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Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:39 pm
This outing wasn’t quite as Ciro had planned, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. He had found out about another litter of children he had sired, and knowing it just warmed his heart. Sure he may not have been the best father figure in the work, but if there was one thing the Captain did love was all his children. All…. at least twenty or so that he knew of….

The male let out a sigh. Kristanf had taken the lead, having mentioned he knew of a perfect spot to raid. Ciro, intrigued, followed on a whim.

“I think the brat should sit out though.” Kristanf said, referring to Odinson. “The bird too.”

“Nice try, but Judeau goes everywhere with me.” Ciro remembered saying. “But Odin….why don’t you find us shelter for the night.” Maybe Kris was leading them into a particular dangerous mission, and he didn’t want his nephew getting injured.

“See anything up ahead, Judeau?”  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:15 pm
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There had been many huffs and protests from Odinson at being left behind. Find a shelter, hah, that was not the adventure he sought! He'd show them, he'd have his own adventure, and it would be grand and they would regret they had not joined him!

Judeau had not been any more pleased with leaving the young lion behind than Odin had. Leaving him meant one less pair of eyes to keep an eye on Kristanf, one less counter to whatever dark thoughts lurked in that head.

"This is a bad idea."

A grumble, the raven's eyes narrowed, wings spreading to catch the air as he leapt from CIro's back, circling above for a better view.

"And what am I supposed to be looking for?"

Besides an a*****e who can't be trusted that is.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 6:09 am
Amon Larethian

The words of the raven did not go unheard from the Captain, though likely the reaver. "You think everything is a bad idea." Ciro said with a roll of his eyes, watching the male take flight. He found himself shrugging, coming to a clearing with a cliff. "I'm not sure, Kris, what did you say was over here?"

The pale male had stopped once they had arrived to their location. From atop, you could see on for miles. If you were to go to the edge, small ridges jutted out the side, with barren trees clinging to the rock, attempting to grow and thrive. The cliffs could be comparable to that of their home, just missing the crashing waves against them.

"I had heard whilst you were gallivanting in the Pridelands that there was a murderous lion here that needed to be taken care of."

Ciro glanced around. The land appeared to be empty, not a scent of another lingered or anything. "No one has been here, perhaps who you spoke with was wrong?"

Kristanf's eyes narrowed.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:16 pm
"Maybe if you weren't so inclined toward bad ideas."

The raven god cawed his objection from above. He did not like this, at all, something felt...off to him. Ciro might have told him he was being ridiculous, tha the pale lion was nothing to worry about. Judeau most emphatically disagreed. That lion was not one to turn your back on, as the raven had learned from experience when the a*****e tried to EAT HIM.

What the hell CIro saw in him he would never understand.

"There is nothing here!"

Absolutely nothing that he could see, even from his height. What the hell was even supposed to be here...


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:28 pm
Amon Larethian

Ciro couldn't help but chuckle. "You gotta live a little Judeau." He watched his friend flying above him, before they settled back towards Kristanf.

"No," Kristanf said hotly. "They were not wrong. In fact...I know they were quite right." The pale male words remained rather cryptic, the quirk of an eyebrow did not go missed from Ciro. "How daft." Ciro grunted at the comment.

"I don't understand."

"I see a murderous lion standing before me right now." Without further talk, Kristanf launched for his Captain. Judeau would be high enough to not interfere, and Ciro was close enough to the edge all Kristanf had to do was push him off it. He would get his payback for everything the Captain had done. From his first viking mission on stealing his meal, to the Captain murdering his mother. He at least started to get his own payback.

"Remember that bird you stole from me. She's dead." He growled, a smirk on his maw. "And I intend to do the same thing with your new one, as soon as your gone." Kristanf hissed, pushing Ciro more and more, watching the male's hind legs slip underneath him, no traction to hold him on the land.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 7:33 am
No! No, no, NO!

He had flown too far, he should have seen it coming, he should not have left Ciro's side. Judeau had known that Kristanf was up to something, that he could not be trusted, but he had allowed himself to look away and he had been caught off guard.


