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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands
[PRP] Finding what is lost (Ciro/Ngaule/Judeau/Saki)

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Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:05 am
"There you are." Saki said as she hovered towards a branch close to the scruffy raven. "You haven't been back home since you gave the news..." The purple and orange avian settled next to Judeau, but still gave the male his space. Her eyes looked him up and down, unsure what else to really say. He didn't have a reason to stay in the lands, just as she now didn't. Her wing was healed, yet she stayed. When news broke of his death....Saki didn't even know what to do.


Ciro hummed as he walked. The gods and other raven had flew a bit before they had settled back on the ground to continue their mission to locate the gray raven.

"You don't have like..any charm to find him huh?" Ciro asked Ngaule. Right now he felt as if they were on a wild goose (well raven) chase. How were they to locate this bird? Didn't Ngaule know how many birds lived out here. A LOT.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 12:04 pm
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The god of penance did not know how much time had passed since that fateful day. A day, a month, a year, it all felt the same. His friend was gone, murdered, the only mortal he had ever trusted, his best friend. He had warned Ciro about hat pale lion, had told him so many times Kristanf could not be trust, why hadn't Ciro listened to him?!.

Judeau looked up, only barely registering the other raven. If she was expecting some snark or gruff comment, none would come.

"There is nothing there now."

The raven had done as he said he would, he had told Ciro's children what had happened, that he had perished on their last viking. Now, he could no longer bring himself to stay in the lands. It reminded him to much of what had once been, and once he had lost. And then there was....him...

Tears streamed from his eyes, why hadn't he listened...


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"I'm afraid I do not."

Ngaule smiled, she understood Ciro's frustration. It must be difficult to not remember, to know that a piece of who you once were was there, waiting, but not knowing where.

"But I am sure we will find him soon."


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 12:13 pm
Amon Larethian

Saki had not been expecting any kind of snark reaction. She truly felt worried for the raven. She knew he had been closest to the Captain well before she had even entered the picture. The news of his death must have hit him hard, especially if he was there to witness it.

"I'm sorry," She found herself saying, unsure how the raven would react if she were to give him an embrace. She ultimately decided against it.

"You know I am here...just call?" The raven had been watching the male, making sure he was okay. She didn't know how often he had been eating, but seemed to be getting enough sustenance to keep living. She would let the raven have his space, but she would continue to watch from afar.

Saki took off, hearing the conversation of incoming lions nearby.


"This is going to take forever." Ciro groaned. He must've been an impatient creature his last life. He wanted to get things done right now!

"I hope so. I feel like we have been walking forever." It had been a few days, hardly the time frame Ciro was putting himself in.

Above, Anselm made a caw. This caused Ciro to upturn his gaze, spotting another raven flying and landing on a perch. "He's not purple...right?" Ciro commented with a frown.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 1:02 pm
"Thank you."

His voice was quiet, almost a mutter, though the words were genuine. Lost though he was in his own sorrow, the gray raven was grateful to the other, even if they had not exactly gotten along in the past.

He watched her for a moment, a thought that he should tell her she did not have to leave, but the words never came. His head lowered, wings tucked tight against himself. What was he supposed to do now, where would he go? Judeau had never felt so completely...alone, alone and lost.


"Don't be such a cub, it has not been forever."

A playful chuckle as she spoke, a flick of her tail at his nose. Ciro was still thinking of time as a mortal did. He would soon find that time moved differently for deities, and times that mortals thought long often seemed as only moments to to the gods.

"Do these lands bring back any memories?"

Ngaule could see they grew near to the lands of the storm, the familiar rumbles of thunder in the distance.

"Hmm, no, he is not purple, not the last time I saw him. However...."

Her voice trailed off, her gaze shifting toward something else, a familiar shade of gray on a nearby tree. She raised a paw, indicating in the direction of the tree.

"...he is gray."


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:35 pm
Amon Larethian

The lands they were entering felt wet. There was a slight mug to the air, and a roll of thunder somewhere in the distance. Perhaps these were the lands Ngaule had mentioned. "Not really," he found himself saying, frowning as he shook his head. His golden eyes wandered where she pointed out a shade of gray hidden amongst a high perch.

"Think that is him?" Ciro asked from the ground. He didn't wait for an answer from Ngaule, as he found himself shifting to a much smaller, raven form, taking flight towards the tree.

Saki had watched the gods below her with curiosity. When the male had shifted into a bird, her eyes widened as he seemed to be flying right towards Judeau. Oh, no.

The female avian beat her wings as she sped at Ciro. 'Do you hurt him you lion winged thing! Imposter!'

Ciro had made contact with Judeau before Saki could get there. "Are you Judeau?" The flame marked raven asked.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 3:18 pm
Ngaule nodded as they drew closer. A gray raven near the stormlands, it was most likely the raven god of penance.

"I would guess that's him. Should we--"

....go over and say hi to him. The goddess shook her head, she hadn't even gotten the words out before CIro was off. She had hoped to be closer when Ciro was reintroduced to his old friend, she was not sure how Judeau would respond until he realized who the dark raven now perched in his tree was.

The scruffy raven raised his head, a half-hearted glare shot at the dark avian, his every intention to tell the stranger to go away and leave him alone and let him mourn in peace, he was not interested in making new friends.

"How do you know my name?"

Something had made him pause, he did not remember ever meeting such an avian, and yet... Blue eyes narrowed, focused on the familiar flame marking on the raven's chest, Ciro's marking. But how was it on a raven? It could not be his child, though were he not in such a depressed state, Judeau would have thought it not past Ciro to try.

