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This entire excursion had been one new discover after another. Huolongmai had been taking to everything well, even this poor surprise attack with the hyenas. She had decided to not accept that ambush as a mark against her training. The last thing anyone had expected was an attack, and by hyenas of all things. She had recovered well, and was rather...grateful? to use the opportunity to better connect with some of the higher ups she otherwise may have never been able to spend time with.

And she had also managed a sort of friendship with the patrol leader from Mwezi'Johari, Horae. It could get a bit tense at times, but as they had rounded the mountain after the landslide, the dark brown lioness had seemed to mellow out. Once they were in a land that worshipped many gods, something that neither lioness truly believed in...the tension reappeared in Horae's shoulders. Huolongmai found it all absolutely interesting, and had set out to find out more about these strange lands, littered with shrines to all sorts of gods. The fact that it wasn't just lions living here, but all manner of species that were somehow getting along was even more fascinating. The red lioness hadn't had the nerve to really walk up and speak with a non-lion, but she was also beginning to worry that if she didn't do it soon, the chance would be lost to her forever. It was hard to imagine a time where she would be able to explore as much as she had been able to in this excursion, let alone just in the Ulili-Mlindaji itself.

She had decided to try to visit a shrine....the issue was which one? There were so many, and she wasn't very religious herself. She found each of the shrines rather charming, and many of them had little trinkets left from previous visitors that added to the charm. She had decided to try to find the shrine for the Sun on her own, and promptly got lost. She knew that there were markers along the trails for shrines that were a bit far off (as to give ample room for worship for some of the larger shrines).

A leopard slinked towards the red lioness, his smaller size not dissuading him from approaching her. It was painfully obvious that she wasn't that comfortable around the rocky terrain, paired with the trees that dotted the landscape. Even if she tried to make a move towards the hunter, he could throw himself into the trees with ease. "You're lost," he replied, not bothering to ask the question. "Which shrine is it you are looking for?"

"Ah..." Huolongmai didn't see the leopard at first. " you know I'm lost?" She thought she had been hiding it rather well.

"You look lost," he replied casually, his long tail swaying slowly behind him. "Besides, when you've lived here as long as I have, you know who lives here, and who are just visiting."

The firekin looked (and felt) a bit sheepish. "That makes sense," she replied. "I was wanting to visit a shrine for the Sun; I thought it was in this direction, but I think I wandered a bit off course." The trees all looked the same to her, and she couldn't fathom how one would get used to directions here.

"Just a bit off course," the leopard nodded. "With your red coat, you must be part of that group that stumbled into this quiet place. I am Shimovyo Ndege, a hunter. And at times, and extra set of eyes for the guards." He was certainly looking at her sclae-like patterns on her fur, as much as she was looking at his rounder ears and long, thick tail. Huolongmai was more thrown off at the lack of a mane than anything; it was always the easiest marker to spot males from...any distance.

"Ah...sorry I keep staring. I come from a land with a limited...variety of residents. This has been quite the learning experience, and I probably should have introduced myself to a guide from the beginning so I wouldn't end up lost. I am Huolongmai, of the Motoujamii. I am not sure how much longer we will be here, but I have appreciated the hospitality. It appears to have been quite the culture shock for many of us, and yet so many of you have handled it exceedingly well."

The leopard shrugged. "It is what it is. There is no point in stressing about the things that you cannot change. If we treat those such as yourselves with kindness, we normally receive kindness in return. I have heard of us helpign wary travelers who found themselves lost, but never a group as large as yours. And it is not hard to tell that you and yours are a mixed group, even if you are all lions. There is friction there, as hidden as it may be under the mixed colours of fur." He began to lead her into the direction she wanted to go, only adjusting their path slightly to the right.

Huolongmai nodded. It was obvious, even if there hadn't been any actual fights. At times, it was hard to tell who was in charge, and that always seemed to be the biggest area where egos butted heads. "I'm sure it is like that everywhere," she replied absentmindedly, enjoying the walk next to the leopard. He was smaller than her in size, but he certainly was strong enough to threaten anyone in their group.

"I'm feeling rather inclined to agree," he replied. They exchanged bits of small talk, mainly about the climate differences their homes shared. Huolongmai didn't realize just how widely different climates could be in different regions. Mwezi, the other desert, the mountains, and now here. Thankfully there had been time to adjust to the differences, but there was a large part of her that was ready to return home. Dry heat, warm sands, predictable weather patterns.

"Ah, here you are," Shimovyo said with a nod of his head. The shrine for the Sun was a decense size, warm colours wrapped around the stone that seemed to have a circular marking to mimic the sun's shape. "If you just follow down this trail," he gestured to a small trail to their left, "it will join a larger one and you'll be able to find your way back to the heart of the pride easily. I'm sure a guide will be around here shortly; we've been keeping them busy with your large group."

"Thank you," Huolongmai bowed respectfully, watching the leopard disappear as he walked away. She turned to the shrine, not really knowing what to expect...but it was rather peaceful. Perhaps she could meditate here for a time.

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