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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[Greenflight] All Eyes On Me

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Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 1:14 am
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The evening breeze was cool, brisk even for Western’s winter standards. The sun was rapidly fading over the horizon, the last rays of sunlight dwindling down for the warmth of glows and fires. Yet there was one curled on her ledge, the radiance of her green hide only bolstered by a simple factor she had been suppressing for… months now. She ignored the call, stayed curled on her ledge as she always did. Wistful yearning to join other greenflights finally culminated in waiting for her rider to recover from his.. dalliance with Erinyeth’s rider after the fierce green’s flight. Hiding beneath Turanth’s wing was proving fruitless. Any reason to stay her rising was slipping from her claws, until she could procrastinate no longer.

Her eyes whirling a bright mix of purples and reds, the usually demure, sweet wallflower of a green launched off her ledge -- and roared.

From the depths of the lower caverns in his company for the evening, Zi’aso suddenly stumbled as the tidal wave of flight lust hit the rider square in the face. He staggered, bracing himself with a hand against a table. Well, that’s quite dramatic.

Let it be dramatic. Do I not deserve it?!

Her theatrics did little else but make Zi’aso chuckle to himself. He knew better, even if no one save one knew what was in store. Yet he’s quite in public -- perhaps he ought to fix that and head to his weyr, unless something or someone caught his attention.

Tiernoth rose up higher, her bands of brighter green cutting in the darkness. Wings beating harder, trumpeting into the cooling night air as she hovered and waited. Oh Western, my Western~ The sun sets, yet will you join me? Bronze, brown, green and blue -- just when I need you? She turns and twists midair, wanting any and all eyes on her.

=/ / / / /=

The lovely Tiernoth is rising!

Some things to keep in mind;

=Tiernoth is just about 6, and this is her third (and first at Western) rising. She tries very hard to Not.
=Tiernoth is a very demure dragon who tends to be a wallflower. Her screaming for attention is very odd behavior for most.
=Zi’aso is somewhere in the Lower Caverns and making his way to his weyr.
=He’s open to multiple partners.

=Enter as many dragons as you want! The more the merrier. NPCs very welcome.
=This is a low-key flight. No advanced rolling to keep track of. Only a few sentences for a reply. But the more you give, the more likely a chance for bonus points.
=The flight will consist of 4 rounds. Each round will consist of rolling 1d20, no matter the color. Adding up all rounds will give you your total score at the end. So the total score will be out of 80.
=Each round will last two days, unless all participants roll and fill in early.

Ways to win;
=Matching Tiernoth’s total score at the end is an instant catch.
=Scoring 80+ is an instant catch.
=If neither of these conditions are met, a winner will be randomized of the three dragons scores closest to her own.

About Zi’aso: [+] Lover, Charming, Extroverted / / / [-] Hedonist, Advantageous, Irresponsible

Tiernoth (When not in a flight) : [+] Gentle, Sweet, Quiet / / / [-] Demure, Anxious, Timid

Starting Bonuses;
Add these to your starting score where necessary. Specific dragons are not required to join, but the bonuses are there.
=Flame’s Fury Wing +4 Points
=Ista-born Dragon +2 Points
=Turanth +6 Points
=Erinyeth +2 Points
=Jibasth +2 Points

Rolling will start 2/11, 9 PM EST  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 2:33 am
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Shouldn't have been surprised really, not really or truly. It wasn't like Jibasth chased after every single female that rose into the sky, if he chased every green then Onasta would never get a single thing done. But the huge brown preferred to chase after some of the more vibrant beauties be they green or be they gold. So it wasn't a shock really when the male froze where he was walking beside his rider in the bowl, oil still shimmering on his frame from just being washed.

"Must you do this right now when I'm all worn out from scrubbing and washing and oiling all forty two feet of you?" Onasta looked up at her big softie, ice blue eyes crinkled in amusement despite the feigned whining come from her. A pair of tail tips tapped and laid across the top of her still wet hair as an answer rather than words, for his attention was drawn directly towards the roaring Tiernoth that had caught his eyes. "I suppose if you must then you'll just have to go and see if your fast enough to catch her."

She knew exactly who rode that green after all and if she was rising that meant the night would be most interesting, so she was already moving when the rush of air around her indicated a liftoff.

