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Word Count: 1,287

Saying ‘Goodbye’ to a parent was never easy; not even for a lion as strong and stoic as Iver. He was coming around from a wicked hangover when the news reached him and the words sobered him in an instant. Everything else seemed to come so naturally, he had coordinated the funeral, weighed his father's body down with stones and had him transported to Ginnungagap. A Valkyrie blessed the fallen Jarl and at sunset, the family said farewell to Jarl Thrunn the Savage. Jarl Thrunn the Ruthless. Father.

Iver had done it all without the help of his siblings; who had all picked the most inconvenient moment to go missing? Ulfr and Alvi were on a hunt and heavens knew what Eir was up to. Their father had been sick for some time, they all knew the end was nigh; and in the end - it was Iver who had been the good, diligent son.

Their family dynamic had always been off. Eir was the eldest, the b*****d daughter of the Jarl, made legitimate alongside her brother. Iver was only a cub when they joined their family and never understood why his father had claimed them, beyond perhaps guilt? Eir and Ulfr were rogue-like and savage, left to raise themselves within the lower-classes of the Skiringssal that were only slightly more civilised than the Skadi themselves. And he knew they had Wildling blood too. Thrunn was not the lion to be lead astray by the siren call that sung within the forest.

Regardless of the unfortunate events that had lead to their birth, Iver thought Eir and Ulfr had every reason to be eternally grateful towards their father. The fact the two always acted no nonchalant towards him and their heritage irked him endlessly. The heir sighed, did it really matter anymore? His siblings path had led them deep within the warrior ranks of House Nysno. Iver, on the other paw, had been raised to rule. After his ascension, he doubted he would have little reason to acknowledge his wild siblings.

Maybe he could marry Eir off to one of the Noble Houses? The idea was shamefully tempting. It would make her someone else's headache and no doubt her brother would follow her - Though the older male might try to claim the title of Vegr, he was sure the desire would fade and crumble in his sisters absence. Ulfr was her shadow, a male that was nothing without the guidance of his keeper.

The stormy male jumped up onto the elevated rock to address his House. His ghostly eyes searching for his sisters. Though it seemed Alvi was yet to return. He paused for a moment and then raised his head up high and proud to address those who had gathered before him. It was the moment his whole life had been building up to, what he had been preparing for since cubhood. So when a dark figure cast a long shadow from the entrance of the cave, he felt his heart settle in his throat.

His sister walked towards him without a hint of hesitation, her aura radiating with the confidence and pride she was revered for, but neither earned, Her shoulders rolled and her hips swayed as she walked, jumping up next to him with a grace unexpected form a female of her size and build. Behind her followed the warrior caste of House Nysno. Iver had always been wary of the admiration and loyalty the warriors bestowed on his sister; a worry that had just been justified.

Eir was a large lioness, as large as Iver himself and her sudden intrusion caused a low growl to bubble in his throat. His blue eyes were cold and filled with agitation at how poor her timing was. ”Not so fast, little brother.” Her voice was like honey and she was not in the least bit taken back by Iver’s aggressive body language. As his heckled stood on end she dare step closer to him - look him in the eyes as she spoke. Trying to dominate him even now.

”This throne is not yours to claim.” The grey female added, callus to the fact that their entire family was fathered and watching on with open maws. A crowd would not make her either; in many ways, she basked in the attention an audience gave her. The way the onlookers trapped them both in this moment - there was no running. Not when pride and honor had been brought into question so publically.

It was an insult that made Iver’s blood boil and it took all his efforts not to snap at her. When he found his voice, it was low and threatening. There was no warm to be find; he was no longer addressing his sister - he was addressing a usurper. A fox given lion form. One who threatened to take away everything he had worked for.

“What nonsense is this? This is my birthright. Girl.” He stepped closer to her, their noses almost touching and neither showing any signs of backing away. The air inside the cave was so tense that the audience could not peel their eyes away from the two clashing titans; breath was being held still in anxious lungs.

Though the siblings were speaking quietly, their conversation was easily being carried through the deathly quiet hall.

“This is true, but it is my right to challenge your claim.” She responded - a statement that Iver knew to be true. Eir was his father’s legitimate daughter and could challenge him for the position of Jarl. The realisation on his face was almost comical to the experienced warrior. Iver had always been so poor at keeping his guard up, and he had a face that was read too easy and soured too fast.

“I earned the loyalty of this house long before your mane grew in. I have fought alongside them, shoulder to shoulder, to earn their respect. I am not a sheltered male, born into a position of power, who would just demand it from them.” There was a purr resonating in her throat and lacing her words as she spoke.

Iver was red in the face, stood in front of a crowd who had began to mumble and whisper amongst themselves. How dare she embarrass him, today of all days.. If it was a joke; he would see her thrown into the abyss to sink alongside their fallen father.

“You have never had an interest in the duties of Jarl. You wait until our father's death day to make this challenge?” He had lost his composure, his words cracking like thunder as he addressed the female that he had once looked up to; that he had once wished would be his family. As his sister shrugged and smiled, he knew he would get no explanation, no reason for her actions or sudden challenge.

No explanation why her heart suddenly craved power, a power that belonged to him.

“Is it really going to be a war between us?” Iver asked, his voice a little more than a whisper. It was all that could escape through his clenched jaw. Lavender eyes never left his own, the maiden stood before him like a rock, unmoving and rooted to the spot she had taken. Her expression softened, tilting her head to the side as she addressed him - like he was still an infant stood before her. All to the displeasure of her stepmother who had a face as displeased as her son. Admittedly, she revelled in that - just a touch.

“Oh no, baby brother, not a war. Your knee will bend before father's corpse hits the floor of the ocean”