Sphinx, normal
Biki, bold

It had been many moons since the sisters had left their ancestral home. Krasivaya did not think she would miss the land of her birth, she had left with good reason; but every so often her mind would indulge in the pleasant memories. She was of Noble birth; it was natural to miss the comfort and luxury that came with status and title. Once upon a time her Pride had treated her like royalty, things had changed since then.

She had been travelling for many moons now and had only just adapted to life as a Guard. However, she still walked with her head held high and her back straight, carrying herself with a sense of pride and importance unusual for a rogue.

Her brown pelt did not blend into the sand as much as she might have hoped, but her neutral colouration at least meant she did not stick out too wildly. Thankfully, at night she went by unnoticed, a blessing considering the company she was keeping.

Vaya had wandered away from her travelling party; sunset was approaching, and she was on the lookout for a safe spot to settle for the night. They had not run into any trouble in quite a while, a fact that always had her on edge. The pessimist in her told her to expect trouble. When it did not find them… it made her anxious.

The lioness found herself at a small river amongst the sand, stopping for a moment to rest and drink.

Weeks had turned into long months of silence and solitude as the once proud Ela found himself alone in the world. It was by his own choice that his life ended up being this empty, but the proud lion would never admit that to himself, as least not now, here at the edge of his deepest regrets. Toph would wander the lands aimlessly, searching for something he could not obtain, a life that was no longer his. Slowly the large tattooed lion made his way down to a nearby river where he sat himself down reluctantly as narrowed eyes found the water's edge, sand settled between his toes as a sigh escaped his chest.

If the lion had been a little more aware of his soundings his eyes would have settled on the figure of a lioness that stood not too far from where he now sat, sadly for Toph though he was totally unaware, lost someplace deep in his own despair.

He looked a little rough around the edges, with an unkempt mane and dirty paws, it was as if the joy in his mouth had dried and turned to sand, leaving Toph to look as bitter as wild berries.

Still, he had no given up on himself, not completely at least, there was still enough fight in him to continue searching. Searching for what though was the real question.

His heavy eyes slowly lifted as they danced along the lioness that stood a few feet from him, unaware of her until just this moment the lion frowned before looking away. Maybe if he sat still enough she wouldn't notice him?

Yeah. She wouldn't notice a hulking blue lion covered in tattoos. Maybe she was blind? Toph could only wish.

Vaya remained remarkably quiet as the male settled by the waters edge. A female of feeling an empathy, she would decide her destination by the changing winds and trusted her instinct over logic. So, even if she wanted to raise her guard, her body refused to react to his presence in such a way. It was simply not in her nature; and she sat comfortably by him as if they were long lost friends.

Golden eyes followed the ripples in the water until she found his reflection, looking at the shadow he left on the surface of the water, rather than the male himself. Words left her maw, gentle and soft, spoken in a language that was lost to all by her old Pride. Though, whatever she did say, left her smiling too sweetly and shaking her head at her own playful amusement.

“I have never seen runes like yours, Dukh” Her accent was thick and sultry, lost to any child like innocence, but retaining an air of wonder. “What inspires someone to carve poetry into their flesh? Hmm?” Her eyes remained on his reflection as her head tilted to the side inquisitively.

His eyes found little comfort in his own reflection, so the lion quickly looked away, frowning as his attempts to stay invisible backfired, leaving Toph completely exposed to the female side him. "Oh," his voice broke at the sound of hers, lost in her tone for a moment before responding the best he could. "Runes? Oh, I see." her accent was strange but it wasn't unpleasant, if anything it was alluring to the point of unease, who was this dark beauty speaking to him so openly? He would allow himself to peak at her from time to time, listening to her speak until a question was left lingering long enough for the lion to respond, "-tradition I suppose. I have been receiving them all my life." He was covered from head to toe in incinerate tattoos, telling the story of a life he once lived, in a place he once called home.

Slowly blue eyes would settled on her figure as he turned his head to face her directly, avoiding his own reflection as all costs. "Where are you from? I can not place your accent." It was foreign enough for the lion to question, and just entrancing enough for him to stay seated beside her, close enough to her that Toph was able to make out the shape of her face without straining his eyes. This honestly made him a little uncomfortable. Was her confidence really that intimidating? Or was Toph still unsure of himself even after all this time?

He sat in silence again, slowly removing his gaze from her. What... did Dukh mean?