What wings you might need I can provide sweet Tiernoth, you need only ever ask. Jibasth crooned in a whisper to her despite the bugle that erupted from him once in the air. Let all the others come and chase after her, let her take as many twisting paths as she might try, the large brown might not have been very flexible or dexterous but he would give chase until the very end. With as much flair as he could muster, the giant brown spun as much of the water and oil from his frame as he could. It would do no good to catch her and yet let her slip from his claws.


Lonely Phantom

Sweet Symmetry

Tipsy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:06 am
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With the last of the sun’s rays warming the Weyr, O’dyn ran a hand through his hair. How long had he been reading over these papers? And how many were still left to be read? He’d need glows, soon… Were his fresh?

Ansheth tucked his tail gently against his side, front paws neatly folded upon each other as he watched the sunset. It’s truly splendid. There is a beauty in the air that cannot be…

Cannot be… what? O’dyn’s smile curled a little at the edges, reaching out for his dragon’s attempted poety. He was, however, surprised to find that his dragon had gone quite mute. Sure, he wasn’t always the most poetic or eloquent of creatures, but he usually finished his sentences at least.

No, she is more beautiful... And a loud roar filled the Weyr.

O’dyn rubbed his forehead, sighing a little. You’ve been more… interested… lately… Well… don’t let me ruin your joy. He wished his dragon found the love he so desperately sought... but not all who Rose sought such a silly Bronze wherry for a mate. Still, flying for the sake of flight and love, well, that was always a good thing. It was never a bad thing to love- no matter how fleeting it might be.

You should take your own advice... Ansheth answered, lust flooding their bond as he launched from his ledge.

With a shake of his head, O'dyn tuned out his dragon’s passion and returned to his work. He'd had his chance, and his love was gone. At least he still had his family, his weyrlings and his wingmates.

Ansheth flew after Tiernoth and Jibasth, rolling gently through the air as he stretched his wings in preparation. I hope all is well, my dear Lady. I do not think you could have chosen a more perfect time to rise. The fading sun does not compare to your rising beauty- you brighten both day and night.

Ah, words. Words were hard sometimes.


O’dyn: Not available currently

Ansheth: Noble, Courteous, Nature-lover || Stuffy, Single-minded, Naive
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:53 pm
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It had only taken the green touching the sky to know Phylideth was going to chase, and ever since T'mor had gotten news that the brown found rather questionable at best, he'd found his rider to be slightly more....limiting. Not that he'd ever entertain the idea that it was because he'd been misbehaving and somehow deserved it. Still, he pushed back against T'mor's quick reigning with a rumble of annoyance before pushing himself up into the air.

Could say the same for you, he huffed like a sulking child as T'mor was already off to find Amiari. Then, he surged up - but not after her other suitors, no, he was not trailing behind anybody - to join the others.

That they can find poetry is proof that they are not nearly as blinded as they should be by you, it was frank and very much not a tone that would woo many, if any....but he never had been one to mince words well. But Tiernoth had his undivided attention, at least.  


Beloved Werewolf


Tipsy Codger

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 4:55 pm
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Q'dosh was taking a break, along with his client, from working on a large back tattoo when the bugle of a rising green echoed through the Weyr bowl. He turned his head to look out the opening to the ledge where Turanth was lounging, and as he did the blue's head snapped up, eyes whirling purple. Mine, Tiernoth rises!

Oh, it's Tiernoth? The tattoo artist smiled. That meant Zi'aso would be on the prowl soon. And here he was stuck with a client. Well, he thought as he eyed the man's back, at least he wasn't alone as the sudden lust of his dragon washed over him.

Go, my love, and win her!

With a lusty bellow Turanth launched himself off his ledge. Tiernoth, my twin, my beloved! Rest beneath my wing tonight and you will see you need no other! Soaring to join the chase, he trumpeted his desire for all to hear.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 5:02 pm
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That Erinyeth had risen to chase - and caught - one green had been an unusual feat, and one that Lezia had assumed was a result of a flight delayed too long. Since her own violent rising, she'd been content to her ledge and time and time again had lulled the woman into such security.

Falsely so, it seemed.

When Tiernoth's rising stirred the large green from her perch, Lezia reached out and jerked her lifemate back into place with the same iron grip she'd turned on the rising green's rider weeks previously. Erinyeth snarled with defiance, mantling her wings and turning dark eyes on her rider. Never in threat, but absolutely in displeasure. I am going. You cannot - will not - stop me. her voice was like a low hiss and had it come from something less noble - a wher, perhaps - it would have threatened pain.