And then a flurry of feathers before he had the chance to ask who the raven was.

"Saki! What--"

Ngaule had quickly closed the distance between them, reaching the group as the purple raven charged. She might have interfered, were she not trying so hard not to laugh.

"No one is going to harm him, I promise you. Judeau, you've gotten better at making friends."


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 3:27 pm
Amon Larethian

"She told me." Ciro pointed to the goddess down below with a cheeky grin on his beak. "Well, she guessed it was you. I just assumed, and you answered it for me so." The dark raven shrugged, golden eyes lighting up. "Hey Ngaule! Look! It didn't take us forever to find him!" The god cawed, grinning lopsided at Judeau.

Saki slowed as Ngaule had said no one was going to harm the gray male. "Yeah? Yeah?" She said hotly. "So says this one who IS NOT WHAT HE SEEMS!" Saki growled through her beak. "He is not a bird Judeau. I saw him change! He's a lion thing." So Saki had yet to meet or see a god before (oh the irony if she were to ever find out if Judeau was one), so what she had seen change was interesting.

Ciro frowned towards the chatty raven. "Ah. I guess cats out of the bag hmm?" The god hovered from his branch, landing on the ground near Ngaule. He rematerialized into his true form, the familiar eyes glancing towards his once friend.

Take away the horns and wings, the once Ciro'mekaitso stood before Judeau. Same smirk and everything on his maw.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:21 pm
"You must be a good friend to defend him so fiercely."

Ngaule smiled at the purple raven, an attempt to reassure her. She was pleased to see Judeau had others who cared for him, she only hoped the scruffy raven saw that himself. At least he wasn't hiding in a cave somewhere all alone, though he did seem scruffier than the last time she'd seen him.

"If Ciro had any intention of harming him, I would not have brought him here."

Judeau's eyes narrowed, his gaze firmly fixed on the dark raven, a raven who was not what he had originally seemed. To the raven god, it was not so unusual to see an avian transform into a god, he himself was a god after all. What was surprising, was how much the god looked like...Ciro.

"Who are you? You look like someone I know, but he died."


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:31 pm
Amon Larethian

Saki found herself shrugging. Her and Judeau had their differences, and although the two hadn't gotten off great at the beginning, she cared for the male, especially after he had lost a dear friend. Saki continued to glare at the god though, her head leaning closer as Ngaule mentioned Ciro's name.

Wait. Ciro? She glanced back and forth between Judeau and the God. "Ciro? Like...Ciro...Ciro?"

"Er...so...fun story," Ciro started, glancing at Judeau. "I uh..get that a lot...You know, looking like someone else. Yadda, yadda. However I guess I am who you think I am? Or...I am who you think I was?" Even his own words were confusing himself.

"I am Asim'a-ciro. God of Raids, or so I've been told by bird brain over there," Ciro nudged his head over towards Anselm, who glared at the comment. "Though, I go back Ciro rather than Asima. It just...sounded better?"  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 5:26 pm
The raven's head tilted, his gaze shifting between Ngaule and the dark god who looked so much like his friend. Ciro? But, how could that be, he had seen his friend die, had watched the life drain from him despite his pleas,. He had done his best to avenge him, but in the end he could not finish it.

His wings outstretched, Judeau fluttered toward the god, settling to perch on the top of his head, his own head twisting to look into the god's eyes, a curious peck at one horn. A hop down to 'Ciro's' back, just strode down his back, as if searching for a sign of his friend beneath the new hide, not quite daring to believe he was who he said he was.

"It is really him, Judeau, he came back. I cannot explain how, but he is here."

She could only suppose that someone must have thought he deserved another chance, that he had more life to live.

Ngaule gave Judeau the best reassuring smile she could. There was no doubt the god was the Ciro they had once known, even without his memories, she could still see the old Ciro in him. Judeau need only need truly look to see that himself.

"It really is you?"

The raven flew from Ciro's back, settling back on the top of his head, nestling into his mane as he had done so often in his past life. Hmm, it felt like....home, like something that had been missing had returned.

"You're still a fluff-head."


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 5:41 pm
Amon Larethian

Ciro went crossed eye as Judeau landed on his head, shifting it back as his head came right into his view. He blinked a few time as the raven continued down his back.

"Yeah, this isn't awkward at all." Ciro stated with a quirked eyebrow, chuckling as the little feet scampered across his back, back towards his head.

"Er...I think so? Or so Ngaule says? And I can't dismiss a pretty face so she must be right." Yep, that was Ciro alright.

Saki watched from above, frowning. How...She didn't even know. She was confused. "So Ciro is alive again?" She questioned from above, watching Judeau take his old spot on Ciro's head, just as he had done in the past.

"Fluff-head? I'm not a fluff-head featherbrains." Same insults from the same. Definitely Ciro.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 7:25 pm
A smirk touched the raven's beak, the first since the day his friend had fallen. Feathers ruffled as he burrowed himself into the new Ciro's mane, reclaiming his favorite perch. Somehow the lion's mane was fluffier than he remembered.

"Watch it fuzzy, I can peck your ears from here."

And don't think he won't Ciro! He should peck you right now for getting yourself killed and leaving him alone! Huff! Ciro and Judeau, together again, and seemingly neither of them had missed a beat.

"Reborn, yes. He has changed, but he will always be Ciro."

The goddess chuckled to herself. It was good to see them together again. Perhaps with the friends reunited, Ciro would find more of his memories and the answers he sought.

A soft smile, Nguale brushed against the dark god, a flick of her tail. New memories, old, they would find and share them together.


Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

[IC] Rogue Lands

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