Uva trotted along the young wild dog was excited. She was on a mission and she was determined. The female had been living in her home pride now for sometime now and under their guidance she had learned a good deal about how to control and use her sight but she had seen that over the years her home was thriving the way it had use to and she was determined to find a way to make it bustle the way it use to. Her pride had made her whole and she wanted to make it whole again. So with that in mind she had set off to get out into the world and see if she could visit other prides, packs and coloitions to see what made them thrive so she could bring ideas back to her home to make all the improvements that she could.

Kaipo was adjusting to the newness around the pack but really it wasn’t that hard. If Kaipo was honest with himself it was a change that had been a long time coming and one that he welcomed whole heartedly.

The blue wild dog moved quickly along the prides edges, normally he spent his time maintaining shrines for the pride but today was a day that he didn’t have much to do so instead he found himself out and about enjoying the long grass and sunshine.

It didn’t take Uva too long before she spotted another wild dog moving in the long grass. She trotted happily towards him excited about her luck. She knew from before she joined her home that there were many others out here. She had travelled from a pride through the rouge lands to Mimi'naona so she hadn’t expected it to be super difficult to find another soul though she also hadn’t thought it would be quite this easy. Smiling she began to gallop towards the other wild dog.

“Hello” she greeted him cheerfully. She wanted to be sure that he knew she was here and friendly. Uva was pretty sure that no one could mistake for for threatening but either way she wanted to be clear of her intentions.

Kaipo turned quickly, he admittedly hadn’t been paying that close of attention to his surrounding and was a little surprised by the sudden appearance of the the black and purple female wild dog. Thankfully she seemed to be sweet and friendly. Upon seeing her smile Kaipo was quick to put his own on. “Hi there” he returned her greeting bowing his head politely. He sized the wild dog up as she approached, she was petite in size and seemed eager to have come across him he wondered perhaps if she had been travelling for awhile and was looking for a new home. Perhaps she could be the first new member of their pack under the new leadership. Kaipo found himself getting a little excited at the idea.

“I am Kaipo.” he told her taking a seat. “Are you lost? Looking for someone?” he asked her his head cocked to one side. He found himself wanting to know more about the female. Though this of course was not a new trait of the wild dog, he was frequently wanting to know more and learn, he could be curious to a fault.

Uva’s smile grew wider when she saw how friendly the male wild dog was. She knew right away this was going to be a great friendship already.

“Hello Kaipo.” Uva greeted him sitting down before him, “I am Uva.” she told him

When the male was so quick to ask her question Uva was unable to hold back a small giggle. She had thought she was going to be the one with all the questions. “I am not lost, but I suppose you could say I am looking for someone…. Or at very least something.” she told him.

“I am hoping to learn.” she told him with a good nod of her head. Her tone had taken a serious note to it now, her mind shifting back to that of her pide and what to do to make it better, the whole goal of her trip. “Are you a part of a pack Kaipo? I come from a pride that isn’t thriving and I need to learn what to do to make it better. I want it to thrive again.” she told him hope filling her eyes.”

Kaipo was surprised by the request that burst from Uva’s lips but at the same time he thought maybe he could help her. “You know what, I am from a pack, and we recently went through a change of leadership. Perhaps if you were willing to stay with us for a little while you could learn some things for you own pride?” he offered to her. If he was truthful he was a little disappointed that this was what the female was looking for he had kind of hoped that he was going to be bringing home the first new member under the new leadership but this would have to do and he would feel good if he could help Uva and her pride that in itself would make Kaipo feel pretty good about himself.

Uva’s face lit up, what Kaipo suggested sounded promising. “Do you think your pack would allow it?” she asked. It sounded like the perfect opportunity, just what she needed. If she could she how they rebuilt then she could have an idea of how to help Mimi'naona!

“I don’t see why not” Kaipo answered eagerly. He jumped up to his feet. “Come on why don’t we head back towards the pack and we can ask around and make sure it’s not a problem and then you can tell me more about your home. He was intrigued to hear all about the place that Uva called home. Maybe one day Kaipo would get to visit it too.

“Okay” Uva said cheerfully raising to her feet to follow the blue male back to his home. For the first soul she met out on her exersion to help the Mimi'naona she counted this a very very successful encounter. If everything on this trip was this successful then she was going to come home with all the knowledge she needed to make Mimi'naona the booming Pride she knew it could be. She let out a sigh of relief maybe she could do this all after all, she could save Mimi'naona just like it saved her.