Lezia continued to hold her green in place, feeling the mental strain of Erinyeth pulling under that grip. The green saw it for what it was - a practice in making sure that if her rider truly ever needed to force her under her will, she still could. She bristled, spitting barbs and venom that would wound a weaker bond, a weaker woman - but never hers.

Then, after a moment, she was freed and the dark green launched into the air, all edges that would wound any other suitor who dared think her a potential consolation prize for the rising green. Tiernoth, Tiernoth, no boy here deserves you, you know. There were no gentle or sweet calls from her. Only a bubbling intensity that marked the green for what she was.  


Beloved Werewolf

Prism Shine rolled 1 20-sided dice: 11 Total: 11 (1-20)

Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 6:25 pm
A pleased note creeps into Tiernoth’s voice as her trumpets lulled into trills, excited whorls in the deep purples. She had called on Western, and they had answered! Bronze, brown, blue and green… Tiernoth mantled her wings, swooping to eye them all better in the dying light of this day.

I ask for your all, Jibasth! She knew the brown oh-so well from their riders.. dalliances. Yet she couldn’t deny that the brown was quite handsome, and sweet to boot. Might your wings be wide enough for me? It’s accompanied by a mental caress across his cheek--flirtatious and near scandalous.

The lovely gleam of Ansheth’s hide drew Tiernoth’s gaze, as did his words. Quite the poet was he! With a gentle, appreciative note for the roll through the air, the green cast him a warm thought. The air is fine, the sun is setting--and I have such a handsome boy chasing after me. How could all not be well~?

Oh, now this was interesting. Phylideth was a dragon she knew, though she was not among the same fighting flight. Yet there’s still a warmth cast in his direction, fleeting ghost of a touch. But that means that I have your undivided attention. Isn’t that enough? Not the sweetest, honeyed tone she had taken--but it was honest. For his directness had certainly left her gaze lingering.

There he was! She crooned to see her twin, hearts stammering as she reached out with a bolder mental touch--the near full body caresses of her cozying up beneath a wing as she had done time and time again. I will only ever need one, but there are so many at your side tonight. Might you beat them all out, once again?

In mid-twirl, she catches the sight of the dark green dragon launching to join them as well. Her hearts stammered--for she recalls how she had wanted to chase the lovely dragon as her rider had Erinyeth’s. The lingering swirls of a crush didn’t stop her from leaving a warm touch, a nestle to the older green’s neck. Might you beat them all out then, Erinyeth? Snatch me away from all these boys?

Zi’aso could feel the giddiness pulsing through their bond. It made him feel light on his feet, and the distance between him and his weyr was shortening considerably. Yet his eyes were bright, to see who might catch his own gaze.

With a satisfied hum, Tiernoth turned away from her suitors. Come now, let’s see if you can keep up~ Emboldened by the desire singing through her, a powerful pump of her wings sends her towards the ocean.

/ / / /

Remember! Roll a d20 each round!
Anyone still wanting to join may do so until round 2 starts.

Round 2 will start Wednesday the 13th, 9PM EST

Round 1: 11


Sweet Symmetry


Sweet Symmetry rolled 1 20-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-20)
PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 1:06 am
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Her voice buoyed him, awash with desire and love, strumming every string of his heart and stirring forth a musical croon of his own. Her words gave him more lift than the winds beneath their wingsails. Blood coursed through every fibre of his being, leaving him both elated and silent in the wake of her gleaming beauty.

And so Ansheth chased, paying little heed to his fellow suitors- even the one green, who had recently took the skies in a display of fierce bloodshed. Long wings stroked the skies, and he set his focus entirely on Tiernoth. I hope I do not disappoint you, my Lady. Another croon- quieter, less intense than the first, but still as musically-inclined; Ansheth followed the green star that led them on.

Round 1 Total: 6  

Sweet Symmetry

Tipsy Kitten

tatterpixie rolled 1 20-sided dice: 15 Total: 15 (1-20)


Tipsy Codger

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:12 am
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Turanth shivered at the mental caress Tiernoth gave him. They were closer than brother and sister, the two of them, and her response to him made him want to catch her even more. With a mighty flap of his wings, the blue darted around his much larger and slower competition, determined to win this flight.

My Tiernoth! For none shall have you save me! Your hide glistens as mine does in the fading sunlight! Soon, my beauty, soon!

