Samedith lay in his hollow, forelegs crossed, his head laying down on them, staring at the small brightly painted heart Ale had given him. And he fretted, yellow flecks swirling through the normal blue-green of his eyes. What was the purpose of this? Not the stone itself, though he might wonder that too... but more, why? Why did Ale give this to him? Was there some particular reason? Did he now owe Ale a favor or something? What was the point?

Faranie sighed. She had been hoping to get some sleep tonight, but Samedith had been so fretful and confused as of late, she hadn't been able to sleep well. It was obvious to her that he would not be able to solve this puzzle on his own as she had hoped. For as clever as he was, he was somewhat oblivious to emotions and matters of the heart, and simple acts of kindness... Dear Heart, what troubles you so?

FaranieMine, I...I don't, understand...what is the purpose of giving things? And not expecting anything back? Doesn't one need to give something back if given something? What benefit could one get from giving items with no expectation of return? Will they expect something back later down the line or.... He canted his head and looked at her curiously, hoping that she would be able to answer his question and help with the confusion in his hearts.

For her normally confident blue to sound so confused and lost was quite the change. He wasn't one to show weakness to anyone, not even her, so she knew this matter had to have been troubling him greatly. Tossing aside her blankets, she softly tread to the hollow and sat on the ground next to him, shifting against him until he lifted his wing to drape around her to keep the chill from her. There are many times and reasons for the giving of gifts, Dearest Heart. This... this was a gift from a cousin for Turnover. I'm sure all they wanted was your smile and happiness, if indeed they wanted anything.

She gently ran her hands along his face, paying particular attention to the line of his cheeks and his eye ridges. Still his eyes held flecks of yellow, though still fewer than there had been. The poor thing must have been turning himself in knots trying to figure the situation out on his own.There are certain days of the year that Tradition dictates we give gifts to those we care about, just to show we care. Other times, yes, gifts are given with the expectation of gain, and others, are given simply to see the recipient smile, or to lighten their day. Turnover is gone, and so are other reasons for Tradition to dictate a gift, but if you feel like this is something that needs to be addressed, perhaps you should come up with something. Do you know what might make Ale smile?

The yellow slowly receded from his eyes. Now he had some answers, even if he still didn't understand. And he knew if push came to shove, Faranie would make sure he didn't ever look a fool, and he would always do his best to improve their lot. His mind twisted and turned this way and that. He would find the best present ever. Now what would Ale like?

Long awaited/overdue Reactionary solo...
Enjoy the stewing and confusion of little Blue...