A caw echoed through the air as the raven dove. His wings folded back, eyes narrowed, he flew beak first for Kristanf like a feathered arrow of diving furty. He had to stop him! If only he could reach him in time! Dive Judeau, DIVE!


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:19 pm
Amon Larethian

Ciro was taken aback, not expecting the male he had help raise attack him out of the blue. It left him with little time to react. When did Kristanf become so strong? The Captain felt his foot slipping multiple times as he was pushed to the edge, his golden eyes averting towards Judeau who was dive-bombing to help him.

He wouldn't make it to him. Ciro's claws extended to snatch at Kristanf's shoulder, making brief contact as his back foot slipped off the edge, his body following.

Kristanf let out a growl as claws met his skin. Then, that stupid bird was trying to help? No, he wouldn't have it! The reaver rose a paw, swiping at Judeau as he neared, aiming to push him back from the lion. This was between him and Ciro. Once he was out of the picture, Kristanf could take care for the raven.

His pale orbs focused back on Ciro, as if in slow motion, watching the male stumble over the edge. Kristanf could have jumped for joy as the dark lion was no longer visible. He wondered if he would hear his body hit the floor, but was ultimately satisfied with the shout of the other plummeted to his death.

Just as Kristanf saw it in slow motion, Ciro was too. His paws were frantic to grab onto anything, but realized there was nothing. He went for the only thing he could. The purple feather around his neck. Come on Ngaule....

Would she make it? The ground was approaching faster, and Ciro felt a sense of dread as his life flashed before his eyes.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:32 pm
Judeau streaked toward Ciro and Kristanf, a powerful beat of his wings propelling him toward his target. He had to reach them, he had to get there in time! No, Ciro!

The raven's eyes widened in horror as he realized he was too late, a desperate caw as he watched Ciro stumbled backward, great paws slipping against the earth to tumble over the ledge. NO! He had to get there, he had to catch him! If he used his true form he could teleport, he could catch Ciro before he fell--

And then he was tumbling himself, knocked from the air by a paw strike that blocked his path. Damn, he had lost sight of Kristanf, forgetting him in his desperation to save his friend, ignoring the enemy as his attention had shifted only to his friend.


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Ngaule had been walking the forest when she felt the tug, the familiar pull of the summoning charm. A smirk on her maw, she knew that summon, recognized the charm. Ciro, what was he up to now? She supposed he was about due for another attempt at flirting.

"Ciro, wha--"

The goddess's eyes widened as she found herself summon in midair, her wings instant spread to catch herself. What was going--a gasp. It all happened in an instant, she saw him fall, felt the air rush past her. There was no time to think, no time to speak, barely a moment to react.

She turned, diving toward the falling lion. But she'd never reach him that way, he was falling faster than she could dive! A crackle, the goddess teleported, hoping to reach him, if only she could catch him before he hit the ground!


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:46 pm
Amon Larethian

Kristanf didn't follow the body of Ciro as he fell from the cliff. Instead, he now turned to focus on the raven. His tail thrashed behind him, as his eyes narrowed. "Here birdy birdy birdy." Kristanf growled, stalking after his new prey. "We need to finish what we started, don't we?" Kris rasped out, a look of murder in his eyes.

Ciro saw a flash or purple above him, and then she was gone. His eyes closed, thinking of his past promises that would not be able to be kept. How could he plan to see his children in the pridelands again? What would his children in the stormborn think happen to him? What about his son, the one that was attacked by Maya, who looked so much like Ruka, what would happen with him.

All the thoughts crashed into one as his body slammed against the ground. There was likely sounds of snaps as his body broke. The light behind his golden gaze flickered, clinging to whatever he could. He had so much to say, but found no voice to say it. A dark shadow was watching him in the distance. Who was that? He didn't know. But there Ngaule had appeared, blocking out the unknown form. He tried to focus on her, but everything was dim. "J...ude.aa..u" He whispered out, searching slowly, blindly for his feathered friend.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:50 pm
The raven was disoriented for only a moment, a moment too long for Ciro. Judeau shook his head as he felt tears p***k the corners of his eyes. He couldn't stop him, it was too late, he could not save his friend.

