, he was nervous, he was anxious. All these things would make for an interesting first run.

Aldan was no small lion. He had god blood running through him that gave him a hefty size, though not quite the largest in the pride. He had certainly filled out from his lankier teen stage. But, it fit him. One couldn’t have a small Captain leading a band, it could prove a disaster in the rogue lands.

Ayanga, walked next to the male, as he approached the band. The pale lioness smirked as Aldan spoke up just behind the adolescent. “Open your eyes and be aware of your surroundings, and you would notice he is right behind you.” Aldan said with a small smirk, humor in his eyes as he glanced at all the members. Awilix, Eygon, Jojen, Djura. He knew their names, and some personally. Those he didn’t, he would get to know.

“Sorry I’m late. Or…maybe you all are just early?” He jested with a smile. He was likely the late one. He had to get all the time in with Yorshka before he left. Vikings were never predictable. He vowed to come back though. He always did. The little charm necklace around his neck was his good luck charm. He always needed to return it to the owner, after all.

"You're late. There is no arguing with it." Ayanga said with a shrug, causing Aldan to roll his eyes.

“Are we all ready to go?”

Awilix turned as Aldan spoke, smirking at Jojen.

"Oh, sorry." Jojen quickly shifted his weight as he moved to glance up at the larger male. He knew who Aldan was, and he knew that in some strange way they were related, maybe not by blood, but my marriage. So, he would listen to his Captain and learn the most from this venture out into the real world.

"Aldan." Eygon gave the other lion a firm nod as he smiled, nudging Awilix. "Show some respect, Aldan will be our leader on this Raid."

"I know-" the female barked as her eyes left Aldan, speaking in a monotone voice. "It's good to have you with us." That was the best she could give right now, her mood was already spoiled thanks to Djura.

Djura walked up to Aldan and gave him a friendly head-bump, speaking forwardly and with a grin. "The wife keeping you? I get that, she is a beauty." He wasn't trying to be rude, if anything it was meant to be a true statement. He had seen the Captains with before, she was something else.

"We are ready when you are, sir." Egg answered as he stood beside Jojen. "It's time to get this one's paws dirty."

Aldan chuckled lightly towards Jojen. “One of the very first lessons I learned when first becoming a reaver was always be aware of your surroundings. We are still in a…relatively safe space…” If you could consider the Stormborn lands safe really? “But out in no-man’s land, the story is different. I am sure everyone can attest to this, right?” His dark gaze shifted to each of his band, particularly towards Awilix and Eygon. He had heard their story, and although they had been recent to rejoin the pride, he would make sure what had happened prior did not happen again.

“I am glad to have a motley crew. So many reavers and only one Freeborn? You guys are gonna make my job so much easier.” He grinned just as Djura had headbutt him.

He quirked an eyebrow, but otherwise just nodded. “Aye, but I can’t blame her. One day she will join a raid. She’s got some more fighting skills to learn before that can happen yet.” Plus, he would probably be quite distracted if Yorshka joined him. Always a need to protect her.

“Alright then!” Aldan walked past the group to take the helm. “There’s been some talks of some strange events happening southbound. It is bringing in lions to it daily. We might be able to snag some nice treasures or hides from some of those wandering bands.” Aldan said aloud, beginning his trek outside the pride. “I figured that would be a good starting place.”

Ayanga glanced at the band around them, ears perking. This wasn't her first rodeo, but it was her first viking as a 'shield maiden'. She was curious what she now get to look forward too. Luckily, with Aldan as captain, she could get away with a bit more than someone who could be a little bit more stricter with the female.

"I guess that works. I would like a new trinket for my mane." Aya did enjoy some shiny things.

Jojen felt a bit of heat against his cheeks as Aldan walked past him, sharing his words of wisdom freely. It was hard not to feel embarrassed a little, yet he knew he needed to let those worries go if he was going to ever earn his rank among such strong lions. His eyes would linger over to where Aya stood as he stopped, his thoughts washed away. Now that he was getting a better look at her he could see her beauty full-force, it honestly slapped him in the face. The young lion stammered as he quickly walked toward her, like a moth to the flame.

"I can find something for your hair!" his promise was swift and firm, this youth was smitten.

"Relax kid-" Awilix laughed as she nudged the other female, passing her to follow Aldan. "Kids got a thing for the pale beauty, Aldan, better watch out." of course it was all in good fun, the teasing that is. The Seer couldn't help herself.

"It's good you have two other Seers in this group." she added with a nod, having heart about the awful headaches the lion suffered without his Seer wife by his side.

"Don't tease him, he's just a kid." Egg added as he gave Jojen a wink, moving forward to follow his Captain. "Aya, perhaps I could pick your brain. What are your thoughts on this new Warlord?" the tan lion questioned with a friendly smile. He seemed to want to engage in a political conversation.

As Egg spoke Djura sped up to walk beside Awilix, longing to find his way back into her good graces. He would annoy her as much as he could. She was going to have to forgive him at some point, right? "Where are we heading, Boss?" the lion asked Aldan as the group walked on.