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If he was being honest, he was sick of lions.

So he was now in the company of non-lions. With a sly grin the male shook his body to lift the dust that had settled upon him and he stood up and looked over towards the sleeping females that surrounded him. It was quite by chance that he had come across the trio of females and had decided to accompany them, plus they had been quite interested in him so he wasn't going to say no to that.

The sudden urge to scratch behind his ear shot through him and he lifted his back leg and located the annoyed area and went to town. The possibility of him staying in this form for quite some time was likely, though he knew he would eventually have to go back to how he usually looked, just not right now.

Stretching his long mouth open in a yawn he gave one last shake of his body and decided to go check out the water source nearby.

Aneyla was the first to awake from their afternoon slumber and her icy gaze looked over the two females that lay near her and she noticed that one of their group was missing. It was likely he hadn't gone far but still, she got up and decided to look for him. Limerence had been new to their group for a little bit now but that didn't really mean anything bad, he was quite refreshing to have around. Especially when three girls were involved, she was just tired of the feminine banter.

A smile spread across her lips as she saw him near the water and she approached him proudly and ran her muzzle across the side of his back and under his muzzle in a brief hug like embrace. "Didn't see you when I awoke and thought I'd come see what had stolen you away." Her voice was a soft tease and he chuckled.

No matter the species he had to say that females were the same, when they wanted something they let you know and that was probably one of the main reasons he stuck around. They wanted him to help them sire pups so he was able to get food a lot easier and he had all the attention a guy could really want. Eventually he'd grow bored but for now it was new and exciting and that was all he cared about.

"Was just getting a drink of water." Watching as the colorful female quenched her own thirst he couldn't help but wonder how he had ended up here, with them.

Ears twitched and he knew the other two were finally up, light footsteps on either side of him as Ondine came up on his left and Kizaki on his right. She was by far the oldest in the group but she had a youth about her that was unique in it's own way.

After everyone was done drinking Ondine turned her gaze towards the large male that was beside her. "Did you rest well? We covered quite a lot of ground last night and this morning." Sleep had found her quickly once they had decided to pause for bit so she figured it might be the same for them all? She was the youngest though so she didn't have quite as much stamina as the other's.

"You needn't worry about me Ondine, I slept just fine. After all, in such beautiful company how could I not." The ladies laughed at his words and Kizaki playfully touched his tail with her own as they sat next to one another.

Her skull headdress rested delicately against the side of her face and he couldn't help but admire her trinkets. She was also a skilled healer which was handy. Ondine was light on her feet and probably the best hunter of the group while Aneyla could spin a story so deep that you'd think you were right there in the middle of it.

He was honestly just there to look pretty and add brute force to their little dynamic. "Where are we going to head today?" He asked looking over towards the elder female who was taking in their surroundings with a thoughtful look. "I believe if we head in that direction we should reach a nice forested area by nightfall. I'm quite tired of all this sand."

"Me too."

"You can definitely say that again."

The other to females chimed in.

Thankfully the weather was tolerable today and the sun wasn't baking them all to a crisp. If it came down to it he'd abandon them and vanish into the void, but he really wasn't that heartless and besides, it would take a very dire situation for that to happen. Plus he was certain if he transformed he could just carry them to wherever they need to be safe. Even if it did traumatize them a little.

Laughing at the idea of it he watched as all eyes turned on him. "Just thoughts in my head, nothing more. I promise ladies."

"I hope there are some nice fat hares there, or even some juicy ground hens. I'm tired of lizards and mice." The silver and green female said as her mouth watered at the idea of something much tastier than their current cuisine.

"I'm sure there will be much better meals for us to hunt once we get there, but that requires us to start moving. So hurry up and drink some more water if you want and then we shall be on our way." Kizaki said as she took one more sip of the water and began to lead the way for them.

Ondine looked over towards Limerence, if he wasn't going to drink anymore then she wasn't. Still that young and challenging youth within her. Aneyla was already following Kizaki and Limerence trailed behind them and ushered Ondine to walk in front of him. He liked to keep them in his sights in case anything came about. It was just easier for him to protect them and come up with a plan of action that way. "Aneyla, why don't you tell us a story while we walk?"

"I can do that."

With that the group walked East, listening to their colorful friend speak.

WC 1050