Rage burned in the raven as his eyes narrowed, focused on the pale lion, a very different creature than the first time he had encountered that lion. A caw, full of anger and rage, echoing with overwhelming power. The air would grow heavy for the lion, he might have even found himself paralyzed as the weight and memory of every misdeed fell on him.

Judeau did not back down, made no attempt to flee, he showed no fear of the lion who had taken his friend. There was a glow in his eyes as he gazed at the lion, into his eyes, as if looking into his very soul.


The raven's anger grew, rage burning as images flashed in his mind, images of what Kristanf had done. Gwen. At last the god of penance understood why she did not remember him, why she appeared so young, the pale lion had murdered her too.

"You killed them, you killed them both."

Energy crackled around the god, the raven suddenly falling away, in its place stood the gray and white god, his blue and gold mane bristling with pure rage and power. The god of penance was angry, consumed with vengeance. The lion was going to pay for what he had done, he would see to it.

The god's head lowered, fighting back the tears of sorrow and rage. His jagged horn aimed at the pale lion, his intent to pierce the monster's heart, to see his life end on that very ground. Paws thundered across the ground as he charged, he would not stop until he struck, until he felt the horn pierce hide, until he felt the force of his strike hit.

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Ngaule cried out as she reached for him, paws stretching as far as she could, talons extended to find some purchase on her falling friend. No, no, she had missed! Her teleport was mistimed, and she could only feel the helplessness as he slipped through hre grasp.

And then the sickening thud, a sound that seemed to roll through her for an eternity, echoing in her ears and to her core. Shaking, she landed at his side, her head lowered to nudge at the dark lion, listening to the haggered rasps of fading breath.

"Hold on, Ciro, please hold on..."


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 5:09 pm
Amon Larethian

Kristanf's lip rose as his claws extended, digging into the dirt. He was about launch at the avian, when there was a sudden shift. The angry raven ha murmured something about killing them both? What did that mean?

Then, suddenly the raven image was gone. In his place, a large winged male. Kristanf had never seen a god before, although he knew they existed. He paused his attack, dumbfounded at the creature before him. "You...he...?" Ciro was hanging out with a god?

Kristanf had no time to speculate, the gray deity was aiming his jagged horn across him. He skidded to the side, the broken appendage just missing his chest as it dug into his shoulder. He let out a cry, as he stumbled backwards, the horn still impaled.

"Get away from me!"

"Ciro!" The disembodied voice caused his eyes to sluggishly move, trying to focus on the feline before him. His jaw opened and close, the taste of copper beginning to fill it. Small tears had began to form at the corner of his eyes. Pain wasn't a question, everything felt numb...distant. The shadow that was once in the distance loomed closer.

"Please hold on" he could make out the sound. A small sigh escaped his lips. Everything was so warm.

"N...nnn..." He couldn't make out the name of the goddess. His time was fading. only thing Ciro was finding comfort in was the shadow looming closer and closer to him. It was unlike the darkness.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 5:35 pm
Yes, Kristanf, the raven was a god. The pale lion would be the first mortal to see the god's true form since the lioness that had broken his horn. I assure you, it will not be a pleasure.

Tears streamed from the gods eyes, mixing with the blood that ran down his horn, the warm liquid fell down his cheeks until it fell to the stain the ground at his paws. The god huffed, the rage fading into sorrow. He had failed, he had missed the monster's heart, the pale lion still drew breath.

No, it would not end this way. Energy radiated from the god of penance, a dark divine power, a power he had used only once before. The energy surrounded Kristanf, penetrated and consumed with the full force of the penance curse.

"You will pay the price for what you have done and for the lives you have taken. And when you die you will know the true meaning of penance."

A last act of rage, Judeau pulled his horn from the pale lion's hide, a dark gaze before he turned, fear for his friend overriding his rage. The god of penance vanished, teleporting to the earth below the cliff.