Round 1: 15 + 6 for being Turanth = 21  
Hattaki rolled 1 20-sided dice: 20 Total: 20 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 2:14 am
Anything for you sweet Tiernoth, my wings will carry you into any sunset you desire and it would be all the sweeter for your presence. Jibasth all but leaned his great head into the mental caress, purple flooding the rest of the way through his eyes as he watched her flit through the sky. With each movement the lithe green made he felt just a bit more jealous, watching her go between different males and even another green. While he wasn't really prone to jealousy, there would be hardly any that could blame him as her beautiful form moved before him.

Heart tripping a beat as Jibasth was overcome with some emotion during the flight, was that some sort of green jealous twinge?, Onasta shook her head to clear it and kept moving. Eyes always scanning to see if she could find Zi'aso. If her dragon had to be all lusty and jealous for attention from a green who's attentions he could hardly ever claim, then she at least was going to work off some steam on her rider as well, if he would let her. And the redhead had built some up in the past few months that could be blown off in ways that she would hope they'd both enjoy.

Higher up in the sky above, Jibasth's large wings buffeted at the air as he rushed to chase after the green who had angled out to the water. Oh that I will do my best lady of flying Spring.

Round 1: 20 + 2 for being Jibasth


Lonely Phantom

Hattaki rolled 1 20-sided dice: 20 Total: 20 (1-20)


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 3:02 am
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Heart hammering, eyes wide as she pleaded in silence, Tikallie watched as Gaerdalth, her solid and often extremely relaxed dragon, turned his head towards the rising green with eyes turning shades of purple as he watched her fly. Of course he'd have answered her call instantly, if not for how the little blue was wrapped around his rider, wings covering her pale skin from the sun and attempting to gently convince her to let him go. Not that she was truly telling him that he couldn't, so much as simply asking quietly that he not put her through it.

It's not going to be dangerous, you've got plenty of time to get to the hut and you don't have to stop on the way there. No one will hurt you. Gently Gaerdalth blew into her hair after turning his head back towards her. Two hands ran up his muzzle to his broad cheeks, hooking behind his head knobs so that when he lifted his head up it pulled the little puff of pink-tinted white hair that was his rider to her feet. You know this is a safe place, no one will hurt you here and I will always be with you.

Reddish brown eyes closed as the little one pressed her head against the spot before her blue dragon's first headridge. "I trust you." It came out as a whisper as she stepped backwards a few paces to watch him spring into the air. It didn't take Tikallie long to turn and run away towards her hut, emotions and feelings curling in her as she ran from both those and the blazing sun that could turn her as red as the Red Star itself in no time at all. Her little blue gave one spiral to check and see how quickly her path might get her home before directing his attention fully upon Tiernoth. Quite a few suitors were already in the sky after her, much larger males than his small self and even a larger green, but Gaerdalth pressed upwards into the sky quickly all the same, letting his small body work for speed.

My apologies for being late sweet green, would it be too late to chase after your rising form and into the beautiful sunset? Fly as far as you like, I promise to make up for being so far behind! It definitely helped the tiny blue that she was aiming to rise above the ocean upon which beach he'd just been relaxing.
demon_pachabel rolled 1 20-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-20)
PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:11 pm
He wanted to reach out for that fleeting touch and hold it tight, his own mental touch like grasping fingers after it. No sweet promises could be made by Phylideth - not a wordsmith by any means, even with the more romantically capable T'mor to try and beg help from.

I will give no scrap of it to any of the others, he said firmly, though he was barely able to reel in the nature ire he held towards bronzes in when there was one so close by. Surely, his would be so proud of that? He even managed to not rile when another blue joined them in the skies, instead focusing intently on Tiernoth along as she turned off towards the sea.

Round 1: 3 (I mean, what do we expect after Hatts rolled 2 20s in a row?)  


Beloved Werewolf

demon_pachabel rolled 1 20-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-20)


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:17 pm
It would be Erinyeth's own nature that kept her from turning claws on the other suitors, instead she had blocked them all out into nothingness to focus only on the glowing green in the sky - though any who came too close would be growled at, and if any closer a swat with her tail would be the last of her pleasant deterrents.

If blood is needed I'll dry them all, but I would much rather spend such energy giving you the attention you so deserve, she rumbled almost like a threat. Keeping up wouldn't be a problem, though she didn't much like the idea of falling behind any of these boys.

Round 1: 2 (for being Erinyeth) + 5 = 7 (wow, the dice did not like me this round lmao lmao)  
[IC RP] Western Weyr

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