There he saw him, the only mortal he had ever trusted, his dearest friend, broken.


The lion god's head lowered, gently nudging at his friend.

"Come on, you have to get up. Please don't leave me..."


The goddess laid at his side, a quiet whisper spoken to the dark lion, a faint echo of her power, a gentle warmth surrounding him. She could not save him, could not heal the injuries that slowly stole his life, could not return to light to his eyes. All she could give him was comfort, to help him forget his pain, to help him fight and hold on a little longer, even if it was only long enough for two friends to say goodbye.

"I will give you a moment."

She looked to the gray god, a sad look in her eyes as she shook her head. It was too late, and time was running out. She stood to her paws, teleporting to the top of the cliffs to give the friends a moment alone.

Kristanf would find his trouble was far from over, as green eyes narrowed with sudden understanding of what had passed. The creature he would see now was not the silver god of penance, or the beautiful form of the goddess of survival. Before him stood a great black beast, a terrifying creature like a wolf or a bear.

A great sorrowful roar, her own anger boiling to the surface, the goddess beast surged forward, racing toward the pale lion, fangs and talons bared.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 5:47 pm
Amon Larethian

Before Kristanf could back away, something had surrounded him. The feeling of shock was overwhelming, as he stumbled backwards, the jagged horn slipping from his body. He didn't comprehend the words the god before him said, as he was quick to vanish.

Woozy, the reaver swayed slightly before a smirk stayed on his maw. It was done. He had succeeded.

Not for long. Almost as soon as Judeau had disappeared, a dark beast had emerged. "Now what?" The raspy lion asked, the creature lunging for him. Kristanf did what he was best known to do. He ran. As fast as his injured body would back down the path he had previously traveled with Ciro.


Ciro's eyes fluttered as the new god appeared before him. Who..."Juu...." His words slurred, unable to say Judeau's name as he was nudged. "...srry" he breathed out at his eyes closed. The taste of blood in his mouth was overriding any senses he had left. "..m srrry." he found himself murmuring.

His eyes were now focused just past the god. The shadow he had been watching stood right by Judeau. Did he not see it either? The form had taken shape. Wings tucked to the side, horns glinting in the sun. Yet, the gods he had just been surrounded by did not seem to see it. Maybe this was death, coming to take him away.

He wasn't ready. He closed his eyes, bracing for whatever would come. His shuddered breaths were slowing. The end was near.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 6:01 pm
The small god was at his side, another gentle nudge against the dark lion's chest. His head turned to rest against Ciro's, listening to his breath, straining to hear the sound of his heart. No, he could die, he couldn't..

"I'm here, Ciro, it's me, Judeau."

He lay at his friend's side, unwilling to leave him alone despite the tears that ran down his face. He tried to wipe them away with a paw, only to smear tears and blood through his own fur.

"It's okay. You're going to be okay, you just have to get up."

Please get up, please. No, don't go...


The dark beast gave chase, sprinting after the fleeing lion with frightening speed and ferocity. On no, you are not going to escape that easily! Her voice was nothing by a roar as she called after him, a fearsome sound that echoed across the earth and stone around them.

He had taken her friend, had tried to harm another, he had torn apart two souls far too soon, and he had broken her heart. He would know the wrath of the gods! And she would make certain he never forgot!


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 6:10 pm
Amon Larethian

What the hell was this thing? And why was it so fast?!

Kristanf was almost out of breath, but found the creature was still charging him. He looked to the left and right, trying to find a place where he could get rid of the beast. He dove for some foliage to the right of him, hoping the thick underbrush could hinder the chase. He needed to get away.


Judeau's words fell on deaf ears. He couldn't hear anything else. He couldn't feel anything. All he could do, was stare forward. The shadow continued to materialize in front of him, gray fur replacing the shadow, and bright blue eyes staring at him. Above, a white raven flew, cawing. Just as soon as the being materialized, it had disappeared. With it, Ciro's own eyes closed. He couldn't hold on. Not anymore. He took his last breath, his body growing still next to his best friend.  
[IC] Rogue Lands

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